• Labels that matter most
    God's purpose

    Labels That Matter Most

    by Annie Yorty I know a young lady who leads with her labels. “I have ADHD, depression, anxiety, and PTSD,” she declares to anyone who will listen. Though she clings to human labels, she would do better…

  • easter poem
    General,  God's Person

    Easter Poem

    by Annie Yorty Legends of the white-blossomed Easter lily abound. Scripture refers several times to the bloom but does not corroborate the tales. Nevertheless, the Bible says God’s creation sings His praise. I hope you enjoy this Easter…

  • Value every life
    General,  God's purpose

    Value Every Life

    by Annie Yorty Sometimes we get so involved in the daily grind we fail to see glimpses of God’s glory. If we open our eyes, we will find His glory displayed in surprising places, including other people.…