A Red Flag
by Annie Yorty ©2022 We’re living in a strange time. I never imagined a situation in which workers could persuade their employers to sanction full-time work from home. I must admit, it makes life more convenient. When…
Be a Promise Keeper
by Annie Yorty ©2022 I learned long ago that my girl never forgets. Her memory captures movie lines, past events, and even her dreams for the future. Most of all, she seems to always remember my promises.…
Righteousness Restores Hope
by Annie Yorty ©2022 As a teenage girl with the weight of the world crushing me, I longed for hope beyond my circumstances. I didn’t yet understand how righteousness restores hope. My Bible study recently prompted me…
Perceive God in Serving Others
by Annie Yorty ©2022 It’s a busy week for me, one where I have the privilege to serve as the missionary at Good News Camp and Vacation Bible School. Sometimes I get caught up in the details…
How to Love Our Country
by Annie Yorty ©2022 As a leader of various groups, I’ve organized my share of gatherings in borrowed spaces. “Leave it better than you found it” is a principle I try to follow. Celebrating Independence Day leads…