Ordinary Abundant Life
by Annie Yorty
When I was a kid, long summer days stretched out before me, every day the same as the one before it. Perhaps you feel that way even now. One morning rolls into the next with little distinction. Sometimes we lose perspective on the ordinary abundant life we have in Christ.
Good News for Sisters
“I’m so excited I just had to get my sisters and tell them!” Eleven-year-old Sadie’s face glowed as she ran to me and relayed her good news.
Older sister Peyton and younger Kyrah chimed in. “She told us she wanted Jesus to save her, and we did too!” Tears sprang to my eyes as I thought about the earth-shaking, life-changing moment God plunked down in the middle of an ordinary day at Good News Camp.™
Good News for a Whole Family
I’m reminded of another earth-shaking event found in the Bible that brought an earthly family into the spiritual family of God. Paul and Silas had been beaten and imprisoned for sharing the gospel. Around midnight, they were shackled and singing praises to God. Now this is not what I think of as ordinary behavior, but it seems to be the usual for these men who were often persecuted for Christ.
Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake, and the prison was shaken to its foundations. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! The jailer woke up to see the prison doors wide open. He assumed the prisoners had escaped, so he drew his sword to kill himself. But Paul shouted to him, “Stop! Don’t kill yourself! We are all here!” (Acts 16:26-28 NLT)
Because the prisoners did not flee when they had the opportunity, the grateful jailer invited them to his home. Paul and Silas knew just what to do.
And they shared the word of the Lord with him and with all who lived in his household. Even at that hour of the night, the jailer cared for them and washed their wounds. Then he and everyone in his household were immediately baptized. He brought them into his house and set a meal before them, and he and his entire household rejoiced because they all believed in God. (Acts 16:32-34 NLT)
The Power of Ordinary Abundant Life
The jailer was doing business as usual when the earthquake hit. His family were probably asleep in their beds. Then God brought the miracle of the gospel through the front door and into their hearts.
With us at God’s side, ordinary life becomes abundant life. #ordinarylife #abundantlife #annieyorty Share on XI wonder about the changes in the jailer’s family after they believed and were baptized. New life in Christ freed each one to reflect His character as they went about their normal lives. What ripples of grace flowed throughout their community, and throughout the generations they produced?
And now I wonder about the changes God will work in Sadie and her family. That day at lunchtime, the girls sat with me and their junior counselor, pencils in hand, with Bibles open. Their questions consumed the entire half hour. Pray with me for their continued enthusiasm to seek God through His Word.
I may never cross paths again with Sadie, Peyton, and Kyrah, at least not on earth. But I trust God, who began this good work in their hearts, to faithfully complete it, finally ushering them into eternal life with Him. There, I fully expect to reunite and hear the rest of the story.
With us at God’s side, ordinary life becomes abundant life.
When I woke up Thursday morning, I prayed, showered, and brushed my teeth. I fixed breakfast for Alyssa, packed lunches, took my medicine, and dragged my basket of supplies to the car. I followed the usual route to arrive at camp. There we followed the same schedule as any other day.
But right in the middle of all that normalcy, bam! God did something miraculous. And I got to be a part of it. How awesome is that?
What abundance is God injecting into your ordinary life?
If you’re not sure, pray about it. Ask God for guidance to serve Him where He is moving with eternal purpose.
Perhaps He’ll guide you to:
- Teach a Sunday school class
- Offer rides to a homebound senior citizen
- Devote fifteen minutes to talk with your teen every evening
- Support the parents of a child with intellectual disabilities
- Tutor ESL students
- Pray for your country, state, or town
- Encourage residents at a nursing home
- Start a Bible study during lunch hour at work
- Host neighbors for dinner
- Teach at Good News Camp™ this summer (they’re all over the world)
My list of ordinary could go on and on.
The common denominator of all these activities is the opportunity to offer the good news of Jesus—His abundance—within the ordinary. In that sweet spot, miracles happen. New life begins and grows.
