Pursuing Emptiness
by Annie Yorty
We’ve all heard about the wealthy man who realized on his deathbed his life priorities had been backwards. His dogged pursuit of money and possessions left a yawning chasm inside. By then, it was too late to change from pursuing emptiness.
All eyes shot across the field littered with pastel eggs toward the wailing child. Her colorful woven basket, which dangled on one arm, threatened to dump her cache of eggs and candy she had already snatched off the ground. In each hand she held up half a golden egg. She cried even louder. “There’s no money!”
The shiny egg was the ultimate prize for this Easter egg hunt. Every kid dreamed of finding the gilded plastic that contained twenty dollars. Bitter disappointment clouded the girl’s face as she realized she had come up empty.
Jeremiah’s Message about Pursuing Emptiness
The prophet Jeremiah delivered a message from God about pursuing emptiness.
This is what the Lord says: “What injustice did your fathers find in Me, that they went far from Me, and walked after emptiness and became empty?” (Jeremiah 2:5 NASB)
Notice the quest for empty objects causes the pursuer to become empty inside.
The book of Ecclesiastes enumerates many vanities—empty or useless things—we chase.
- Human wisdom
- Pleasure
- Saving
- Materialism
- Riches
- Work
We could add more to this list. Off the top of my head, beauty, youth, ease, approval, influence, and popularity come to mind. All seem attractive and satisfying. . . at first. Then, like the little girl at the Easter egg hunt, we scream in frustration because we’re pursuing emptiness.
The quest for empty objects causes the pursuer to become empty inside. Share on XJesus’ Example of Emptiness
Our recent celebration of Easter reminds me of the empty tomb. The void in the rock where Jesus’ dead body was laid signifies His victory over the uselessness of a life controlled by sinful pursuits. Anyone who turns away from sin and puts their faith in Christ will receive new life and new, fulfilled purpose.
Instead of pursuing emptiness, Jesus emptied Himself. He did not give up being God when He came to live on earth, but He did lay aside the privileges deserved by the King of kings.
Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but emptied Himself by taking the form of a bond-servant and being born in the likeness of men. (Philippians 2:5-7 NASB)
Jesus emptied Himself and assumed the form of a lowly servant.
Imitate Christ
As Christians, we’re called to imitate Jesus. He tells us how:
“If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:34-36 NASB)
Jesus issued a paradox that turns our human thinking about empty and full upside down. When we deny—or empty—ourselves, we receive new life filled by the Spirit of God.
Jesus issued a paradox that turns our human thinking about empty and full upside down. Share on XHope Found within Emptiness
Like the little girl holding two halves of a golden egg with nothing inside, have you tasted the bitterness of pursuing emptiness?
If you haven’t yet received Jesus as your Savior, I suggest you read and consider how to take Steps to Peace with God.
Even after we have received new life and new purpose in Christ, we may be tempted to walk after emptiness. The shiny eggs of this world lure us. We fall back into old habits if we slack off on growing to know God better through His Word. Sometimes we become discouraged because we don’t get the results for which we had hoped. Whatever external emptiness you chase will lead to emptiness within.
If this describes you today, turn back to Jesus. His arms spread wide for you. He will set you back upon the right path of purpose and satisfaction in Him.
Join the conversation:
What golden egg of the world might derail your purpose and satisfaction in God?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

Easter Poem

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Nancy E. Head
Christianity is a faith of paradox. We lose to win. We sacrifice to receive blessing. Thanks, Annie, for this wisdom. God bless!
Annie Yorty
So true, Nancy! God’s ways are higher than ours. His thinking is upside down and backwards from our reasoning. He always knows best. Thanks for visiting!
J.D. Wininger
I think of so many “young”/”new” Christians who faltered in their faith because they bought into the lie that life would be easy, full of puppies and rainbows, after their salvation. How quickly they became disillusioned and soon returned to pursuing those momentary worldly pleasures that exactly such a heavy toll on their lives. I’ve often considered what role I played in their demise by not befriending them or stepping up to disciple or mentor them. Many believe that “someone else will step up and provide that”, but I was reminded nearly a decade ago now that God didn’t call me to Him to let someone else do the work He had for me. I realize that I can’t mentor everyone, and importantly, I still have growing to do myself. Yet, like any good parent, we want to help make the journey a bit easier for those coming behind us. We should endeavor to do the same thing. We can do that in the church too; by giving them an example worth following that shows the joy and blessing that comes from serving God. We can’t be ashamed to share our trials and failures as much as our successes. Let us not pursue the emptiness that this world can only provide, but instead seek the fulfillment that comes from walking with God. Thank you for this encouraging post my friend. And thank you for being such a great example for your family and community.
Annie Yorty
J.D., thanks for adding such depth to the conversation. Your point about mentoring is very important. I went for years without the benefit of a mentor in my early days as a Christian. As I got more mature, God reminded me to seek out those younger in the faith to do life with. The years slip by so quickly. I realize more and more every day how little time we have to apply ourselves to God’s eternal purposes here on earth. Blessings to you!
Yvonne Morgan
When we accept Christ, our world is truly turned upside down. What we once believed is now no longer true. We are called to love our enemies instead of listening to the world as we hate those who disagree with us. Wonderful message Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Yvonne. I’m so glad to have my human wisdom turned upside down.
Cathy Chung
Yes, Christianity is a paradox Annie. And it’s very difficult to convince someone of the wonderful fullness of life found in denying yourself because you have to deny yourself first. It’s hard to understand the freedom in submission until you make Jesus your Lord.
Annie Yorty
Isn’t that the truth, Cathy! Thankfully, the onus doesn’t fall on us to cause the spiritual blindness to lift, though we’re privileged to be part of the process. Thanks for visiting and adding to the conversation.