Mothers’ Unique Calling
by Annie Yorty ©2022
William Ross Wallace wrote in his 1865 poem, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” Indeed, mothers wield profound influence on the world through their children. That’s why mothers have a unique calling to represent God.
Abraham Lincoln, Florence Nightingale, Adolf Hitler, Christopher Columbus, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Attila the Hun, Joseph Stalin, Sir Isaac Newton, and Mother Teresa. What two things do all these people have in common? They all significantly changed the world. And they all originated from mothers.
God’s Plan for Mothers and Children
God designed this world so that everyone has a mother. He even entrusted His own precious Son, Jesus, to a mother for nurture and training. God gave mothers a special role in the family to uniquely represent certain traits of His character to their children. The goal? Instill in them an awareness of God’s rightful place as the Lord of their lives.
While mothers are most certainly imperfect in this calling, I think we could concede that they hold the most important job in the world. Pastor Andy Stanley agrees. “Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do but someone you raise.”
Even so, our culture does not reflect the high value of mothering. Though motherhood ranks low on the list of power careers, popular quotes about moms said by people from all walks of life reveal the universal importance of this fundamental job. Hidden within these words, we see how God has honored mothers with some of His character qualities to reveal Himself to children and to the world.
Moms are the people who know us the best and love us the most. – Unknown
True, moms probably know their children better than anyone else, especially while the children are young. And mothers exhibit one of the purest forms of love found on earth.
Mom love is, however, a poor reflection of the love God lavishes upon us. God knows every nook and cranny of our hearts; no evil intent can hide from Him. Yet He loves us—without reservation, without expectation, without condition.
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners (Romans 5:8 NLT).
Motherhood is a delicate balance between holding on and letting go. –Unknown
From the earliest, a mom is training her child for independence. I’ve heard it said that mothering is working yourself out of a job.
This doesn’t exactly parallel with God because there will never be a time when we don’t need Him. We should always completely rely on Him. But God does allow us to make our own choices. He never forces us to accept His Son Jesus as Lord. And even when you put your faith in Jesus, God won’t club you into submission. He invites you to submit, to yield to His will in every facet of life. He will allow us to rebel, and, like the prodigal’s father, will wait for our return. God strikes a perfect balance between allowing us to exercise our free will surrounded by His sovereignty.
Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done (Romans 1:28 NLT).
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. —Honore de Balzac
“It’s a good thing God made them so cute. If they weren’t, I might kill them!” Be honest—have you ever thought this about your kids? Yet, somehow, our children made it through all their antics relatively unscathed by the wrath they deserved. All because a mother’s love compels forgiveness.
God’s merciful love, though, runs far deeper than any mother’s love. Not only does God forgive but He also forgets. He intentionally removes our sins from His mind and chooses not to hold them against us.
And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins (Hebrews 8:12 NLT).
Moms are life’s number one cheerleaders without uniforms. —Richelle E. Goodrich
My dear hubby’s mom went to every single one of his wrestling matches throughout middle and high school. She cheered like a crazy woman and leapt off the bench when the ref made a bad call. No one doubted whose side she was on.
I wonder if that fierce mother loyalty is just a snippet of the devotion God feels toward His children. God so greatly desires the best for His kids that He sacrificed Jesus, His beloved Son, to save them. He’s proven He’s for us and for our good.
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else (Romans 8:31-32 NLT)?
A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. – Marion C. Garretty
A mom’s encouragement inspires. Her words build up confidence in a child until they are willing to take risks, to step out and slay the world’s fire-breathing dragons.
Sonya Carson, mother to Dr. Ben Carson, would ask her sons, “Do you have a brain? Then you can think yourself out of that.” Though all the odds were stacked against her as a young, uneducated, single mom, she drew on her faith in God to encourage her sons to strive for better in their lives.
Of course, God’s strength far surpasses any courage a mother can instill. In this verse written by the Apostle Paul, he points to spiritual abilities God supernaturally gives to His children to conquer spiritual battles.
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13 NLT).
Life doesn’t come with a manual; it comes with a mother. -Unknown
The Bible isn’t a how-to manual. Instead, it’s God’s revelation of Himself to us. But we often long for a formula. For steps to take in every situation. God gave mothers to this world to help guide children until they can begin to depend on His Holy Spirit for guidance.
Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left (Isaiah 30:21 NLT).
Mother – that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries. —T. DeWitt Talmage
Though she can’t always fix them, a mother’s heart always carries the pain and burdens of her children. This blessing from God helps children to better understand the heart of God.
