7 Qualities of Good Citizens
by Annie Yorty In my last blog post, we discussed our need to run to God, our best provider, rather than to government, to meet our needs. Today, let’s consider how we can be good citizens of…
Our Best Provider
by Annie Yorty We live in rapidly changing and uncertain times. Election season brings a spate of pie-in-the-sky promises for much-needed security. How can we be sure who will be our best provider? An Evolving Philosophy I’m…
What Do You Want?
by Annie Yorty What do you want? In reply, I could probably list a hundred “needs.” What about you? If Jesus asked the question, would you answer differently? He knows exactly what we need and always has…
What’s So Great about Unity?
by Annie Yorty Seattle Times: Assassination attempt: A call for unity NPR: Biden calls for unity following Trump assassination attempt Daily News: Trump calls for unity in emotional Republican convention speech after shooting Even with a name…
Christmas in July
by Annie Yorty Christmas in July As a lover of all things Christmas, I’ve sometimes allowed the hoopla of holiday symbols and traditions to eclipse Jesus–the star of the season. Can anyone relate? Before we renounce our…