easter poem
General,  God's Person

Easter Poem

easter poem
by Annie Yorty

Legends of the white-blossomed Easter lily abound. Scripture refers several times to the bloom but does not corroborate the tales. Nevertheless, the Bible says God’s creation sings His praise. I hope you enjoy this Easter poem written from the lily’s perspective that celebrates God’s redemption through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and resurrection.

The Easter Lily

Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these (Luke 12:27 NASB 1995).

Some say I grew there at the beginning,

Scattered in the Garden by God’s Word, flat slender leaves

Waving, velvet ivory trumpets declaring

The praises of Almighty Creator God.


Some say I heard quiet conversations

As man walked with Maker down plush paths of grasses,

Rustling. At home, fully known and loved, satisfied

By the presence of blessed Trinity.


Some say I saw stealthy Evil lurking,

Slithering through paradise to lure woman away,

Preying. Hearts’ discontent their downfall into

Sin, shame, hiding, toil, breaking bonds with God.


Some say I died that day, tho’ secret life stored

In Eve’s tears fell. Heav’n and earth rent by angel’s sword,

Flaming. Sorrow spilled to soil . . . still, dormant, waiting

For mercy to sprout new life toward the sun.


Some say I wept in Gethsemane, my

Perfume anointing the Savior—prostrate, praying,

Pleading. “Take this cup from me, yet not My will, but

Yours.” Precious Lamb of God paying for sin.


Some say I watched from the foot of the cross,

Where Messiah hung forsaken, rejected, scorned,

Suffering. Covered in shame as His lifeblood drained,

Soaking the soil. He cried, “It is finished!”


Some say I danced beside the empty tomb

As God triumphed o’er death. Mary sought her Savior,

Weeping. At His voice she leapt for joy into His

Arms, freed from sin, at peace with God, forgiven.


Jesus said behold my beauty, more glorious than

Solomon’s riches. So long decaying in dirt,

Waiting. Then whispers my Lord, “Rise up, come alive.”

Quickened and pure, hope blooms, straining heavenward.


Easter says, “Are you burdened and weary?”

Broken, in bondage, oppressed by your shame . . . yet still . . .

Hoping? Come to Jesus; He’s reopened the door

To paradise, new life, home forever.

Are you burdened and weary? Broken, in bondage, oppressed by your shame . . . yet still . . . hoping? #hopeinjesus Click To Tweet

Join the conversation:

How does the beauty of flowers at Easter contribute to your appreciation of Chris’s sacrifice?

I welcome your comments!

Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

From Ignorance to Bliss

From Ignorance to Bliss:

God’s Heart Revealed Through Down Syndrome

What do you do when life comes at you sideways? Try to jump out of the way? Go with the flow? Resist, attempting to get it back on the straight and narrow? From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed Through Down Syndrome demonstrates how God uses the unexpected in life to grow and change those who are willing.

With refreshing candor, Annie Yorty invites readers into her journey, in which she has attempted all of the above, as mom to Alyssa, who has Down syndrome.

Readers receive inspiration and hope through a transparent dive into real life with Alyssa. Including a chapter written by Alyssa herself, From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed through Down syndrome offers stories of God’s faithfulness from before diagnosis and birth through adulthood. It is filled with humor, poignance, and practical insights relevant to all.


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