The Measure of Our Love
by Annie Yorty
In Are You Good Enough, we considered God’s unconditional love for us. Now let’s turn the tables and think about the measure of our love for God.
I recently went to a make-it, take-it type store where they provide wood and stencils and space for you to paint a sign or other creation. One of the options was a set of Valentine blocks with the message, “I love you more.” It reminded me of silly, sweet talks with my honey.
“I love you,” I’d say to my hubby.
“I love you more,” he’d reply.
“No, I love YOU more.” And so the flirtation went, back and forth. (Don’t judge us 😊)
— This sappy interlude has been brought to you by Valentine’s Day, 2023 —
Have you measured your love for God lately? Share on XTruth be told, it’s not so easy to measure love.
The Measure of God’s Love for Us
Apostle Paul lays out a bit of a conundrum about the love of God.
And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. (Ephesians 3:18-19 NLT)
Paul said that all people should be able to understand the full measure of God’s love—length, width, height, depth. Yet in the next sentence, he declared it to be incomprehensible.
I’ve heard it said the measure of God’s love is the length of Jesus’ arms stretched out on the cross. Though we may not be able to grasp all of God’s love expressed in the sacrifice of Jesus with our finite human minds, Paul reassured us that we can still experience its fullness by knowing Christ.
The Measure of Our Love for God
While God’s love boggles our minds, Jesus provided an understandable method of measuring our love for God.
Those who accept my commandments and obey them are the ones who love me. (John 14:21a NLT)
We measure our intangible love for God by our tangible actions—knowing and obeying God’s commandments. Jesus summarized them for the Pharisees and for us.
Jesus replied, “’You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. ‘A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Matthew 22:37-39 NLT)
I admit my heart is prone to resist loving anyone other than myself. But God gives His Spirit to dwell in our hearts with power that overcomes self-centeredness.
So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves. (Galatians 5:16 NLT)
By submitting to the Holy Spirit, we can exhibit the fruit of true love to God. We can obey God’s commands. That’s how God measures our love for Him.
Have you measured your love for God lately?
On Valentine’s Day, we often focus on buying cards or gifts to express love to a spouse, children, or friends. Why not also spend some time writing a valentine to the Author and Initiator of love? Express your commitment, by the help of the Bible and the Holy Spirit within you, to obey God’s commands to wholeheartedly love Him and to love people.
I hope we can all agree that our love for God will never measure up to God’s love for us. God always wins the “I love you more” contest. But He gladly accepts when we offer the full measure of our love to Him.
Join the conversation:
Let’s praise God together by sharing at least one way God has expressed His love to you.
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

Are You Good Enough?

Perfect Love
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So glad for our friendship!!!
Annie Yorty
Me too! God is good to us!
Nancy E. Head
May we love Him well. How wonderful that He will always love us more. Thanks, Annie. God bless!
Annie Yorty
So true, Nancy. I am humbled to know that the only love I can give is from God Himself. Blessings to you!
Annie Yorty
So true, Nancy. I am humbled to know the only love I can give is from God Himself. Blessings to you!
Katherine Pasour
When I ask myself the question of measuring my love for God, I come up short. The Bible and the sacrifice of Jesus for us clearly shows our Father’s love for His children. But my pitiful actions? Trying to love others, but putting my needs first? Trying to serve others, but begrudging their unwillingness to return the love? I’ve not been strong enough or faithful enough. But God…He hasn’t given up on me and continues to help me try. Thank you, Annie, for asking the hard questions.
Annie Yorty
We’re in a constant battle against our flesh. Thank God He loves us regardless of our success or failure on any given day. He is constant. He also constantly pours His love into us so we have something to give. Thanks for visiting, Katherine.
J.D. Wininger
Oh, how you have me thinking this morning Ms. Annie. Ms. Diane and I “flirt” with SHMILY notes. I find them eveyrwhere (the barn, my pickup, the UTV, my laptop bag, desk drawer, on and on). Our wedding rings are inscribed with “One Day More”, and we tell each other (mostly me these days) when I’m headed out the door to leave, “I love you enough”. Do I do these things with my first love though? Do I do these things with God? Great questions to ask my friend.
One that I have for you to consider is, “Does love compel you to not?” Are there things you don’t do, or at least shouldn’t do, because of the love you have for someone?”
Annie Yorty
I’m glad we’re not the only silly ones, J.D. You ask thought-provoking questions. Will you be writing on that subject one of these days? I can say off the top of my head the answer is yes, but the question deserves more thought. Blessings to you!
Yvonne Morgan
My husband sends me little love text each morning even when we sit in the same room and I love it. And I see my love notes from God in my daily Bible reading. I am so thankful for His love. Thanks Annie
Annie Yorty
So cute! And God’s love notes are the best. We can always be sure of His feelings toward us if we’ll open the Book. Thanks for stopping by.
Jeff or Sweetie
Still loving you more with each day together. You truly have been a blessing to me over the years and an inspiration to so many others. Love you forever.
Annie Yorty
Love you more! 😊
Jeannie Waters
Annie, as humans, we tend to think of how God and others love us. I’d been thinking about my love for God lately and appreciate the Scripture and comments you included. His love is immeasureable and constant. Although ours fails, His Word in your post encouraged me today. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
God’s Word never fails, does it, Jeannie? Thank you for visiting and adding your insights to the conversation.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks Annie for those thoughts. I rather liked the challenge of turning the tables. I especially appreciated John 14:21. Good truth to consider!
Annie Yorty
When we stop and truly consider the amazing love God gives, our natural response should be obedience. When I find myself straying, I know I need to get my view of God’s love back into alignment. Thanks for visiting, Sylvia.
Jen Knight
His love does boggle my mind. There is no way to truly grasp the power and magnitude of it. Wonderful post.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Jen. Imagine how we’ll continue to grow in understanding God’s love throughout all eternity.