• orange peel theory
    General,  God's Person

    The Kindness of Jesus

    by Annie Yorty We’ve all been let down by someone we trusted. Every human relationship disappoints us sooner or later. How do we know how far we can trust the kindness of Jesus? Kindness and Oranges Did…

  • glory to god
    General,  God's purpose

    Glory to God

    by Annie Yorty Sometimes the spotlight of attention for good deeds blinds us to the Giver of our gifts and abilities. It’s easy to forget to give glory to God. I’ve had an exciting month. My book,…

  • perfect love
    General,  God's Person

    Perfect Love

    by Annie Yorty On Valentine’s Day, we celebrate the ideal of love. But what is perfect love? The definition of love varies from person to person as we are informed by life experiences. Imperfect Human Love I…