Out of Balance
by Annie Yorty
God designed us to live within His spacious boundaries. Yet we often find ourselves straying across the lines and throwing our lives out of balance.
Persistent Pests
I have a love-hate relationship with squirrels. Part of me loves their tenacity, their bold and clever pursuit of the tasty treats I put out to draw birds to my feeder. They seem willing to go to almost any lengths to gobble the seeds. I know this because I’ve tried—and failed—to outwit them many times.
My Google search history proves the tactics I’ve employed to deter them. I’ve moved the feeders away from trees or anything they could use as a springboard to leap onto the feeder. Incidentally, did you know even “regular” squirrels can “fly?” I have also greased the pole of my shepherd’s hook. That works for a while, but the little buggers keep trying until the grease wears off.
Then I bought a feeder with little doors that close over the holes when anything heavier than a couple ounces lands on it. Great in theory, but my bushy-tailed adversaries learned to knock the feeder around and spill the seed onto the ground.
My favorite feeder design is the one that is weight-activated, even if for no other reason than entertainment value. The critter’s weight causes the perch to rotate. It manages to hold on to the wildly spinning food tray longer than you would think, but eventually a law of physics kicks in. The squirrel loses its balance and flips to the ground.
Did I mention I somewhat admire those pesky rodents for their perseverance?
Any strength taken to an extreme becomes a weakness because it leads away from dependence on God. Share on XI know one of my gifts from God is perseverance. That’s probably the one universal comment I’ve heard from those who have read my book, From Ignorance to Bliss. God wired me with this strength to equip me to shine for Him through my life experiences.
I’ve always said any strength taken to an extreme becomes a weakness because it leads away from dependence on God. Today, I publicly confess that I have entered the red zone of extreme and lost my balance in life. Like my furry seed-snatching nemesis, I have been flipped head over heels.
My Out of Balance Story
A little over two years ago, when God led me to a ministry of writing and speaking for Him, I entered an uncharted territory in my life. I knew almost nothing about this industry, but I threw myself into learning and writing.
Since then, I wrote the aforementioned book, From Ignorance to Bliss, about knowing God better through the unexpected twists and turns in life. Then I started the blog you’re reading, Perceive God, to offer weekly encouragement to become aware of God at work in both the mundane and magnificent.
God has also provided numerous opportunities to write for other publications, both online and in print. I have contributed to several books, and I write articles every month for Crosswalk. My work has appeared in Today’s Christian Living, Focus on the Family, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Refresh (a free online magazine you should absolutely subscribe to), and other websites and publications.
A year ago, I added a weekly podcast, Ordinary Moms of Extraordinary Kids, to my schedule. I’ve also enjoyed talking to audiences as a guest on numerous podcasts over the past nine months. This fall, I’m writing a Christmas devotional book to be published in the fall of next year.
I recently found my extreme persistence toward these goals had thrown my life out of balance. I needed to pause, pray, and ponder how my service for God may be detracting from my devotion to God.
Spiritual Blindness
Through my pause and prayer, I realized a bit of spiritual blindness had settled into my heart. With my head down and focused on my tasks, I became blind to:
- evidence of God’s presence in nature
- new things God is doing in and around me
- needs of people in my life
- spiritual attacks
Ironically, the one who writes about spiritual sight to perceive God needed to have some blinders removed.
I humbly accepted my need and asked Jesus to sharpen my spiritual perception of Him once again so He could reprioritize my life.
Can I Get an Amen?
I suspect I may not be alone in my struggle to strike the right balance in life. But God calls us to Himself through His Word to receive His care, provision, and guidance so we don’t go topsy-turvy.
As I prayed and pondered, God reminded me of three balancing principles.
Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NLT)
Principle #1: We cannot bear the load of life—even the good parts—on our own. When we work, we must rely on His strength and not our own.
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. (James 1:5 NLT)
Principle #2: We need to continually ask God for wisdom before taking on the next project. And when we get out of balance, we must ask Him to show what we should remove.
Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me. (John 15:4 NLT)
Principle #3: Our work bears lasting fruit only when we stay connected to God. Connection to Him must always be our first priority.
Returning to Balance
My faithful Father always provides just what I need. He has reordered my steps to restore healthy balance so I don’t go spinning out of control like my pilfering squirrels. Here are some upcoming changes:
- Instead of weekly blog posts, you will receive them twice per month. For the off weeks, I hope to provide a Bible verse meme you can download and use for personal meditation.
