Pass the Torch
by Annie Yorty
This weekend on Mother’s Day, we pause to honor special women in our lives. Many people have the privilege of receiving a godly heritage from mothers and grandmothers who follow(ed) Jesus. Others may be the first in the family to come in faith to Christ. Our spiritual journey is like a race in which we pass the torch of faith from one generation to the next. God has given mothers a special role in this relay.
A Son’s Faith
I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. (Psalm 116:1-2 NIV)
This is my “new life in Christ” psalm, the one that expresses the before and after of my saving relationship with Jesus. The unnamed psalmist who wrote these words spoke directly to my heart.
I wondered how the author came to his abiding faith in God. A few verses later, he answered my question. “Truly I am your servant, Lord; I serve you just as my mother did; you have freed me from my chains” (Psalm 116:16 NIV).
We don’t know any details of the testimony of the psalmist’s mother, but she must have set a lasting example of faith and service to God. By quietly demonstrating trust in Him as she went about the daily business of building her family, she passed on a godly heritage of faith to the next generation.
Her devotion to God changed the world by influencing a son to follow Him too.
The Role of Mothers Today
We live in a culture that scarcely values motherhood. When children are wanted, they are often thought of as merely an accessory to a mom’s life. When inconvenient or unwanted, they’re disposable.
As we diminish the worth of children, we also underrate the mothers who devote themselves to raising them.
But God highly esteems mothers.
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” (Proverbs 31:28-29 NLT)
When a mother commits her life to God and teaches her children to love Him, she fulfills a high calling.
A Spiritual Relay
In ancient Greece, men ran a relay race in which they carried a flaming torch. When they completed their leg of the race, they passed the torch to the next runner until the team reached the finish line.
Likewise, God expects mothers to pass the torch of faith to their children.
Consider this beautiful picture of faith passed from generation to generation. Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, “I remember your genuine faith, for you share the faith that first filled your grandmother Lois and your mother, Eunice. And I know that same faith continues strong in you” (2 Timothy 1:5 NLT).
Grandmother Lois lived out and transferred her faith to her daughter. Eunice was married to a Greek man who apparently did not share her beliefs. Even so, she was careful to teach her son all she knew about God. In turn, he made her faith his own and carried the torch for the next leg of the relay.
How can you run the race well and pass the torch?
Where do you fall in the generational torch passing?
Each generation bears the privilege and responsibility for preserving and passing on the gospel.
Your influence has changed since your children have grown to adulthood, yet you have an important mission. Continue to be a faithful conduit of God’s wisdom as you interact with your adult children and their kids. Pray for them to commit wholeheartedly to God.
If your children have not chosen to follow God, you can still invest in your grandchildren through prayer and by spending time with them. You can read more ideas for grandparenting when your children are not believers at my article at Crosswalk.
Thank God for giving you a mother who provided an example of how to live for Him. Honor your mother’s investment in you by growing in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ every day. If you have children, ask God to help you to pass the torch of faith to them.
Those who have received faith but are childless can still reproduce faith through spiritual offspring. Paul mentored Timothy and considered himself to be his spiritual father. In the same way, we can reinvest the godly heritage we received from our mothers by mentoring children and younger women both in and outside of the church.
You have received a strong heritage of faith in Jesus, but you must make the faith your own. You cannot rely on your family history or your own understanding. Seek God for yourself through His Word so you are prepared to pass the torch of faith.
First Generation Believer
You have the privilege to carry the first torch of faith to the ones who will come after you. Look for a spiritual mentor who can walk with you as you learn to know God and live for Him. In faith, remember you may one day become the grandmother who leaves a godly heritage for generations that come after you.
God gave mothers the privilege to pass the torch of faith to their children. Happy Mother’s Day! #annieyorty #passthetorch #mothersday #mothersday2024 Share on XMothers Pass the Torch
As we come to Mother’s Day this week, let’s honor and thank God for both the mothers who raised us and the spiritual mothers who have invested in us.
For those of us who are mothers of one type or another, I encourage you with Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy as he neared the end of his life on earth.
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing. (2 Timothy 4:7-8 NLT)
Happy Mother’s Day!
Join the conversation:
Who has God placed in your life to receive the torch of faith?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty
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Barbara Latta
Thanks for sharing this post. I hope many will read this and realize how important our legacy is. I’m thankful I had a godly mother who took me to church and set an example for me. Happy Mother’s Day, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Barbara, I praise God for your mother who raised you to know Him. And now you choose to use your gifts to pass on what she gave to you. Beautiful! Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
Candyce Carden
What a perfect post to encourage and honor mothers. When I think back over how my mother (and older sisters) influenced my faith, I’m willing to guess they had no idea they were impacting my faith. Actions really do speak louder than words.
And I read a statistic this week that said somethig like: “grandparents have the second greatest influence (after parents) on their grandchildren’s spiritual growth.” So we keep passing the torch through the generations. Important work.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Candyce, for adding this comment about grandparents. They do, indeed, play a vital role in spiritual formation of children. I’ve ministered in many rehabs, and many people have told me they knew their grandmothers were praying for them. It made a difference in their recovery from addiction. God hears the prayers from faithful women for their prodigals.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thanks Annie for the uplifting post and legacy reminder! Happy Mother’s Day!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Sylvia. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
Katherine Pasour
Mothers and grandmothers have an enormous responsibility in passing the message of Jesus through the next and ongoing generations. Thank you for focusing on this important topic. We leave a legacy for those who come after us, and we are the ones who decide what that legacy will be. Happy Mother’s Day, Annie!
Annie Yorty
I have no grandchildren yet, Katherine, but I hear it’s a very special opportunity. From your blogs, I would say grandparenting keeps you active too. Happy Mom’s Day to you!
Connie Wohlford
What a wonderful article, Annie.
You concisely cover so many important points.
Thank you.
Annie Yorty
Thank you very much, Connie. God bless you!
Debbie Wilson
Annie, I like how you had a special word for different groups. God has a mission for each of us.
Annie Yorty
Indeed, He does, Debbie. May God find us faithful in every season. Thanks for adding to the conversation.
Yvonne Morgan
I pray your Mother’s Day was filled with special moments with friends and family. Mothers are such a blessing. Thanks Annie
Annie Yorty
I enjoyed a special day, Yvonne. Thanks for visiting!
JD Wininger
Apologies for my tardiness ma’am. A wonderful post. Thank you!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, J.D. It’s never too late. God bless you!