Blessing in the Detour
by Annie Yorty ©2022
Anyone who has lived for more than a few years knows that detours happen in life. But does God always show up with blessing in the detour?
A Shocking Message
Imagine if you heard the message that you, and everyone like you, should never have been born? What would it do to your self-worth? Would you feel secure—or at risk?
We know from history that this ideology directed toward certain people groups ended with eugenics programs that killed millions.
the practice or advocacy of controlled selective breeding of human populations (as by sterilization) to improve the population’s genetic composition (Merriam-Webster).
A Blessed Decision
This week after SCOTUS announced the decision to send the abortion question back to the states for legislation, Alyssa heard a pundit on a major network announce that members of her family have disabilities, including Down syndrome. Alyssa’s delight at hearing about a person with Down syndrome abruptly changed to dismay and confusion when she understood the message.
The woman lamented the disability diagnoses, saying that the family members of these children considered suicide because they are so difficult to raise. She concluded with a passionate call for the right to choose to abort such children before birth.
Alyssa has known of this commonly held belief for years. It never gets easier to hear.
I wonder if the commentator would speak these appalling words directly to Alyssa. I couldn’t help but also wonder what her family thinks of her outburst.
Would pundits speak their appalling death wish directly to a person with Down syndrome? Share on XIn case you’re wondering, most people with Down syndrome and many other disabilities are cognitively able to understand this devastating message.
My mama’s heart breaks for Alyssa’s wounded heart. She’s done nothing to deserve such contempt.
If the commentator’s portrayal of her family’s attitude was accurate, I hope they have now moved past their initial feelings to a more joyful outlook.
Unexpected Detour
It’s not uncommon for parents to initially grieve when they receive a shocking diagnosis. We all hold expectations about our children, most of them unconscious.
It can take some time to adjust to changes. But everyone I know has grown to appreciate the gift of parenting a child who is differently abled.
Children are a Blessing
God created our children—those with and without disabilities. He places them in our families to accomplish His good purposes in our lives.
Behold, children are a gift of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them; they will not be ashamed when they speak with their enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:3-5 NASB)
I’m not suggesting that raising a child with disabilities is easy. It’s not. But easy isn’t usually best.
Exciting Announcement
God used Alyssa in my life to reveal Himself to me. That’s the subject of my upcoming book, From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed Through Down Syndrome.
In this book, I invite you into my journey in which God transformed me from a young mom who didn’t know much about Him into one who can trust Him in any circumstance.
Your Help Is Needed
I also welcome you to my publishing journey. Please sign up here to receive occasional update emails about my book’s progress and other published work. Invite your friends, especially those in the disability community, to come to my website and sign up as well. The more, the merrier!
We need to get the word out so it becomes unacceptable to talk about people with disabilities with such scorn.
Follow the Blessing Detour
Alyssa’s diagnosis of Down syndrome was a sharp detour in the road of my life. Imagine if I had eliminated her and continued going straight off the pavement instead of navigating the turn. In ending her beautiful life, I would have headed straight over a cliff.
You’ve probably had some twists and turns in your path as well. Instead of trying to avoid them, buckle up and hang on to God. Perceive what He’s accomplishing through them.
Join the conversation:
How has God blessed you on a detour from your regularly planned life?
I welcome your comments!

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Nancy E. Head
We are very reluctant to follow the detours. Thanks for encouraging us to go with the flow. God bless!
Annie Yorty
So true, Nancy. May God increase our faith to go around the blind corners. Thanks for visiting!
Jeannie Waters
If we simply valued life as God does, we’d offer the love He shares with everyone. I’m glad God loves us in spite of our different abilities. Your post is beautiful, Annie and leads us to love in word and deed.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Jeannie. It’s really pretty simple, isn’t it? Love God and love others.
J.D. Wininger
Oh, how many times has the detours in my life shown me beauty I would have missed on my regular path. Loved this post Ms. Annie. I’ve long believed, as a former coach and volunteer with Special Olympics, that the people I know with Down Syndrome are blessings. It seems that God removed hatred, jealousy, greed, and angst and replaced it with equal portions of love, peace, and joy because those are the things that overflow from these wonderful folks. To Miss Alyssa: I’m so sorry that you had to see the ugly side of this world young lady. It certainly isn’t reflective of everyone; and it does not reflect our creator God, who made you perfect in your way. God’s blessings ladies; and enjoy the detours of life God allows us to grow in.
Annie Yorty
J.D., it’s nice to learn you have volunteered with Special Olympics too. We, too, have been blessed to be part of this organization and the lives of so many people who reflect the glory of God. You are right to refocus on the ones God puts in our lives who value Alyssa. We are so thankful.
Candyce Carden
My heart breaks for Alyssia and so many others. I know how special these special children are. Thank you for bringing light to this situation and big wishes for a successful book launch. It’s a message many need to hear.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Candyce. As J.D. mentioned, there are so many who bless us with love and acceptance. That’s where we try to focus when we’re disappointed or hurt.
Barbara Latta
“Imagine if you heard the message that you, and everyone like you, should never have been born? What would it do to your self-worth? Would you feel secure—or at risk?” The people fighting for the right to kill never think of anyone but themselves or the power they want to feel. They don’t think about the fact that their parents didn’t abort them. Blessings on your upcoming book!
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Barbara. I wonder if people just assume that those with disabilities can’t understand these messages. And it is perplexing when you consider the logic of their message of death. As you say, they’re enjoying the life their mothers chose for them.
Katherine Pasour
Detours involve change and change is hard at any age, especially change that turns our lives upside down. But as you point out, those detours often become blessings. As many others have commented, I am so sorry that your sweet Alyssa saw that painful video. It never continues to amaze and deeply sadden me that people can be so cruel. I pray for Alyssa’s peace while I also pray for those who speak such harsh and painful messages–that they may recieve God’s love and thus learn to love others. I look forward to your book! I follow your blog already–will that sign me up for updates? If not, please sign me up. The link you included was not live for me to click on. Wishing you a blessed holiday weekend.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much for your prayers, Katherine. That means a lot. I join you in praying for those who say such harsh messages. They have deep spiritual needs only God can meet. Thanks also for alerting me to the problem with the link. I think I’ve now corrected it. But you should get updates since you’re following the blog. Blessings!
Debbie Wilson
Annie, it breaks my heart that Alyssa heard those cruel words. Bless you both and your book!
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Debbie!
Leigh DeLozier
What a terribe thing for you and Alyssa to experience, but what a blessing that you were with her when it happened so you could immediately remind her of how loved and precious she is. I’m sure your story will teach and bless so many others. Congratulations on it!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Leigh. There are some harsh messages in this world that we all need to guard our hearts against in Christ Jesus.
Yvonne Morgan
I am learning to trust and even enjoy the detours that Christ gives me. Thanks for sharing
Annie Yorty
Yvonne, that’s wonderful. I’ve found that to be quite a learning process. Thanks for visiting!
My heart goes out to Allysa for having to hear that. I pray she and others never have to hear that again. I also pray your upcoming book makes it into the right hands and changes many hearts.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Jen. Despite these hurtful statements, God has blessed us.