Friendship with God
by Annie Yorty ©2022
If you’re a parent, or if you were ever a kid, then you know how friendship ups and downs impact thinking, mood, and even emotional well-being. Adults, too, experience instability in friendships. Can the same be said of friendship with God?
I remember the day early in September of my third-grade year when Leann, my best friend the prior year, moved on to other pastures. She callously informed me and ran off to swing in the sunshine with her new besties. In abject misery, I slumped in the shadows against the cold stone wall of the school, so engrossed in my loss that I completely missed the whistle to line up and go indoors at the end of recess. Sometime later I came to my senses and straggled into my classroom. Mrs. Miller was not pleased.
How do we typically find our friends? Friend relationships usually arise out of commonalities—interests, a neighborhood, work, personality type, and other intersections.
God’s Acceptance
But what similarities do flawed mortals have with immortal, holy God? The Bible puts it another way. “What does light have in common with darkness” (2 Corinthians 6:14b NASB)?
God spoke some surprising words to his prophet, Isaiah, back in Old Testament times. After explaining in detail the greatness of His unchanging character and creative power, God calls Abraham, and by extension all his offspring, His friend.
“But you, Israel, My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, Descendant of Abraham My friend, you whom I have taken from the ends of the earth and called from its remotest parts, and said to you, ‘You are My servant, I have chosen you and have not rejected you. (Isaiah 41:8-9 NASB)
Boy, talk about a game-changer! By way of a miniscule human comparison, I offer another scenario involving school friendship. Imagine the most popular cheerleader in high school choosing the mousiest nobody to join her clique. When little Miss Nobody joins the inner circle, she belongs. She seems more beautiful. She walks with confidence and smiles easily. Everyone remarks on her new identity.
Who Chooses Whom?
Only God can bring you into His friend circle. It happens only by His choice through Jesus, His Son.
You didn’t choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name. (John 15:16 NLT)
Let that beautiful truth sink in.
God. Chose. You.
Because He unfailingly loves you, He did not, and will not, reject you. Ever. You belong to Him. As a friend of God, your identity attaches to the greatness of His character. Do you perceive the difference in who you are as a result of your placement in the inner circle with God?
As a friend of God, your identity attaches to the greatness of His character. Share on XFurther, Jesus tells a purpose and provision that goes along with His gracious choice to make you His forever friend. By His power and His name, we can produce “fruit”—good works—with eternal impact. When we ask in Jesus’ name, He makes us world-changers.
How does being chosen for friendship with God change your attitude when. . .
The world seems to be falling apart?
Random hatred and violence increase?
You’re plugging away at work?
Finances don’t meet the need?
A million everyday tasks overwhelm you?
You’re hurting?
Chronic illness steals your enthusiasm and energy?
Cancer strikes?
A beloved child strays from the family?
A friend rejects you?
Your spouse dies?
You feel hopeless?
Friendship with God brings His presence into every situation you face.
God lavishes love, care, compassion, and power on you to meet your needs. He elevates you in victory, just as He raised His own Son, Jesus, from death.
How do you respond to friendship with God?
Maybe you’re not even sure that God sees you as His friend. Find your place to start by reading Steps to Peace with God.
For those who count God as friend, will you invest the time to know Him better? Do you welcome Him— and watch for Him—throughout your days’ activities?
You can count on friendship with our unchanging God. He never fails to secure you in His inner circle.
Join the conversation:
Will you encourage others who may feel doubt by sharing how you count on friendship with God?
I welcome your comments!

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J.D. Wininger
There’s something special about being picked, chosen, selected, elected, or enjoined isn’t there Ms. Annie. And when I think upon the fact that God chose me before He laid the foundations of the world, I am awed by his awesome love. Perhaps I shouldn’t be, since He is the Creator of love, but I’m often overwhelmed to know that He is my friend, and He loves me in spite of my many flaws. Loved this post ma’aam. I’ve been contemplating this verse for several days this week, and God used you to deliver a confirming message to me today. Thank you and God’s blessings ma’am.
Annie Yorty
J.D., that warms my heart. Thank you for sharing how God used the words He gave me to affirm you. I, too, can hardly grasp that God would go to such lengths to bring us into friendship. It cost Him more than we can imagine, and I’m so grateful.
Katherine Pasour
I remember those days of being “unfriended” long before it became a possibility on social media. As pre-teens and teenagers, being deserted by those we thought were true friends was painful indeed. I’m so thankful that our Father is always faithful and trustworthy. He’ll never desert us for someone else because He loves us all with an amazing love, far beyond our comprehension. We are chosen! And in reponse, He only asks for our love and commitment to Him. In return, we are forever His.
Annie Yorty
That’s right, Katherine, we always belong with God.
Nancy E. Head
God is the one friend who understands and accepts us while prodding us to be more like Him. Such a best friend. Thanks, Annie. God bless!
Annie Yorty
He loves us unconditionally and wants us to be all the best things that He knows we can be in Him. Thank you for visiting, Nancy!
Terri Miller
How wonderful to know that God is my friend. It seems so unlikely given who he is and who I am. Like the psalmist I wonder “What is man that you are mindful of him?” Yet, he proved he devotion by laying down his life for me! Thank you for this beautiful reminder.
Annie Yorty
You point out such a beautiful truth, Terri! Let us live in His love and friendship. Thank you for visiting!
Barbara Latta
The closer we draw to God, the less we will depend upon the opinions of others. If children and young people could get this, they could avoid so much of the despair over bullying and feeling as if their lives don’t matter. This is such an important topic. Thanks for sharing, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Excellent point, Barbara. Parents have a unique opportunity and responsibility to teach their children the truth.
Candyce Carden
Such a warm and encouraging post. Thank you. I grew up singing the beautiful hymn “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” It took me a few years of adult life to fully grasp its meaning.
Annie Yorty
I haven’t thought about that hymn in quite a long time, Candyce. I loved it too. Come to think of it, as a child I never really considered the depth of the words either, but I believed it. Praise God for how He plants seeds in us that can bloom as we mature.
Sylvia Schroeder
I can remember the same rejection from my best friend Patty in third grade. Love the thought that Jesus chose me. All of eternity will not be enough to thank Him!
Annie Yorty
Isn’t it true that in those lonely seasons of life we’re more apt to realize the depth of our friendship with God? Praise Him! Thank you for visiting, Sylvia.
Yvonne Morgan
What a true blessing to know God picked me. Thanks for the wonderful message Annie
Annie Yorty
Yvonne, thank you for your encouragement. It’s wonderful to belong to God’s family through Jesus.
Debbie Wilson
Reading in 1 Cor. 3 today, I was struck by how the Christians in Crointh wanted to belong to certain groups. I ‘m from Paul. I’m from Apolos. Paul said, you belong to Christ and Christ belongs to you! Your post echos that truth. What we have in Christ fills the holes in our lives.
Annie Yorty
Great point, Debbie. We always remember that we belong to Christ first and foremost. Thanks for visiting!
I love what you said “When we ask in Jesus’ name, He makes us world-changers.” I am holding onto this as I pray for needed miracles.
Annie Yorty
Jen, I pray for you to experience God’s miracles too. Hang in there with Him and He’ll make you thrive in whatever circumstance you land. Blessings!