Night to Shine
by Annie Yorty ©2022
An exquisite princess poses hand on hip in the shadows at the edge of the red carpet surveying a cheering crowd. She inhales a deep breath and holds it, waiting for her introduction. It’s her night to shine.
** Alert: This post may contain many proud mama Night to Shine photos ** 😊
Tim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine
Started in 2015, Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine celebrates people with special needs through a prom event held simultaneously throughout the world every February. The belief “that every child of God is uniquely created and inherently worthy of love” drives Tebow and countless volunteers to organize this annual event. Thousands upon thousands of individuals with disabilities have experienced the love of God through this star-studded celebration over the past seven years.
Local churches host these proms. The elegant evening’s activities include swirling gowns, tuxedos, make-up, hair styling, flowers, limousine rides, a sit-down dinner, and swag bags. Of course, no Night to Shine would be complete without dancing ‘til you drop under glittering lights. But the highlight of the evening comes when the emcee calls each guest by name to walk the red carpet to thunderous applause.
Preparing for Night to Shine
Alyssa, who has Down syndrome, thrills at being a princess at Night to Shine every year. Anticipation builds for months as we prepare for the red-carpet moment.
The church arranges a boutique where participants “shop” for free gowns and evening attire. No detail is overlooked. On the way in, hand-lettered signs greet them to make them feel special and create excitement. Many volunteers stand ready to help with the selection process. An army of seamstresses stands by for anyone whose new clothing requires alterations. Finally, women may choose from an array of jewelry, accessories, and make-up to complement their dresses.
The Big Day
On the day of the event, we arrive at the venue early to beautify. Hair stylists, manicurists, and make-up experts fuss over the women. Each one emerges from the room like a butterfly from a cocoon, face glowing and heart overflowing from the special attention. Next, each person receives a wrist corsage or boutonniere along with a Night to Shine bag filled with goodies and encouraging hand-written notes. That’s when they meet the volunteer friend who will help them enjoy the evening to the fullest.
Though parents and caregivers do not participate in the festivities, we can watch by video while enjoying a meal generously provided by our local Chick-fil-A restaurant.
Don’t We All Have a Time to Shine?
This gala is aptly named because the light of Jesus blazes from every detail. It reminds me that God says we all have a time to shine.
In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16 NLT).
God’s light in us should reflect to everyone to produce praise for our Father in heaven.
Princess Alyssa
I, too, hold my breath as the spotlight circles to find Princess Alyssa. The grin tugging at the corners of her mouth broadens into a wide smile as the emcee announces her name. She steps onto the red carpet, her countenance gleaming. Basking in continuous applause, Alyssa prances down the carpet. Every few steps, she pauses to model for paparazzi and wave to her adoring public. She’s shining!
Our Mission to Shine
The mission of the Tim Tebow Foundation is “to bring faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need.”
Friends, we all know people oppressed by darkness. It’s our time to shine!
Join the conversation:
Please share how you shine the light and love of God in your corner of the world.
Shameless plug: Feel free to gush over Alyssa!
I welcome your comments!
*** You may be inspired to shine by volunteering or contributing to the Tim Tebow Foundation Night to Shine. 😊 Please send me an email at AnnieYorty@gmail.com and I’ll hook you up! ***

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Edwina E Cowgill
What a marvelous thing this foundation does! Alyssa is beautiful on the outside, and from her smile, I can tell she is beautiful on the inside. Congratulations to her!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Edwina! She brings me much joy.
Candyce Carden
Alyssa is beautiful! I’ve long been a fan of Tim Tebow, but I respect and admire him even more now. I’m not familiar with this annual event. Thank you for sharing about it and for sharing Alyssa’s Moment to Shine.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Candyce. I, too, have been so impressed by Tim Tebow’s heart for God.
Jeannie Waters
Oh, Annie your post brought joy tears. Your daughter is beautiful, and I know your heart shined along with hers that night. I’ve read about this event before, but your description transported us to the location. What a beautiful picture of the body of Christ showing His love. May each of us seek to love others this way.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Jeannie. It makes me cry too, when I experience all the care and effort lavished upon Alyssa and the others at Night to Shine. This event stands in stark contrast to a world where they are marginalized.
Debbie Wilson
So precious. Made we wonder if that is a glimpse of how we’ll be greeted in heaven.
Annie Yorty
I can’t say I’ve imagined it that way before, Debbie, but I will in the future. What a beautiful thought!
How wonderful. I have never heard about this event. Thank you for the great pictures.
Annie Yorty
Thanks for visiting, Jennifer. It truly is a spectacular event!
Katherine Pasour
Such a beautiful story, Annie, a wonderful blessing for my day. Thanks so much for sharing. I can picture sweet Alyssa’s lovely smile. I’m so glad you shared pictures–she’s a lovely young lady and I know you are so proud.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Katherine, for playing along with my brazen request for gushing!😊 Seriously, I am indeed quite proud of Alyssa and thank you for the lovely compliment.
Barbara Latta
Thank you for sharing this beautiful event. What a blessing this is for those special girls!
Annie Yorty
Thank you for visiting, Barbara!
Erin Casey
She is lovely! How good it is to see love and kindness on display.
Annie Yorty
Thank you for visiting, Erin. We definitely need more kindness in our world.