- I will be winding down my podcast for moms of special needs kids by the end of the year.
- For the rest of this year, I will focus on finishing my Christmas devotional. I hope to share more about that soon.
- I plan to develop additional speaking opportunities to help people perceive God’s person, presence, provision, and purpose in the twists and turns of life. If you would like me to speak with your podcast audience or group (disability support, parents, homeschool, women, Vacation Bible School) via Zoom or in person, please contact me.
- I’m praying for a helper to join me in ministry. Would you pray with me?
Perhaps God has some recalibrations for your life too. If so, let me know how I can support you in prayer through the process. Meanwhile, do you have any secrets for deterring those persistent squirrels?
Join the conversation:
What Bible verses or practices help you to maintain a balance life (asking for a friend😊)?
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

Hospitality--the Heart of God

Alert for God's Voice
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Nancy E. Head
I’m looking at a similar kind of downsizing coming up soon. I’m not sure what it looks like. Apparently we both have the same tendency to bite off more than we can chew. Thanks, Annie, and God bless!
Annie Yorty
It seems to be a common malady in our culture. May God bless you with wisdom about what is best for you.
Barbara Latta
Balance is necessary for a healthy, victorious life. I wish you much success in your changing schedule, Annie. I will pray for you.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Barbara. That really means a lot to me. Blessings to you!
J.D. Wininger
“Whimsical Wisdom”. Did you define a new genre for Christian writing Ms. Annie? 🙂 Loved the post and could so relate to so much of it ma’am. Sure nice knowing I’m not alone. God’s blessings upon your writing, speaking, family, and the all-elusive balance we all seek.
Annie Yorty
Yes, J.D., I believe you can relate. You seem to have a lot of irons in the fire too. We crazy authors need to keep each other in prayer, for sure! Thanks for all your support.
This is wonderful. Thanks for sharing the lesson God is teaching you about life balance in such an entertaining way. Enjoyed reading about your persistent and pesky squirrels and your new plans. Best wishes!
Annie Yorty
Thanks very much, Candyce. Blessings to you!
Terri Miller
It’s so easy to just keep on keeping on. Next thing you know, you lift your head for a breather and you’re chin deep. It’s important to ask the Holy Spirit to take inventory and point out what needs to go. Easier said than done, right? This is a great reminder that more is not always better. Blessings, Annie.
Annie Yorty
It sounds like you have personal experience with this, Terri. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.
Katherine Pasour
I’ve needed a balance adjustment many times in my life and I’ll make changes, then drift back into overload again. Your message touched me deeply and reminded me to again examine my workload, set priorities, and remember to keep God first. I prayed for you, Annie. I’m so proud of you for being transparent about the struggle of maintaining balance and the steps you’re taking to better care for yourself and loved ones. Yay, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Katherine, thank you for sharing about your own struggles. For whatever reason, it helps to know I’m not alone. I also appreciate your prayers more than you know. You’re a good friend!
Marilyn Nutter
I appreciated your transparency and putting feet to your words. I love that you reminded us that when we connect to God our work will bear lasting fruit, because the ideas for our work originated with Him and His plans succeed. Thank you Annie and God bless the work of your hands and heart.
Annie Yorty
Thanks very much, Marilyn, for your encouragement here. You have lifted me up today.
Joanna Eccles
Annie, I am so proud of you for listening to God’s call for you to realign yourself to His work in His way. I know that I can also get caught up in doing lots of stuff “for God” and miss out on spending time “with God.” I pray you can sit at His feet and soak in His love for you in this upcoming season.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much for the encouragement, Joanna. I’m looking forward with great expectation to that blessed rest in His presence.
Yvonne Morgan
Amen! I so understand your message Annie and have lived it out too. I’m working on making sure I stay connected to God more because we do get out of balance without Him. Praying for you and all of us to maintain that balance.
Annie Yorty
Thanks for your prayers, Yvonne. I am thankful Father hears and answers us. He won’t leave us hanging.
Debbie Wilson
Annie, It’s exciting to learn and try new things. And it’s easy to get sucked into thinking we have to maintain them all. When God has called me to cut back or change lanes, I’ve wrestled to be sure I heard right. But when I obeyed I found great peace and joy. I trust you will too.
Annie Yorty
So often Father’s directions don’t make sense because I’ve applied my human reasoning to the situation. I am looking forward with great anticipation to see how He may use my “less” to create more of what He wants (John 3:30). Thanks for adding your thoughts here, Debbie!