The Power of an Invitation
by Annie Yorty
Have you ever received an invitation that changed your life? Keep reading to learn about the power of an invitation you can accept.
A Radical Invitation
“I’m putting together a team to go to Siberia next year,” Kent said. “Wanna go?” He spoke just as matter-of-factly as if he were inviting me to go get an ice cream cone.
“You want me to go where?” I’m pretty sure my voice rose an octave on the last word.
“There are so many people in prisons and orphanages there, and no one goes that far out.” In his easy-going Kentucky drawl, Kent laid out his vision to share the gospel of Jesus in a neglected part of the world.
I didn’t know how to respond to his invitation. How would you have answered?
A Life-Changing Encounter
In the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John, a Samaritan woman of ill-repute encountered Jesus by a well. Jesus initiated a conversation by asking for a cup of water. Many would have considered His request to be unseemly.
The talk then turned to spiritual matters. Jesus identified Himself as the Messiah, and He invited the woman to taste and receive the living water of eternal life.
She accepted Jesus’ invitation for a solution to a spiritual need she didn’t even realize she had. In that instant, the woman’s life changed. Her thirst was satisfied.
The Power of an Invitation
Like my friend Kent, the woman at the well couldn’t keep good news of Jesus to herself.
The woman left her water jar beside the well and ran back to the village, telling everyone, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could he possibly be the Messiah?” So the people came streaming from the village to see him. (John 4:28-30 NLT)
The Samaritan woman ran. She invited everyone in town to see Jesus.
How did the townspeople respond? They poured out of the village to go and meet the Messiah.
I wonder how many people we’ll meet in heaven because of the invitation of the Samaritan woman.
My Invitation to You
Speaking of invitations, I recently shared about the opportunity to join my launch team for 25 Symbols of Christmas: Finding Jesus. This Advent devotional invites readers to get to know Jesus better as they encounter His wonderful character qualities through the symbols and traditions of Christmas.
Participation on the launch team gives you an opportunity to invite your friends, relatives, and coworkers to experience Jesus. The gospel message shines clearly through each page of the devotional.
How will you respond to this invitation?
If you would like more information, contact me with your email address. I’ll send you an invitation that outlines your easy and fun role as a launch team member. If you think it’s a good fit for you, fill out the online form and click to send.
As a thank you for your interest, I will enter the name of anyone who asks for more information into a drawing for a prize. The winner will receive a free copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul Tales of Christmas (address must be in the continental U.S.). This heartwarming book features one of my stories along with 100 other seasonal stories of joy, love, and gratitude. If you’ve already said “yes” to my invitation, thank you very much. Please remind me, and I’ll enter your name into the drawing too.
The Urgency of the Invitation
Jesus’ disciples had been off purchasing food while He talked with the woman at the well. They returned near the tail end of the conversation. After she left, Jesus used another metaphor to explain the urgency of their mission.
But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest. The harvesters are paid good wages, and the fruit they harvest is people brought to eternal life. What joy awaits both the planter and the harvester alike! (John 4:35b-36 NLT)
Are you awake? Every day we meet people who need living water from Jesus. How will they receive if we don’t invite them?
Siberia Awaits
I hesitated to accept Kent’s invitation because Siberia seemed so radical. But a trip from the U.S. to eastern Russia is nothing compared to the lengths the Son of God traveled when He left heaven to live on earth in a frail human body. Could I really refuse?
In 2007, I made my first of many trips to Siberia—usually in mid-winter. What joy awaited me there as I invited hurting and needy people to come to Jesus and be satisfied with living water.
For the record, each time I go to Siberia, I also enjoy an ice cream cone.
What invitation do you need to say “yes” to today?
Join the conversation:
How has an invitation changed your life?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty
21 Days and Counting . . .
25 Symbols of Christmas: Finding Jesus releases on November 1st!
Would you like to be part of the launch team? The launch team gets to read an advance copy of the devotional and helps to promote it with graphics we provide. It’s easy and fun. Plus–as a token of my appreciation, we’ll have drawings for great prizes for team members. Get started on Christmas early this year. Contact me and I’ll send you an invitation!
Click the title to see a trailer for 25 Symbols of Christmas: Finding Jesus
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Karen Cantu
Looking forward to your devotional! I know a number of people who will appreciate this as a gift I plan to give! I do believe I already signed up to help with your launch!!
Annie Yorty
You’re on my list, Karen, and I so appreciate you. You will receive a link to sign up within a couple days. Blessings!
Nancy E. Head
I’d love to be part of your launch team. God bless, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Nancy. I’ll send you an invitation with a link and put you in the drawing.
Yvonne Morgan
I love it Annie. So amazing to hear of your message and visits to Siberia. I pray your new book is a success.
Annie Yorty
Thanks very much, Yvonne. I pray we both continue to be willing instruments in God’s orchestra of grace to people all over the world.
Debbie Wilson
Looking forward to sharing your book with my readers!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Debbie. I appreciate your support.