I hope you’ll take a minute and comment below about work of eternal significance within your everyday activities. By sharing our testimonies, we encourage one another to stick close to God and experience ordinary abundant life.
Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. (Hebrews 10:24 NLT)
Join the conversation:
Please share a testimony from your ordinary abundant life.
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty
From Ignorance to Bliss
What do you do when life comes at you sideways? From Ignorance to Bliss demonstrates how God uses the unexpected in life to grow and change those who are willing.
Readers receive inspiration and hope through a transparent dive into real life with Alyssa, who has Down syndrome. Annie offers stories of God’s faithfulness from before diagnosis and birth through adulthood.
Filled with humor, poignance, and practical insights, topics include expectations, education, stress, medical issues, recreation, work, siblings and friends, rejection and disappointment, and triumphs and joy.

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JD Wininger
Oh my, it seems my list to too long to place here. In all aspects of my life I can see where God has overflowed my life with His abundant blessings. What a great thought to spend my day considering Ms. Annie. Thank you ma’am.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, J.D. We all have a long list of God’s interventions, and we need to review and thank Him regularly. And then we join Him in the next thing He has planned for us.
What a beautiful story of affirmation that you’re on God’s path, and thanks for the suggestions of simple ways to serve Him by increasing His kingdom.
“With us at God’s side, ordinary life becomes abundant life.” Indeed.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Candyce. I appreciate your visit and your encouragement. Blessings!
Barbara Latta
How many people’s ordinary days were changed just because Jesus walked by? Blind Bartimaes, the woman with the issue of blood, the Samaritan woman, etc. Ordinary days can become extraordinary when the Savior touches those moments. So happy for the results of the camp. Our VBS was last week and 7 kids gave their lives to Christ. These happy kids were changed in an ordinary day. Thanks, Annie!
Annie Yorty
You make a great point, Barbara, about the ordinary people in the Bible. I’m so thankful for how Jesus is restoring the lost!
Debbie Wilson
Annie, what a wonderful reminder of how God blesses our ordinary routines with extraordinary blessings.
Annie Yorty
When God is in it, amazing, eternal things happen! Thanks for visiting, Debbie!
Katherine Pasour
Your message brought joy to my day, Annie. I’ve always loved the story of Paul preventing the jailor from killing himself and his subsequent conversion. It offers such hope for all people to become part of the family of God. Then when you shared the joy of those young girls as they accepted Jesus as their Savior, I felt warm all over (and not from this sweltering heat we’re having). Thank you, Annie, for your witness and service to Jesus and the beauty of the words you share.
Annie Yorty
So funny, Katherine! But you’re right, we all share the joy of new life in Christ whenever it happens. We don’t want to miss out on that party!
Jeannie Waters
Annie, I absolutely adore this post. You showed us the joy of salvation and the joy of working for God’s glory. I especially like this section: “The common denominator of all these activities is the opportunity to offer the good news of Jesus—His abundance—within the ordinary. In that sweet spot, miracles happen.”
Sometimes people tell me the words I spoke or wrote were just what they needed. That surprises me, but it shouldn’t because I ask God to speak to me about how to share with others. Recently, I had the privilege of baking cookies and serving lunch to our youth group who were participating in various mission projects. They were so appreciatitive. I marveled how in that small task I was able to feed teen missionaries who love God and people. God is always at work, and it amazes me how He includes us.
Annie Yorty
I marvel right along with you, Jeannie. I know God delights in us just because He loves us, but isn’t it wonderful to join Him in His work and be useful for eternity? I wonder what the rest of the cookie story will be. Thank you for sharing this great story. P.S. I’d love to bake (and eat) cookies with you sometime!
Tammy L Kennington
Annie, what a lovely perspective on ordinary days! Truly, each of them is a gift and we have an opportunity to employ them for His glory. Thanks for implanting joy in my heart today.
Annie Yorty
Tammy, thank you for visiting and adding to the conversation. When we all elevate Him in our ordinary, the world can see His glory!