Best Day Ever
by Annie Yorty
This week I passed GO in the journey of life. In Monopoly, you receive $200 when you round that corner on the board. In life, what comes your way when you pass 60? Are your best days behind you?
A Special Guest
On my birthday, I imagine a special guest at my party. He would never miss the chance to celebrate His little girl whom He created. He stands at the head of the table. His eyes dote on me. His voice sings His delight to me. I bask in His presence and unfailing love.
Surely, this is one of the best days of my life.
A Bible verse inspires my awareness of my Father:
The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17 NIV)
You know, He sings over you too. Can you picture it?
My Birthday Activities
My celebration spanned several days this week. On Sunday, my sweet hubby instigated a surprise party with friends. I knew they were coming, but I didn’t know we were celebrating ME. We had lots of cake, and I received a bouquet of sunflowers (yes, in the middle of winter!), cards, some just-for-fun gifts, and tasty treats. Best of all was the laughter and joy around the table.
When the time came, a friend lit the gold candles (just twelve, thank goodness) on one of the two cakes. Everyone sang “Happy Birthday,” and Alyssa helped me blow out the flames. Three flickered back to life, and we put them out again. Uh-oh. Let’s not start any boyfriend rumors. I only have one, and I happen to be married to him.
Over the next few days, I enjoyed more special surprises:
I slept in one morning.
My dear Siberia missionary friend from Texas called me (even though she was in the middle of moving to a new home).
My friends had a cake for me at Bible study on Monday evening. (Cake is now coming out of our ears and packing on my hips.)
I presented a message to a group of octogenarians to encourage them to tell their stories of God.
I read and enjoyed every text and message on social media.
In a Zoom meeting, my writer friends prayed a birthday blessing over me.
Alyssa and I played several rousing games of Nertz.
My friend, Dawn, serenaded me by playing “Happy Birthday” on the accordion, which she just happened to have handy during our Zoom meeting. How many people can say that?
• My family took me out for steak dinner. When the staff came to sing to me, I declined to sit on the leather saddle they wheeled over to the table. (Now that I’m sixty, I need to consider my dignity, right?)
Jesus sings over you. Can you picture it? The best day is yet to come. #bestdays #annieyorty #fromignorancetobliss Share on XMy Best Day Birthday Gifts
Today is definitely one of the best days for my feet. My son gave me an amazing Shiatsu foot massager with heat and a remote control. My tootsies are happy to report It now has a permanent home under my desk.
Heavenly Father has some sweet gifts for me too. First, a promise—
Even to your old age I will be the same, and even to your graying years I will carry you! I have done it, and I will bear you; and I will carry you and I will save you. (Isaiah 46:4 NASB)
We never know what circumstances might be around the corner, but God assures me I’m always carried in His strong and dependable arms. He has strength enough to carry you too.
Here’s another neat gift we can look forward to as the years pass.
The glory of the young is their strength; the gray hair of experience is the splendor of the old. (Proverbs 20:29 NLT)
Every age has its benefits and purposes. I’m moving into an age where gray hair signifies wisdom that comes from a lifetime of experiences with God. I hope that applies even to those women whose hair gets a little color boost from their stylists. 😊
Whatever your age, whether your prowess comes from wisdom or brawn, use your gifts for the glory of God.
Best Day Ever
“This is the best day ever!” That’s my conclusion about my birthday week. Yes, I know a week is seven days. I haven’t lost my marbles yet. (Well, maybe just one or two.) I’m grateful for each gift and good wish I received, and even more thankful for the friends who gave them.
Yesterday, a like-minded friend wrote a message to me that I usually tell others on their birthdays.
The best is yet to come.
Yes, a day is coming when my belief that Jesus sings over me will be confirmed by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). What a glorious day that will be.
Friends, no matter how good—or bad—today is, we always have hope of the truly Best Day Ever. The day we see our Lord and Savior face to face.
Join the conversation:
What do you anticipate most on that Best Day Ever?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty

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Nancy E. Head
Happy birthday, Annie! Enjoy every day! God bless!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Nancy. Blessings to you!
J.D. Wininger
Now, that Day will be the best day ever, won’t it my friend? Sure sounds like you’ve had a week full of pretty good ones, but the best is yet to come. Can’t wait to see you there my friend.
Annie Yorty
I had a wonderful week, J.D. But I sure do look forward with you to that Day to come. Nothing will compare. The family reunion will be awesome!
Connie Wohlford
Annie, I’m glad you had such a wonderful birthday.
Our best gift is the unfailing love of our Heavenly Father, which you continue to spread so beautifully.
Happy Birthday to you!
Annie Yorty
Thank you for your encouragement, Connie. Blessings!
Katherine Pasour
I’m so glad you had a wonderful birthday, Annie. I enjoyed hearing about your week and all the love your family and friends shared with you. Keep celebrating! I agree-the — the best is yet to come.
Annie Yorty
Can’t wait! And knowing friends like you will be in that future make it even better.
Heidi Vertrees
Birthday blessings, Annie! I am sorry I didn’t know about it’s coming, to tell you sooner. Thank you for sharing how much fun you had! I love those Bible verses too.
Annie Yorty
It was a great week. Thank you for your kind wishes, Heidi!
Yvonne Morgan
Happy birthday Annie. Sounds like a wonderful celebration of a special person. God bless.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Yvonne. It was indeed a special time. Blessings to you!