Seize the Days
by Annie Yorty
My friend recently posted a meme on his social media. It said, “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.” This sentiment made me think about how to seize the days—every one throughout 2024.
A Wasted Opportunity
One summer my family wanted to go to an amusement park. We scanned the calendar and identified several dates that might work. When the first date came, we checked the weather. It was too cold.
At the next opportunity, we consulted the forecast again. A chance of showers. “There’s plenty of time left in the summer. Let’s wait for a better day,” we said.
At the third possibility, a blistering heat wave delayed us again. In the final weeks of summer, unrelenting rain ruled out our last shot to go before the park closed for the season. That year, we missed out on the thrills of our favorite roller coasters.
Have you ever waited for just the right time and missed out on something good? Seize the days of your year with Jesus. #annieyorty #seizethedays Share on XAn Hour Is Coming
I’ve been studying the book of John for the past few months. I noticed some words Jesus repeated numerous times—”an hour is coming.” A single use of this phrase may not seem noteworthy, but it appears seven times in Jesus’ discourses.
When my kids were young, I would give them a five-minute warning before a transition to a new activity. The notice helped them take advantage of the final bit of time to do what they deemed most important.
As I considered the context of all these coming hours, I sensed urgency in my spirit. What should I be doing with my time in that coming hour?
An Opportune Time to Seize the Day
Merriam-Webster defines the word “kairos,” derived from the Greek language, as “the opportune and decisive moment.”
From the vantage point of January, the months of 2024 appear long and wide open, full of possibilities. Maybe you, like me, dream of all they hold.
But I’ve noticed at the start of each new day, obstacles discourage me from acting on the year’s potential. Someone is sick. Work demands my attention. The car broke down. Dust bunnies under the dresser threaten to attack. I convince myself today may not be “the opportune or decisive moment.”
In several of His “an hour is coming” statements, Jesus added the words “and now is.” These declarations that include both the future and the present may seem paradoxical. But we must understand Jesus was the pivot point. His presence and purpose on earth fulfilled all the promises not only for the disciples in His time, but also for us today.
Four Kairos Statements
Let’s look at four kairos—opportune moments—Jesus offers in the book of John and consider how we can apply them to the year that stretches out before us.
1. Jesus reveals a clear knowledge of God.
An hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figurative language, but will tell you plainly of the Father. (John 16:25 NASB)
After Jesus died and rose from the dead, He left the earth to return to heaven. But He did not leave us alone. His Holy Spirit dwells within us to guide us into a true and accurate knowledge of God. With the help of the Spirit, we can continue to receive and understand more of God’s character. You can discover more about the never-ending depths of God by reading More in 2024.
2. Jesus draws us into true worship of God.
But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. (John 4:23 NASB)
The Holy Spirit connects our hearts to God in worship that is based on our ever-deepening knowledge and love of God.
3. Jesus invites us to participate in spreading the gospel.
Truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. (John 5:25 NASB)
Anyone who is saved from sin by faith in Jesus has a daily purpose. He has made us His ambassadors to represent Him to the people we know. As we cooperate with the Holy Spirit, we communicate His love, compassion, grace, and truth through our words and deeds.
4. Jesus calls us to obey God.
We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work. (John 9:4 NASB)
We don’t want to put off obedience to God. Jesus set the example for us to follow. He knew His time on earth was limited, so He spent His days following the will of His Father who sent Him. The Holy Spirit empowers us to obey God too.
An Opportune Time for a Decision
Perhaps you’ve read this far and you’re not sure you have the Holy Spirit within you. Jesus spoke of another coming hour which requires a decision from you.
An hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment. (John 5:28-29 NASB)
If you sense a need to respond to the voice of Jesus who calls you, please click Steps to Peace with God to read about how you can be saved and receive the Holy Spirit.
Our Challenge to Seize the Days
We won’t all seize these opportunities with Jesus in the same way. But I hope we can all look back at the end of the year and know we didn’t miss out on anything from God.
How will you seize the days in 2024?
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty
Maggie Wallem Rowe
Annie, this is the perfect post for me to read today. Even though my husband and I are supposedly “retired”, we rarely have a day free from obligations to go and explore. We set aside today just for that purpose, and it’s raining heavily! Oh well, we will seize the day and go anyway. Thank you!
Annie Yorty
Go get ’em, Maggie! Sometimes the best adventures come through the rain.
J.D. Wininger
Yes ma’am! I’m tryin’ to tell y’all. if you ain’t done it yet, ask how, cause the day is NOW. God’s blessings Ms. Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, J.D. You summed up the message perfectly!
Katherine Pasour
There’s so much wisdom in your message, Annie. Opportune times come to the forefront and many slip away from the realm of possibility because we didn’t follow through. Seeking and acting in the opportune time isn’t the same as being impulsive–we still should seek God’s guidance, but if we are being nudged by God to do something and we fail to do it, we’ve not completed our purpose through Him. May God continue to bless your ministry, Annie, you share such meaningful and encouraging messages. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
You’re always such an encouragement, Katherine. I appreciate the wisdom you’ve added to the message. We always need God’s guidance. He knows if we need to move or wait. And He equips and guides us to the opportunities that we should seize.
Candyce Carden
Such wise and inspiring words, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks for visiting, Candyce. Blessings to you!
Heidi Vertrees
Annie, thank you! I love your words of encouragement for 2024.

Annie Yorty
Praise the Lord you were blessed, Heidi! Thanks for visiting.
Barbara Latta
These are such great reminders of how valuable our time is and how we should honor God in all we do.
Annie Yorty
Thank you Barbara. I pray God blesses your year with many opportune moments.
Nancy E. Head
If not us, who? If not now, when? God bless!
Annie Yorty
Amen, Nancy! Thank you for visiting.
Wohlford Connie
This is such a wonderful lesson, and a must share.
Thank you, Annie.
I really love J.D.’s comment!
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Connie. God bless you!
Yvonne Morgan
We do seem to be running out of time. Great message and loved the analogy of the theme park. Thanks Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Yvonne, for visiting. God bless you!