God’s Comfort
by Annie Yorty
A few weeks ago, I wrote about how to pray when you’re devastated. When life hits hard, we receive God’s comfort and sympathy. But His comfort shouldn’t come to a full stop in our lives. Like a chain reaction, we pass on God’s comfort to others.
A Disturbing Chain Reaction
Early one morning in March 1995, a wall of fog set off a chain reaction of epic proportions on a bridge over Mobile Bay in Alabama. Disoriented by sudden blindness, drivers slowed or stopped. Within mere minutes, one hundred vehicles crashed end to end, one after the other. Eventually, the fog lifted to reveal an aftermath of twisted and burned-out metal.
Hurt people hurt people.
Have you heard this saying? When trouble descends like a fog on us, lashing out at others is a natural reaction. We often “crash” into others with our pain and bitterness. Then that hurt person crashes into the next one they meet, and the pain transfers from one to another and another. One example of this pattern is generational abuse where a child who was mistreated grows up and hurts her own children.
In the end, no one feels better. Only a wounded heap of human carnage remains.
A Comforting Chain Reaction
Apostle Paul wrote about another type of chain reaction that heals wounded hearts.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. For the more we suffer for Christ, the more God will shower us with his comfort through Christ. Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation! For when we ourselves are comforted, we will certainly comfort you. (2 Corinthians 1:3-6 NLT)
We’ve all probably read or heard about coping strategies to soothe ourselves in times of pain. But we cannot manufacture our own comfort. Paul said God is the source of all comfort. In fact, Jesus clarified that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter (John 14:26).
When the Holy Spirit soothes our pain with the balm of His comfort, He enables us to comfort others with “the same comfort God has given us” (2 Corinthians 1:4 NLT). The solace and healing we receive from the Spirit then “bumps” into others to transmit God’s comfort rather than our own pain.
This comforting chain reaction produces an abundance of joy, hope, and healing.
Have You Received God’s Comfort?
God’s Word reminds us to refresh ourselves in the wellspring of His comfort when troubles assail us.
Are you beset by sin? Ask for the comfort of salvation and forgiveness.
Do you feel lonely? Bask in the presence and friendship of God.
Is fear controlling you? Cast your anxieties upon Jesus.
Does the shadow of death loom over your life? Jesus, who conquered death, mourns with you.
As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. (Isaiah 66:13 ESV)
God will never disappoint when you open your heart to Him for comfort.
Comfort One Another with God’s Comfort
God’s comfort breaks the human chain reaction of pain and bitterness produced by the troubles of this world. When you have received from Him, resolve to complete the chain reaction He began. Look around and see those in need through the lens of His compassion. Tell them about God’s promises. Be a witness of God’s comfort in your own circumstances. Convey the comfort you received to others.
Hurt people hurt people. Break the chain reaction with God’s comfort. #annieyorty Share on XJoin the conversation:
How have you experienced God’s comfort in your own troubles?
Do you have a comforting Bible verse to share with someone who needs God’s comfort today?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty
Yahoo News recently published an article, From Siberia to Times Square, written about my daughter, Alyssa, who has Down syndrome. Her picture was one among a group chosen to be featured on the Times Square jumbo screen on Saturday, September 9th to promote awareness about the value of all people with Down syndrome. I think you’ll be surprised and uplifted by this article.
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Nancy E. Head
I love the passage from Paul. He comforts us so we can comfort others. Great message, Annie. Thanks and God bless!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Nancy. I pray all His best for you too.
Katherine Pasour
Yes, Annie, I have experienced God’s comfort in times of trials. He also grants us peace, offers encouragement, lifts us out of the pit, and reminds us of His faithfulness. We are so blessed by His love, mercy, and grace. Thank you for your inspiring message of God’s infinite love.
Annie Yorty
He truly has everything we need, doesn’t He? Thank you, Katherine, for adding your insight to this important conversation.
Barbara Latta
I’m so thankful for God’s comfort. We appreciate hugs and encouraging words from other people, but nothing compares to the spiritual hugs from our heavenly Father.
Annie Yorty
Amen, Barbara! And He’s always available to us. Thanks for visiting!
J.D. WIninger
Amen Ms. Annie. We all have, and will have, hurts in this life. For many years, I allowed the “hurts” that I carried to justify (in my worldly mind) hurting others. In my mind, “I gave as good as I got.” That all changed when God replaced my heart for His. I found I no longer had to carry my “hurts” by myself. I could offer them to Him in prayer and He always gladly accepted them, when I gave them with a forgiving heart. As He took each one from my “Closet of Pain and Regret”, He replaced the pain, frustration, anger, and remorse with His joy, peace, and love. Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to be comforted by God my friend. Loved this post.
Annie Yorty
I’m so grateful for new life in Christ that eradicates our native customs. Christ is the only One equipped to carry the weight of sin. We can forgive the offender and allow Him to determine when and how to collect on any debts. The exchange you describe is life-giving to those around us. Thanks for sharing your experiences, J.D.
Karisa Moore
God seems to have me drawing near to others with the focus of comforting others with the comfort we have been given. Having layer upon layer of strife and troubles can cause me to lose focus on what the Lord has done for me. He keeps reminding me of his love and hope and surrounds me with such a cloud of witnesses who testify to the truth that no pain I experience in this life is wasted.
I love your example of the car crash in comparison to the scriptural chain reaction of sharing the reason for the hope we have in Christ. Thank you for your encouragement and may the God of all comfort be front and center in how we interact with others.
Annie Yorty
God bless you, Karisa, as you find His comfort and redemption in the hardest parts of life. I pray His hope flows through you to many who need His gospel message. Thank you for visiting and adding your thoughts to this conversation.
Yvonne Morgan
Great reminder Annie. God does comfort us with the purpose of us following His example. This world would be so amazing if we all took time to comfort others. I pray for eyes to see those that need to feel that comfort.
Annie Yorty
I join you in that prayer, Yvonne. Sometimes I get so involved in my own issues I don’t notice others. Thanks for visiting!