God's Presence
Perceiving God's presence
Alert for God’s Voice
by Annie Yorty With so many things clamoring for our attention every day, we often struggle to hear from God. We wonder why He’s silent. But God doesn’t give the silent treatment to His children. In the…
Ordinary Abundant Life
by Annie Yorty When I was a kid, long summer days stretched out before me, every day the same as the one before it. Perhaps you feel that way even now. One morning rolls into the next…
10 Things God Pours Out on His People
by Annie Yorty When the torrents of life rage, do you simply put up your umbrella and dodge raindrops? Have you resigned yourself to a soggy life? Maybe there’s a better way. Dive deep into the Word…
Pursuing Emptiness
by Annie Yorty We’ve all heard about the wealthy man who realized on his deathbed his life priorities had been backwards. His dogged pursuit of money and possessions left a yawning chasm inside. By then, it was…
Peace of Heart
by Annie Yorty The latest horrific news makes me long for peace. Some think peace of heart is only for the future in heaven. Or worse, just a fairy tale. Can we truly experience peace today? We’ve…