The Great Exchange
by Annie Yorty ©2022
The Bible lists many blessings God gives to those who choose to make Him Lord of their life. Salvation through Jesus has a transactional nature in which there is a great exchange.
A herd of eight-year-olds stormed the cafeteria and slid into their seats, slapping lunch bags on the sanitized tables. I watched, fascinated, as negotiations began.
“What do you have today?”
“Peanut butter and jelly and carrots. Oh, and a juice box. How ’bout you?”
“Mom packed a piece of pizza, some Doritos, and chocolate chip cookies.”
“I’ll trade you my carrots for your cookies.”
“No way! That’s not fair.”
We learn early on in life about exchanges. Hopefully, it only takes one bad trade to teach us to wisely evaluate choices before giving up one thing for another.
The Great Exchange
In Matthew, Jesus explains a somewhat cryptic trade.
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it. (Matthew 16:24-25 NLT)
Give up your life to save it? On its surface, that makes no sense.
I’ve talked to many folks about the great exchange offered by Jesus, and their minds tend to leap to something they don’t want to give up—alcohol, swearing, sex, money, comfort, reputation, smoking, a relationship, sleeping in on Sunday mornings. Their perception of the exchange lacks understanding, but this is a common reaction to Jesus’ offer.
I must admit, after rushing past the logic conundrum of giving up life to save life, I too tend to zero in on the part about the object given up. What? My own way? My life? That hardly seems fair!
What We Get in the Great Exchange
Why don’t we think more about the benefits we receive in the great exchange? We hand over our paltry, short-lived existence in which we collect a few trinkets, and Jesus gives us abundant, eternal life in its place. Jesus’ pointed question makes us think.
“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?” (Matthew 16:26 NLT)
Jesus tells us we must give up something to receive eternal life. In the great exchange, we get far more than we give up. Share on X We need to learn to perceive beyond our sight, touch, taste, hearing, and smell.
How do you perceive the exchange?
When I was sixteen, I gave up my life and received new life from Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). I didn’t know beyond the basics what that meant, but God patiently built my understanding and appreciation through His Word, His Spirit, and through His presence found within every one of my circumstances. I’ll be learning to perceive the benefits of this great exchange with Jesus for the rest of my time on earth.
What about you? Have you made the great exchange with Jesus? If not, that’s your first step to beginning abundant and eternal life right now. You can click Steps to Peace with God to learn more.
If you have new life in Christ, maybe certain parts of the exchange didn’t turn out how you expected. Maybe you feel like you got the short end of the stick.
Rest assured God did not cheat you. He will never renege on His promises. Ask Him to give you spiritual sight to see the wonderful privileges of living devoted to Him, suffering submitted to Him, and perhaps even dying glorifying Him.
Gratitude for the Great Exchange
Today I’m thankful for the generosity of God in these great exchanges:
Peace for turmoil
Security for fear
Satisfaction for greed
Hope for despair
Confidence for doubt
Rest for striving
I’ve listed a smattering of wonderful exchanges available to us in the abundant life. While it’s true that the world’s troubles still assault my physical senses, my spiritual acuity for perceiving peace, security, satisfaction, hope, confidence, and rest grows day by day as I surrender my own way and live God’s way.
Do you have the spiritual acuity to perceive that the benefits of exchanging your earthly life for new life in Christ far outweigh anything you give up? Share on XFriends, we receive far more than we can understand or imagine in the great exchange with Jesus.
Aren’t you glad He didn’t refuse an unfair trade when He gave up His royal existence in heaven to live humbly on earth? When He sacrificed His precious human body and blood in exchange for our sin-stained lives? I know I am eternally grateful.
Join the Conversation:
What great exchanges do you perceive in your life? How has time spent in relationship with God deepened your understanding?
I welcome your comments!
Book Spotlight
Jesus explicitly commands every follower to make disciples (Matthew 28:19). In fact, making disciples is a privilege that comes to those of us who surrendered to Jesus in the great exchange, exponentially adding joy to our lives.
