Perceive God in Serving Others
by Annie Yorty ©2022
It’s a busy week for me, one where I have the privilege to serve as the missionary at Good News Camp and Vacation Bible School. Sometimes I get caught up in the details and forget how much we can perceive God in serving others.
My friend, Rob, isn’t highly esteemed by the world. Viewed by some as a mistake because of his intellectual disability, he won’t ever earn a living. He may never own much of anything. He probably won’t be famous, set world records, or pass on a legacy to his own kids.
But Rob serves others. In so doing, Rob serves God.
Every week, Rob cleans toilets at his grandfather’s church. He also has a strong desire to ensure safety. So he watches for danger with a whistle at the ready from the edge of his family’s pool. I’ve also seen him guard his friends as they climbed a ladder to climb aboard a parade truck. At the local diner, he helps the servers clean tables.
I think we can all learn something from Rob.
Rob doesn’t consider his status. He doesn’t seek a high-level position. He simply does what is needed using his personality, abilities, and gifts. No matter how lowly, no matter how unseen, he simply serves.
Jesus perfectly modeled serving others to his disciples shortly before His death.
Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God. So he got up from the table, took off his robe, wrapped a towel around his waist, and poured water into a basin. Then he began to wash the disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel he had around him. (John 13:3-5 NLT)
Almighty God, Creator of the universe, Lord of Hosts who commands heavenly armies—this is Jesus’ status. Yet He knelt on the floor and mopped grime from the sweaty, smelly feet of each disciple with his own holy hands. Then he gently and thoroughly dried each freshly cleaned foot before moving to the next.
He could have called servants to do the job. He had the right to tell the disciples to clean themselves. He could have ignored the sorry state of their feet. But He didn’t. He assumed the position of the lowliest servant to demonstrate how we should serve others.
Maybe you are serving others in some way, but you wonder if God is really doing anything good through you. Starting with Rob’s volunteer service, consider how the following activities reveal God’s character to the ones on the receiving end.
Examples of Serving Others
• Cleaning the toilets at church adds to the ease of people joining together to worship God.
• Changing diapers teaches babies they can depend on you, and it enhances their ability to later trust in God.
• Cleaning your home alongside your children trains them to properly steward God-given possessions.
• Mentoring at a pregnancy center showers unconditional love on women experiencing a crisis.
• Teaching kids at a weekly Bible club fills hearts with God’s powerful, life-changing word.
• Earning a paycheck at your job day in and day out, year after year, provides finances for your family and shows how God provides for tangible needs.
• Volunteering at your church’s food pantry feeds hungry people in the name of Jesus.
• Socializing kitties at the humane society cares for God’s creation.
• Pouring concrete for a Bible camp pavilion in a foreign country shows kids the importance of learning about God.
Serving others for God, even if it seems unimportant, inconsequential, or ineffective, carries eternal weight. Not only is eternity changed, but you are changed in the here and now by God as you imitate Christ’s selflessness.
What if Serving Others Seems Impossible?
Perhaps you’re at a different place in life. You may be weighed down by your struggles and don’t perceive God’s person, presence, provision, or purpose. May I gently suggest that turning your focus toward serving others might illuminate God’s activity and stir new faith into your own heart and circumstances?
Understanding your identity as a child of God and knowing your place is always with Him frees you to follow His leading to any type of service—from the menial to the lofty. Share on XKnow Who You Are
In reading this passage about Jesus once again, I noticed something new. The preface to His humble act of service states, “Jesus knew that the Father had given him authority over everything and that he had come from God and would return to God,” so He served (John 13:3). Knowing exactly who He is and that He always has a secure place with Father God allowed Jesus to stoop to the lowest position of foot washer with no concern for promoting Himself.
Let that sink in. Understanding your identity as a child of God and knowing your place is always with Him frees you to follow His leading to any type of service—from the menial to the lofty.
Join the conversation:
How has serving God by serving others changed you?
I welcome your comments!

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J.D. Wininger
Mr. Rob sounds like a special fella indeed Ms. Annie. So few ever understand that joy is found in putting others ahead of yourself. The gift of helps is one that I think the Holy Spirit equips all of us with, we just have to be willing to tap into it. Whatever talents and abilities we are born with are meant to be used in serving and helping others. I believe this is the way God created mankind to be. Loved this post, and been praying lots of lives are touched and changed through your efforts this week. Sounds like that is already happening ma’am.
Annie Yorty
J.D., it’s good to hear from you today. Thanks for adding your observations and thank you even more for your prayers. So far, it’s been an amazing week!
Nancy E. Head
I like your list, Annie. It includes many things we tend to set off in our minds as something separate from our relationship with Christ or too mundane to contain meaning.
Great encouragement. Thanks and God bless!
Annie Yorty
Nancy, thanks for visiting. I always appreciate your insights. Blessings to you!
Barbara Latta
Such great inight gleaned from Jesus Himself, Annie. He came to serve not to be served. Now it is our turn to serve Him by serving others.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Barbara, for visiting. Jesus is always our best teacher. What a privilege it is to join Him in His work.
Katherine Pasour
When I serve others, I always feel I receive the greater blessing. What a wonderful example is your friend, Rob. We can learn much from him. Thank you for sharing this uplifting story and reminding us that serving should not be last on our list, but near the top.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Katherine, for visiting and sharing your thoughts. We have the great privilege of serving God and He graciously blesses us as we do it.
Stacie Massett
Thank you for seeing Rob as a example of what we all should be.. often I have heard the pity in others voices..but the amount of empathy he holds and teaches is the greatest gift of all..
One blessed mom
Annie Yorty
So true, Stacie. Rob is one great guy! I’m blessed to know him.