Glory to God
by Annie Yorty
Sometimes the spotlight of attention for good deeds blinds us to the Giver of our gifts and abilities. It’s easy to forget to give glory to God.
I’ve had an exciting month. My book, From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed through Down Syndrome, released on March 13th. From Ignorance to Bliss tells how God used an unexpected diagnosis to teach me how to trust Him. He does the same with the twists and turns in your life too. I hope you’ll click the link on the title of the book and find encouragement for your soul.
I also received the news I made the cut as a finalist for the Selah awards for three articles I wrote. These awards highlight excellence in each genre within the Christian publishing industry. I feel amazed and honored to be chosen.
I admit I need to exercise caution at times of recognition. The creep of pride threatens Christlike humility. I was not created to handle glory well. None of us were.
The spotlight of recognition may blind you to God’s work in your life. Share on XIn fact, God gave us gifts and abilities for a very different reason.
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another. Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen. (1 Peter 4:10-11 NLT)
Everything we do should bring glory to God.
Out of high school, I intended to become a journalist. While that never panned out, I’m going to apply my rudimentary skills to this passage from the Bible and answer basic questions about giving glory to God.
Who should give glory to God?
Psalm nineteen says all creation cries glory to God. The Bible also says all human activity should express the glory of God (Isaiah 43:7). Of course, we all know many people, including ourselves, who appropriate God’s glory, but our purpose remains unchanged. Glory for anything good belongs to God.
What is God’s glory?
God’s glory is His perceptible essence—who He is. I like to think of God’s glory as His beauty and goodness on display. The Bible gives many names for God. Each demonstrates some aspect of His character and glory.
When should God’s glory be displayed?
This simple question’s answer deserves deeper contemplation. The physical creation glorifies God constantly. Yet people, part of God’s creation, do not. God gave humans something the rest of creation does not possess—free will. We have the choice to bend to God’s will—or not.
Like the trees, birds, fish, sun, and moon, we all should reflect glory to God. Unfortunately, many do not. Some refuse to humbly admit their Maker deserves all praise and honor.
Any ability or virtue we have was given to us by God. Share on XBut some of us have submitted to God through Jesus. We understand we’re designed for God’s glory. Yet we still struggle with consistently diverting glory from ourselves to God.
We achieve our goal of giving God glory at all times by allowing His Spirit to control us more and more each day.
Where do we shine God’s glory?
Our lives are not like a TV dinner tray with separated compartments for different foods. God’s glory should shine through us wherever we go and whatever we do.
Parents should reflect God to their children. Our conduct at work should demonstrate righteousness. Whether we go to the store, a family gathering, to watch sports, or any other activity, God’s glory should point the way to Him like a lighthouse guides ships to safety.
Why is it important to give God glory?
Often when we follow God, our work is recognized only by Him. The world rarely perceives or values the servant of God. Sometimes, though, God allows the spotlight to find us. In either case, we may be prone to build our own ego rather than God’s glory.
Glory showered upon humans corrupts. Consider the fate of successful celebrities. A large majority fall prey to pride. They shoot like stars and then plummet as fame wreaks havoc upon their souls. We are not created to be the object of human adulation.
On the other hand, Almighty God deserves all glory because of His proven character. Any ability or virtue we have was given to us by Him. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. We cannot rightfully claim His glory.
Thank God
What gifts, abilities, and successes has God given to you? When the spotlight of recognition shines on you, it may blind you to God’s work in your life. A habit of constant gratitude restores sight.
Upon waking in the morning, thank God for breath in your lungs and the promise of a new day.
Throughout the day, when someone throws a compliment your way, immediately offer it to Him.
At bedtime, ask God to search your heart and root out any pride that grabs for God’s glory.
Everything we do should bring glory to God. Share on XOur Challenge
Let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father. (Matthew 5:16 NLT)
Let’s thank God for the abilities and opportunities He graciously gives to us. May we use them faithfully to give Him glory for all eternity.
Join the conversation:
What strategy helps you pass glory to God when it comes your way?
I welcome your comments!
From Ignorance to Bliss
What do you do when life comes at you sideways? From Ignorance to Bliss demonstrates how God uses the unexpected in life to grow and change those who are willing.
Readers receive inspiration and hope through a transparent dive into real life with Alyssa, who has Down syndrome. Annie offers stories of God’s faithfulness from before diagnosis and birth through adulthood.
Filled with humor, poignance, and practical insights, topics include expectations, education, stress, medical issues, recreation, work, siblings and friends, rejection and disappointment, and triumphs and joy.
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

The Fairness of God

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J.D. Wininger
Amen Ms. Annie. All glory is God’s. I loved how you so aptly stated that all creation, but man, gives God glory and shines God’s glory all the time. Even as His adopted heirs, we are a fickled bunch, who far too often only responds to His blessings in our lives and not His glory that encompasses us all the time. We said author! And I’ve ordered your book, and can’t wait for them to arrive. Congratulations ma’am.
Annie Yorty
Indeed, we are a fickle bunch, J.D. I’m so thankful God puts up with our vagaries while He helps us grow to maturity. Thanks for joining the conversation and getting the book. I appreciate it so much!
