How to Love Our Country
by Annie Yorty ©2022
As a leader of various groups, I’ve organized my share of gatherings in borrowed spaces. “Leave it better than you found it” is a principle I try to follow. Celebrating Independence Day leads me to consider how to love our country by applying this concept.
I hold a view that’s become strangely controversial in the last few years.
A good citizen should love their country.
That’s right, I’m a patriot.
I’ve noticed that some Christians criticize patriotism. And maybe perhaps some of their observations are justified. If our love for country supersedes allegiance to God, we have backward priorities.
But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. (Philippians 3:20 NLT)
If my loyalty belongs first to my Father, then patriotism for America will not negate my heavenly citizenship. God sovereignly places us in countries to live out our life on earth for His good purposes. He delineates these countries and establishes their leaders. He ordains their history and their future. (Proverbs 21:1)
How Nehemiah Loved His Country
We find many examples of patriotism in the Bible, but let’s look briefly at Nehemiah. Nehemiah, Jewish by birth, lived in exile in Babylon all his life. He had never laid eyes on the country of his ancestors. Yet when he heard about Jerusalem’s decimated walls, he felt deep responsibility to be part of the solution.
If God honored Nehemiah’s patriotic feelings, shouldn’t we reconsider denigrating love for our country?
At risk and cost to himself, Nehemiah left his good position in Babylon and traveled to Jerusalem. Seeing the sorry state of the wall surrounding the city, he rallied the people to clean up and rebuild the fortress.
The fortress around our country has crumbled. What can we do? Share on XThe fortress around our own country has crumbled. What can we do?
As good citizens, we should love our country, even if we don’t consider it to be perfect. Even when we see glaring flaws.
Think about it. While a country is a particular parcel of land, it is primarily a group of people who coexist on that land under shared values. When I say we should love our country, I’m talking about loving the people of our country—our neighbors.
What can one person do?
Three Ways to Love Our Country
- Live as a good citizen of heaven.
Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people. (Proverbs 14:34 NLT)
Godliness, also translated as righteousness, is living according to God’s Word. Living as a good citizen of heaven makes us good earthly citizens.
This proverb does not specify an exact formula. It doesn’t say what percent of the people must live godly lives before a nation will be great.
Obviously, God desires for every person to follow His ways because they are best. But I believe this proverb indicates an individual duty as much, or even more, than a corporate responsibility. After all, if each individual were living a godly life, wouldn’t we elect government officials who reflect those values?
What if, one by one, Americans committed to both publicly and privately following God’s commands? How might the trajectory of our country change for the better? Share on XWhat if, one by one, Americans committed to both publicly and privately following God’s commands? How might the trajectory of our country change for the better?
- Choose to be part of the solution.
Instead of simply wringing our hands when we notice a problem, we may be called by God to act. How should we intervene? Jesus stepped out of heaven and came to earth to die on a cross because of His love for us. His compassion led Him to act.
Consider how God may be leading you to act as His ambassador within your sphere of influence.
- Pray
Our godliness and good works are useless without the power and presence of God. Stay in close communication with God as you consider how to love our country. Listen to how He wants to strategically use you to reveal the Kingdom of Heaven.
We also love our country by following Nehemiah’s example in prayer. My article at Crosswalk, Steps to Praying for Our Country, talks more about how he prayed for the country he loved.
Borrowed Space
Our country is borrowed space. We won’t live here permanently. But as responsible temporary citizens, let’s leave it better than we found it by loving our country.
Join the conversation:
How is God leading you to love our country?
I welcome your comments!

