Celebrate All True Love on Valentine’s Day
by Annie Yorty ©2022
Valentine’s Day. A day looked forward to with dread or anticipation, depending on current romantic status. For those who are attached, hearts flutter at the thought of special time spent with their love. Those who are single may flutter a bit lower in the pit of their stomach at the mention of the holiday. But let’s explore how we can celebrate all true love on Valentine’s Day.
What or Who is Valentine?
Did you know romance was not at the center of Valentine’s Day when it first began? The heart holiday is a commemoration of the life and martyrdom of a real person. Valentine, a doctor and priest, lived a couple hundred years after Christ.
Legends about Valentine vary. One says he treated the sick with little or no pay and prayed for them. He also cut out paper hearts and gave them to persecuted Christians to remind them of God’s love. Another claims he spoke out about a Roman law against marriage for soldiers and secretly married couples who were in love. Eventually, he landed in prison for his belief in God.
But that didn’t stop his love.
While in prison, Valentine preached Christ to the emperor, despite threats against his life if he would not worship Roman gods. He was sentenced to die.
But that didn’t stop his love.
Legend says that while on death row, Valentine met the jailer’s daughter, who was blind, and God restored her sight through Valentine. The two fell in love. Before he was beheaded, Valentine wrote a note to his love, signing it, “From your Valentine.”
This expression of love is still written today.
Celebrate Four Types of True Love
Instead of focusing on just romantic love, let’s consider some ways to celebrate all true love on Valentine’s Day.
God’s Love
But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love (1 John 4:8 NLT).
Any love we have originates from God, who is love. God loves each person He created—that means you—so much that He offers the opportunity to come near to Him through Jesus and enjoy loving fellowship forever. To learn more about how to have that relationship, please read my blog, Receive Christ’s Coming.
Once we receive Christ and come into God’s family, we learn to recognize and appreciate God’s love more each day. Celebrate God’s love by brainstorming all the ways God shows His love to you. Then spend time in prayer thanking God.
Love Between Friends
There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24).
Most of us have friends. But do you have a “through thick and thin” friend? If not, perhaps you first need to ask God to help you become that kind of friend. Quite often, learning to be a reliable friend yields a reciprocal relationship that you, too, can depend on.
If God has blessed you with the love of a real friend, celebrate by writing a note of appreciation to encourage and build them up.
Family Love
Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love. Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding yourselves together with peace (Ephesians 4:2-3 NLT).
Families committed first to God and then one another reflect the love of Christ to the world. Because I didn’t grow up in a family devoted to God, that “perfect” family seemed like a lovely, but unattainable dream. One that always turned into a nightmare when the veil was pulled back. But I’ve since learned while no family is perfect, a lifestyle of humility and gentleness truly does produce secure grace-filled love in families.
If you thank God for the blessing of a God-honoring family, celebrate by making a Valentine meal together and serving one another.
Romantic Love
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged (1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NLT).
So much is packed into these words from the “love chapter.” And they in no way resemble the romance advice offered by commercials and media. The world bombards couples with advice, ranging from raunchy to sappy, most of which is self-serving and unrealistic. But you can achieve godly romantic love by following the Author of all love.
Celebrate your romantic love by putting the other person first. If you are married, make a Valentine plan that’s all about your love’s favorites. If you are single, be patient and kind enough to wait for physical affection until marriage. Though it will require more effort, learn to channel your desires into non-physical words and actions that creatively demonstrate love. Being patient for more will not only honor God but also allow a healthy relationship to develop.
God Originates All True Love
Because God gives us His love, we should celebrate all true love on Valentine’s Day and every day.
Join the conversation:
What are your favorite ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day?
I welcome your comments!
Here is a preview to my guest blog at Living by Design. Click the link below to read the full article.
How to Develop a Gentle Spirit in a Loud and Proud World

By Annie Yorty
“Your beauty should not consist of outward things like elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold ornaments or fine clothes. Instead, it should consist of what is inside the heart with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very valuable in God’s eyes.” 1 Peter 3:3-4 HCSB
I am always drawn to people who exhibit gentleness. Their soothing approach to life contrasts wildly with my own driven personality.
God values a gentle, or meek, spirit. According to the apostle Peter, this inner quality should outshine any outward physical attribute we display.
What God values, He rewards.
Click Here to Read the Full Article

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I love eating out in some fancy restaurant with hubby. And of course, I have to have some sort of chocolaty dessert! 🙂
Annie Yorty
That’s always a winner with me! I hope you have a wonderful celebration of your love for each other.
Katherine Pasour
Your blog is a wonderful message for Valentine’s Day. I enjoyed learning more about Saint Valentine. I especially appreciate your focus on love. Even when we no longer have our special “romantic” love, there are many other ways we can (and should) love. And in this current atmosphere of conflict in our society, we really need to love one another. Happy Valenine’s Day, Annie and family!
Annie Yorty
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, Katherine! Thanks for your kind words. May God flood the nations with grace and mercy through the love of His people.
Barbara Latta
No other love can exceed the love of our heavenly Father. No other love has given all and exhibited unconditional acceptance. Thanks for sharing the history of Valentine’s Day.
Annie Yorty
What reassuring words, Barbara! Thank you for visiting.
Nancy E. Head
As with other holidays that have been secularized, it’s good for us to look back to the origins. Thanks for reminding us that love is about more than candy and flowers.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Nancy. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Candyce Carden
God’s love is the source for all love because God is love. More often than not, it is found in the everyday moments. Thanks for reminding us Valentine’s Day is about much more than romance. Akthough romance has it’s place : )
Annie Yorty
I definitely love a good romance! God is the Author of that love too. I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day.
I had been wanting to look up what St Valentine did. You answered all of my questions. He sounded much like Paul in prison. As always I live all of your suggestions.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Jennifer!