Katherine Pasour
Annie, your message is a wonderful reminder for us to be constantly vigilant that the sin of pride doesn’t creep in, undetected, separating us from God. Your suggestion that we directly send compliments we receive to God, for the glory belong to Him, is absolutely on target. You’ve helped me be more aware of the need to give God the glory–it’s not me, it’s Him. Thank you!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Katherine, for adding to this conversation. After we work so hard to accomplish goals, we somehow think we own them. My constant battle is to remember the Source.
Barbara Latta
I like how you described the way we should express God’s glory. We should shine to our children, spouses, friends, and all relationships. We can show this in different ways because we interact with the people in our lives according to their needs. Thanks for this beautiful post, Annie!
Annie Yorty
You make an excellent point, Barbara. As we’re informed by the Holy Spirit in us, we can understand and minister to individual needs. Thanks for visiting!
Wendy Dellinger
I like your reminder to keep ourselves in constant gratitude to God throughout the day. Thankfulness keeps the glory aimed at Him. Great post, Annie, thanks. And congratulations on both your book and being a finalist with your articles! May God use your words abundantly to bless others.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Wendy! Gratitude is key to living life well.
Nancy E. Head
Congratulations, Annie. I’m enjoying the book and expect it to make a difference for many. Thanks for sharing and God bless!
Annie Yorty
Thanks very much, Nancy!
Jimmie Kepler
A great reminder that not only does all the praise goes to Jesus, but that our abilities are gifts from God. Bravo.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Jimmie. Keeping your second point in mind helps us to give Him all the praise. I appreciate your visit!
Marilyn Nutter
I loved this statment, “Our lives are not like a TV dinner tray with separated compartments for different foods. God’s glory should shine through us wherever we go and whatever we do.” All of life- talents, people etc are gifts from Him. Your post reminding us to “handle with care and gratitude” was beautifully written. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Marilyn, for visiting and adding your thoughts. Blessings!
Debbie Wilson
Congratulations on your book, Annie! Love the cover. I like Paul’s words, “I am what I am by the grace of God!”
Annie Yorty
Thanks so much, Debbie. God’s grace is amazing!
Jeannie Waters
Your post is filled with truth about God’s glory, Annie. I appreciate this reminder: “On the other hand, Almighty God deserves all glory because of His proven character. Any ability or virtue we have was given to us by Him. Apart from Him, we can do nothing. We cannot rightfully claim His glory.” The strategies you share in your conclusion will help us remember. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
Jeannie, thank you for visiting and adding to the conversation. I thank God with you for all He’s given us and pray He helps us use our gifts for Him.
Candyce Carden
What excellent advice here. I’m printing it to have as a reference and reminder. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I’m not accomplishing that I fail to notice—and praise—the small victories.
I subscribe to Christian Living today and I was so thrilled to open a recent issue and see you as one of their yearly contest winners. It was a wonderful article!
I plan to get deeper into your book this weekend. I know it will be a blessing to read.
Annie Yorty
Thanks so much, Candyce, for your encouragement. God is always faithful, so we’re inspired to be faithful to Him in both big and small accomplishments.
Yvonne Morgan
Great truth in this message Annie. We must remember where all good things come from and give Him praise for each one. It is so easy to get caught up in the moment and forget. Thank you for the reminder. And congratulations on the new book. I pray it reaches many people.
Annie Yorty
Yvonne, thank you for adding to the conversation. We all need to be reminded and encouraged. I’m so glad you’re part of that important work.
Barb Owen
Jill Briscoe wrote this about Corrie ten Boom and all the accolades she received:
A Bouquet of Praise
“What do you have that you did not receive? Now if you did indeed receive it, why do you glory as if you had not received it?” ~ 1 Corinthians 4:7
I watched Corrie ten Boom receive people’s heartfelt thanks for her ministry. “How do you stay humble, Corrie?” I asked her. “It must be hard not to get big-headed when everyone keeps saying ‘thank you’ all the time.”
Corrie smiled and replied, “I used to struggle with it, but not anymore. All through the day I collect people’s appreciation as if I’m collecting a beautiful bunch of flowers. Then at the end of the day I kneel by my bedside and offer my bouquet to Jesus. ‘Here You are, Lord,’ I say. ‘They are all Yours, for what have I that I did not receive?’”
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Barb, for sharing this beautiful story about Corrie ten Boom. I will remember the image of the bouquet. We are like the family members who may enjoy the fragrance of the flowers even though we did not earn them. Blessings to you!
Heidi Vertrees
Thank you, Annie Yorty, for writing on this so important topic. It is salve to my soul.
Congratulations on your book! My copy just arrived today!
Annie Yorty
Heidi, thanks so much for your kind words. As Corrie ten Boom said, I’m adding them to a bouquet to offer to God at the end of this day. Blessings to you!
Jen Knight
Such a beautiful post. God has taught me so much through my son’s journey with autoimmune diseases and my own battles with Lyme. I heard someone say yesterday that suffering is an opportunity to get closer to Jesus. That it has. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Annie Yorty
Thanks for visiting, Jen. Suffering certainly provides an advanced class for knowing Jesus if we cooperate in the process. May God continue to draw you closer as you wait for His provision.
Lisa Robbins
Annie, I love this post. And yes, everything we do should brng glory to God! Conratulations on your book release and your Selah Award finialists.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Lisa, for visiting and adding your insights. May you bring much glory to God too!