God invites His children to release every concern to Him. And while moms feel burdened by their children’s worries, they’re lighter than air to God. He alone provides everything we need to overcome the troubles of this world.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you (1 Peter 5:7 NLT).
One More Mom Superpower
Here’s one final mom quote I couldn’t resist because it’s so true in my house 😊:
Nothing is lost until your mother can’t find it. – Unknown
No doubt God is the best at finding the lost. After all, the Kingdom of Heaven is all about God finding and saving lost people (Matthew 18:12-14). Aren’t you glad God endowed this special gift upon mothers?
Mothers’ Unique Calling to Reflect God’s Character
I saw a meme that said, “Behind every great kid is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing it all up.” I know there are days I’ve messed up. I mean, messed up for real. But looking back I see how God’s grace covered my failure to live up to my calling as a mother to reflect God’s character.
I believe He’ll do the same work of grace for you.
Abraham Lincoln famously said, “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.” Pray for your unique calling as a mother. Pray for your children too. God, their heavenly Father, has the perfect resources to equip you and train them.
When Mothers Fail in their Unique Calling
Maybe for you Mother’s Day brings painful reminders. Perhaps the Hallmark greeting cards don’t fit your mom experience. I get that. Truth be told, even the best moms fail at times. But, for a variety of reasons, some moms simply don’t seem to have the capacity for sacrificial mothering.
Or maybe you’re missing your mom because she left this earth way before you were ready.
If you’d rather hide under the covers than face Mother’s Day, ask God to help you perceive Him—His person, presence, provision, and purpose. Is He offering Himself to meet your needs, or perhaps bringing another person into your life to make His presence real to you? Maybe He is providing an opportunity for you find new purpose in mothering another person in need. Whatever the case, God is always with you.
Do You Need Encouragement in your Calling?
Are you a mom in the trenches—knee-deep in diapers, pouring over homework every evening, carting kids all over town for lessons, or praying for patience with a wayward teen? Maybe you’re slogging through the muck of mothering and haven’t looked up to see God and draw on His strength lately. I pray for your perseverance. You may not appreciate it right now, but God is using your current struggles for long-term good.
Encourage a Mom Today
This week take advantage of Mother’s Day to thank a mother for carrying out her unique calling to reflect God’s character to her children and to the world. Who will you encourage with your appreciation?
Join the Conversation:
How have you seen God use mothers to shine His light?
I welcome your comments!

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Thank you Ann!!!!! You are a wonderful
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Toby. Anything I do is only by the grace of God and wonderful examples like you. I truly appreciate your friendship and influence in my spiritual growth.
Laura Lee Leathers
A wonderful article! I love all of the quotes and have actually shared some of them over the years. You are a gifted writer and you have influenced my life.
Annie Yorty
That’s so kind of you to say, Laura. Thank you for visiting and commenting!
Nancy E. Head
Happy Mother’s Day, Annie. Thank you for sending this picture of grace and encouragement! God bless!
Annie Yorty
Thank you very much, Nancy. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
Candyce Carden
Wonderful tribute to mothers everywhere! Thank you and Happy Mother’s Day.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Candyce!
Yvonne Morgan
I hope your Mother’s Day was filled with joy. Thanks for sure all this great encouragement
Annie Yorty
My day was lovely, thank you. And thanks for visiting, Yvonne.
I love all the mom quotes. Most I had never heard before. Your posts are always so encouraging.
Annie Yorty
Thanks so much, Jen. I enjoy your wisdom too.
Jeannie Waters
I enjoyed this post which honors God and the moms He created to raise children. Thank you for powerful quotes and Scripture verses.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Jeannie!
Katherine Pasour
Your message is beautifully written and filled with wisdom and truth. I love the quotes you shared. Being a mother is the most important job in the world, I think, and the hardest. So much depends on us–the need to get it right. We’re so blessed that our loving Father is with us every step of the way. Thank you for blessing my day, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Katherine. I agree – mothering is the best and hardest job in the world. But I would never trade it!
Jeannie Waters
Annie, I enjoyed the way you honored God and the moms He designed to raise children. The quotes and scriptures are powerful.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Jeannie. Happy (belated) Mother’s Day!
Sylvia Schroeder
The value of a Mom. Thanks Annie. Such a privilege and important job.
Annie Yorty
I agree, Sylvia. It’s the best!