Blessing in the Detour

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J.D. Wininger
Well said Ms. Annie. “Leave it better than you found it” is a wonderful mantra to have; about everything in life my friend. I share both youre love of this nation and your lament for the shape we find it in today. If I’m honest, I am wont to fuss and complain about the state of our nation, but I have to also admit that to some degree we’ve reaped what we allowed to be sowed. Christianity has, in this old rancher’s opinion, placated and comprimised to try to be more “acceptable” to the world instead of drawing a line of godly morality and values that we refused to be moved from. As you so eloquently point out, it comes down to the individual. Each time we acquiesce to something we know goes against God’s law and Christ’s teachings, then we surrender a small portion of ourselves to this world. The only way to recover that MUST start with the individual Christian. Get ourselves right with God and we’ll get our church-house right again. Get our church right again and we’ll get our communities realigned. As morality starts to again take root and grow, it will soon begin to spread like wildfire. When that happens, America can once again become that shining beacon of God’s love to the world. We’re a bit tarnished, tattered, and worn down, but we’re far from out. #MakeAmericaMoralAgain #StandUpForChrist God’s blessings for this important and inspiring message ma’am.
Annie Yorty
J.D., thank you for your wise words! I agree that our churches have lost that “set apart” concept. I’m so thankful God changes us from the inside out. What wretched people we are if it all comes down to just sin management.
Nancy E. Head
You’re so right, Annie, that if the Church committed to the principles you list, it would make a great difference in our nation. Thankfulness helps to keep our attitudes on track. Along with gratitude goes duty rather than entitlement. Thanks for your work on this important message. God bless!
Annie Yorty
Yes, Nancy! The entitlement attitude we find in so many points to an appalling lack of gratitude.
Barbara Latta
We do need to pray for changes, but these will only occur as we become involved in addition to our prayers. Prayer works but God gives us answers as we pray so we will know what to do. Our country has been blessed and we need to preserve our foundation.
Annie Yorty
So true, Barbara. We each must obey His direction to act within the sphere of influence He gives.
Yvonne Morgan
We do need change and we need to step up to be part of it too. I am praying for revival to spread through our churches and our lands. Wonderful post Annie so thanks for sharing.
Annie Yorty
I’m joining you in prayer for hearts to be inclined toward Christ and changed. True freedom starts from the inside out.
I love how you are always willing to tackle the issues head on. Joining you in prayer for this nation I love.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Jennifer. We stand firm in prayer together.
Debbie Wilson
This is excellent. You address areas where many seem to feel conflicted.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Debbie. I’m so glad you visited and added to the conversation.
Katherine Pasour
Such an important and timely message, Annie. I’m proud to be a patriot, but I very much agree with you–God must be first. Sometimes actions are taken that are harmful to others and to our country because those participating in violent acts use the excuse of patriotism, but their behavior reveals they are not God-centered. Much prayer needed to help us walk the path of faith in our Father.
Annie Yorty
So true, Katherine. Some claim affiliation with God but nothing about what they do matches His word.
Yes, Annie. Our country needs prayer and for Christians to stand up against evil. We may want change;but, we need to be the change. With God all things are possible. Praying for our country.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Dawn, for visiting and adding to the conversation. We will pray together. God is faithful!
Candyce Carden
Your post fills me with hope because your suggestions for loving our country are practical, simple and doable.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Candyce. You make an important point about hope. As Christians, we must always radiate the hope we have in Christ Jesus in every circumstance.
Sylvia Schroeder
What a timely post! Loving God first and foremost is key to loving my country well. We do live in a topsy turvy world and certainly need to look at what is happening through the lens of the Bible. Loved connecting Nehemiah’s deep love and loyalty to our responsibility. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Sylvia, for visiting and sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your kind comments.
Keith Waltets
This was a well written article about Patriotism from the Christian perspective. Prayer, God’s word and the Constitution are the foundation to our freedom.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Keith! We should never take our freedom for granted.
Barb Fox
I cannot express how loudly I am saying “Amen” to this. You have clearly and beautifully expressed how we can love our country BY loving God. These words of wisdom provide guide rails that help avoid two extremes I see too often. The first extreme is focusing so much on promoting what we think the nation should look like (politics, policies, etc.) that we forget to love ALL the people in the nation. The second is not honoring God because we are “above” patriotism, i.e., we refuse to acknowledge His involvement in placing leaders and therefore don’t feel a need to honor them (Hebrews 13:17).
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Barb, for adding to the discussion on this topic. The balance you describe is so important and only achieved by putting God first.