Easter Lily
by Annie Yorty ©2022
Legends of the white-blossomed Easter lily abound. Scripture refers several times to the bloom but does not corroborate the tales. Nevertheless, the Bible says that God’s creation sings His praise. I hope you enjoy this poem written from the Easter lily’s perspective that celebrates God’s redemption through Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and resurrection.
The Easter Lily
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these (Luke 12:27 NASB 1995).
Some say I grew there at the beginning,
Scattered in the Garden by God’s Word, flat slender leaves
Waving, velvet ivory trumpets declaring
The praises of Almighty Creator God.
Some say I heard quiet conversations
As man walked with Maker down plush paths of grasses,
Rustling. At home, fully known and loved, satisfied
By the presence of blessed Trinity.
Some say I saw stealthy Evil lurking,
Slithering through paradise to lure woman away,
Preying. Hearts’ discontent their downfall into
Sin, shame, hiding, toil, breaking bonds with God.
Some say I died that day, tho’ secret life stored
In Eve’s tears fell. Heav’n and earth rent by angel’s sword,
Flaming. Sorrow spilled to soil . . . still, dormant, waiting
For mercy to sprout new life toward the sun.
Some say I wept in Gethsemane, my
Perfume anointing the Savior—prostrate, praying,
Pleading. “Take this cup from me, yet not My will, but
Yours.” Precious Lamb of God paying for sin.
Some say I watched from the foot of the cross,
Where Messiah hung forsaken, rejected, scorned,
Suffering. Covered in shame as His lifeblood drained,
Soaking the soil. He cried, “It is finished!”
Some say I danced beside the empty tomb
As God triumphed o’er death. Mary sought her Savior,
Weeping. At His voice she leapt for joy into His
Arms, freed from sin, at peace with God, forgiven.
Jesus said behold my beauty, more glorious than
Solomon’s riches. So long decaying in dirt,
Waiting. Then whispers my Lord, “Rise up, come alive.”
Quickened and pure, hope blooms, straining heavenward.
Easter says, “Are you burdened and weary?”
Broken, in bondage, oppressed by your shame . . . yet still . . .
Hoping? Come to Jesus; He’s reopened the door
To paradise, new life, home forever.
Join the conversation:
What is your favorite part of the Easter celebration?
I welcome your comments!
Kate Moore
This is a beautiful poem! I live how it is from the lily’s perspective, in so many key scenes. I will never look at lilies in the same way.
Thank you, and happy Easter!
Annie Yorty
Thank you for visiting, Kate. I’m glad you found meaning in my poem. Happy Easter to you!
What a lovely poem! Thank you for sharing.
Annie Yorty
You’re very kind, Erin! Thank you for visiting and reading.
Katherine Pasour
I have lots of favorites at Easter. First and foremost, of course, is the reminder and celebration of God’s
great love for me, that even in my most undeserving state, God loves me, so much that he sent His Son to bear the burden of my guilt and sin. I love that we celebrate Easter in the Spring when the Earth is being reborn, just as we are. I love the flowers that display their glorious beauty for all to see. having an Easter breakfast at church, celebrating with loved ones. Remembering those gone to be with Jesus and knowing we will join Him and them. Thank you, Annie, for reminding me of my many blessings.
Annie Yorty
It’s not so easy to choose a favorite, is it? One of my favorites is to go to a sunrise service on Easter morning. God’s mercies are new every morning. Thank You, Jesus! Happy Easter, Katherine!
Annie Yorty
It’s not so easy to choose a favorite, is it? One of my favorites is to go to a sunrise service on Easter morning. God’s mercies are new every morning. Thank You, Jesus! Happy Easter, Katherine!
Nancy E. Head
I love this poem! The disciples thought they had been defeated but didn’t realize He would defeat death. Alleluia! He is risen, indeed! Happy Easter, Annie! God bless!
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Nancy. All praise belongs to God alone. Happy Easter!
Jennifer Knight
I bought an Easter lily this year and it has bloomed beautifully. This poem will make me look at it completely different.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Jennifer, for visiting and commenting. I never knew much about Easter lilies before either. I happened to read a headline about its legends and became curious. Voila! God is good!
Jeannie Waters
Annie, I love this beautiful poem from the Easter lily’s viewpoint. You helped us envision so many scenes related to this high and holy day. I hope you’ll write more poems like this.
Annie Yorty
I’m not usually much of a poet, Jeannie, but the Lord gave me this one to write. Thank you for your encouragement.
Candyce Carden
This poem is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I enjoy most everything about our Easter celebration. Such a special and holy time.
Annie Yorty
God is good, Candyce! This year on Easter I enjoyed a special treat. The church I visited had baptisms at their Easter service. It was wonderful.
Terri Mller
How unique and imaginative. There are many references in scripture that tell us creation responds to the Creator. This is just beautiful. I enjoyed it very much.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Terri, for visiting. I’m so glad you enjoyed the poem.