I want to highly recommend an excellent new book entitled Invest Yourself: A Guidebook for Spiritual Mentoring. The author, Stephanie Ziebarth, shares a guide to mentoring with wisdom gained from years of experience investing in others for spiritual growth.
About Stephanie Ziebarth
With a degree in journalism and religious studies, Stephanie Ziebarth believed writing was her main gift until she experienced the life-changing impact of spiritual mentoring during college. She has been spiritually investing in teens and adults ever since. Whether in her own home, through discipleship and camping ministries, or through the regional mentoring program she coordinates for Joy El Generation, Stephanie finds great satisfaction in leading people closer to Jesus so they will positively impact the world around them.
Stephanie and her husband, Aaron, live in south-central Pennsylvania where they enjoy connecting with God and each other in the great outdoors, reading good books, and ministering together. Their three young adult children along with their spouses bring them great joy.

A Red Flag
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J.D. Wininger
Wonderful post Ms. Annie. The most amazing thing for me is recognizing that the blessings received from this trade is not even fully realized in this human life. I try and live each day with anticipation of all that is to come. God’s blessings my PA friend.
Annie Yorty
J.D., when I was saved, I thought all the benefits came AFTER this life. How marvelous it is to realize they began immediately and never end. Life with Christ is a wild, wonderful ride.
“Why don’t we think more about the benefits we receive in the great exchange? We hand over our paltry, short-lived existence in which we collect a few trinkets, and Jesus gives us abundant, eternal life in its place.” Amen to this and the entire post!
I also thank you for the high book recommendation. Press on. Mt 28:18-20
Annie Yorty
Thanks so much, Stephanie, for taking the time to write such wise words. Blessings!
Nancy E. Head
God is the God of paradox–the apparent contradiction that is true. He has given and keeps giving more than we ever can give. Thanks, Annie. God bless!
Annie Yorty
He has shown since the beginning that He is responsible for His covenant with His people. I’m so grateful for His grace, because I’m unable to keep my end of the bargain. Thanks for visiting, Nancy.
Katherine Pasour
My granddaughter told me this week, “I don’t like carrots.” She’s normally a good eater, so I was surprised. but she’s just becoming old enough to express herself so I am pleased with her verbal progress. As a teacher, I could picture the great exchange at the lunch table. Even though I love vegetables, I’m sure I’d rather trade for the cookies. Your analogy is so appropriate–We get so much more from our exchange–give up ourself and Jesus gives us love, guidance, protection, and eternal life instead. We are so blessed.
Annie Yorty
Katherine, it’s funny the mixture of pride and consternation we feel as parents (and grandparents) when our kids show us some new skill in a way that’s a bit less than desirable. Thanks for visiting and adding to the comments. You always bless me. P.S. I enjoyed your chat on PJNet.tv the other night.
Jeannie Waters
I made the exchange when I was 17, and I’ve never been sorry. I love the list you included, Annie, of the gifts of salvation we receive. “Security for fear, rest for striving” and others. We could never earn or deserve the richness we receive, but our loving God fills our hearts with blessing when we exchange our life for His. Thank you, Annie.
Annie Yorty
I praise God with you, Jeannie. I can see that He lights up your life as a testimony of His grace.
Sylvia Schroeder
Love the idea of the Great Exchange. It is that in so many ways, and in all of them we are the beneficiaries of His love and mercy!
Annie Yorty
I feel so blessed when I pause and consider all God has done for me. Thanks for visiting, Sylvia.
I made the great exchange years ago and I’m still learning how glorious it is. I’m thankful for God’s patience with me because I can be a slow learner.
Annie Yorty
I’m right there in the boat with you, Candyce. One of these days soon, though, God will make everything right. Thanks for visiting!
A beautiful way to look at salvation. A great exchange. I am taking a class in stocks right now so learning about trades has made the timing of this post that much more meaningful. There is no greater exchange than one that would lay their life down for another.
Annie Yorty
Amen, Jen! We can only offer our lives to the One who saved us. We are His!