The Way, Truth, and Life
by Annie Yorty
Have you ever tried to navigate in the dark? Maybe you got up at night and didn’t want to wake anyone else, so you groped your way to your destination, touching familiar objects along the way to guide yourself. Before the first Easter morning, we all lived in a state of blindness without the Way, Truth, and Life.
A Child’s Game
When I was a kid, I played the game blind man’s bluff. In this game, which is similar to tag, one person is blindfolded while the others try to avoid being found and tagged by the one who stumbles about in the dark. The ones who can see often come close to the one who is “it” and make noises to distract, taunt, and confuse them.
I remember the maddening feeling of not knowing which way was up, bumping into walls, trying to chase the other players with halting steps. I always felt relieved to take off the blindfold and reorient myself in the light.
Confused about the Way
I wonder if Jesus’ disciples felt a bit like me when I wore that blindfold as they sat with Jesus at the Last Supper before His crucifixion. In those final hours, Jesus sought to allay any fear they would have as His arrest, trial, and crucifixion unfolded. He told them He would leave earth to go and prepare a place for them.
Jesus said, “And you know the way to where I am going” (John 14:4 NLT).
I can imagine the thoughts that probably raced through the heads of the disciples when they heard this news.
Why is Jesus leaving?
What will we do without Him?
How in the world would we know where He’s going?
And how would we possibly find our way there?
They groped in the darkness of their ignorance for an answer, but none came. Finally, one of them blurted out a question.
“No, we don’t know, Lord,” Thomas said. “We have no idea where you are going, so how can we know the way?” (John 14:5 NLT)
With His next statement, Jesus removed their blindfolds.
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6 NLT)
Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life
In the coming days as we prepare our hearts to celebrate Easter, let’s meditate on the three little words Jesus used to name Himself.
The Way
When we think of finding a destination, we consult a map or GPS for a set of directions to show us which steps to take to avoid getting lost. We sometimes say Jesus shows us the way. And He does guide our path in life by His Word, which is a lamp to our feet (Psalm 119:105). But Jesus goes further in His statement to His disciples—and to us.
Jesus doesn’t simply show the way to union with His Father. He is the way. He’s not a signpost with an arrow pointing in the right direction. He is the One who takes us to our destination.
Notice also that Jesus is not one of many ways. He says He is THE way. His absolute statement rules out the world’s myth that we have options other than Jesus to be accepted by God.
As we celebrate Easter, let’s pause and examine our hearts. Are we choosing an alternative to Jesus as the Way for any area of our lives? Perhaps we have settled into reliance on our spiritual routines, good deeds, or church attendance instead of Him.
The Truth
In our postmodern culture, we often hear truth bandied about as something malleable, something we can mold to our own perceptions. In Jesus’ time, Pontius Pilate also scoffed at the idea of absolute truth when he asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38).
Despite the world’s attempt to distort truth, it is a constant. The Bible describes the Word of God as truth that is eternal and unchanging (Psalm 119:89, John 17:17). Also known as the Word, Jesus is the Truth.
Jesus doesn’t simply tell the truth. He is the truth—constant and eternal.
Might there be any part of your life that is not informed and motivated by Truth? When we believe and act according to Truth, the light of Jesus shines out of us into the world. With His help, we accurately reflect Truth by our words and deeds.
The Life
Many people Jesus encountered during His time on earth focused on physical realities—things like hunger, sight, and thirst. The fact that they had physical life caused them to ignore the dead condition of their spirits. Jesus patiently responded to them with questions designed to reveal their significant spiritual needs.
We owe our physical existence to Jesus. He created us and puts breath in our lungs each day. But our bodies will wear out even as our spirit continues into eternity. When we depend on Jesus as our Savior, He resurrects our spirits from the grave of sin. He puts His living Spirit within us for all eternity.
In this Holy Week as you contemplate the sacrifice of Jesus that makes you full of eternal life, take time to worship and thank Him.
Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. #annieyorty #waytruthlife #fromignorancetobliss Share on XNo Longer Blind to the Way, Truth, and Life
Jesus told His disciples they could know for sure where they were going. Their blindfolds were removed, and their eyes could see. From that day forward, they no longer fumbled about in darkness.
Do you know where you’re going? When we receive Jesus as our Way, Truth, and Life, He gives us a new identity—child of God. Our destination? A place of perfect belonging in Father God’s presence. On the night He was arrested, Jesus discussed us with His Father.
Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began! (John 17:24 NLT)
Friends, Jesus sits at the right hand of His Father (Romans 8:34). Jesus says we can abide, or remain, in Him even while we live on earth (John 15:4). And He assures us our home with Him in heaven is secure throughout all eternity.
Join the conversation:
How will you celebrate the Way, the Truth, and the Life this Easter?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty

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Yvonne Morgan
This post stirs up my heart to yell “hallelujah.” He is the way, truth and light so we don’t have to fumble around in this dark world. I would be so lost without his guiding light. Beautiful message Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Yvonne. I shout “hallelujah” with you!
Debbie Wilson
I’m so thankful Jesus found me and showed me the way, the truth, and the life. I look forward to the place He has prepared for me. Thank you, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Amen, Debbie. I look forward to being there with you one day.
Linda Goldfarb
“They groped in the darkness of their ignorance for an answer.” Oh, such a powerful statement and so true for present day seekers.
Easter was a quiet time of reflection shared with my hubby. We anticipate Passover and look forward all Father will bring our way.
I totally enjoyed your post, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Linda. We never need to dread what Father brings to us. His way is always for our good. Blessings to you!