Celebrate God
by Annie Yorty
“What did you do this week?” Have you ever made it all the way to Friday before someone asked you this question? When you opened your mouth to reply, you discovered you’ve been so busy you can barely remember eating lunch that day. Well, that’s how I feel about all of last year. Now I need to pause and celebrate God.
December 31st rolled into January 1st without much of a peep in my house. My daughter went to bed before midnight. I worked on a craft project and watched a movie with my hubby. Pretty exciting, huh?
Now that I have a few days of 2023 under my belt, I decided I should review 2022. Guess what I discovered? God worked in and through my writing in more ways than I realized.
Twelve Ways to Celebrate God
When I researched my published work, I found twelve ways God used my writing. (If it helps, hum the tune of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” with this list 😊)
- 52 blogs published at my website
- 40 articles published at Crosswalk
- 11 devotions published at Crosswalk
- 5 speaking opportunities
- 5 guest contributions to online blogs and magazines (Living by Design, Refresh Magazine)
- 4 print magazine articles (Focus on the Family, Joyful Life, Today’s Christian Living)
- 3 newsletters
- 2 contributions published in book compilations (Room at the Table, Everyday Joy)
- 1 writing prize (Today’s Christian Living)
- 1 Podcast launched (Ordinary Moms of Extraordinary Kids)
- 1 book contract (From Ignorance to Bliss: God’s Heart Revealed Through Down Syndrome)
- and . . . who knows how many rejections
All Glory to God
I do not share these statistics from 2022 to toot my own horn.
God takes center stage as I pause to celebrate Him.
I end the list with my untold rejections because those, too, come from God. No, He’s not rejecting me. May it never be! But He does allow my work to be declined. Through rejections, I grow to be a better writer. More importantly, God chooses the placement of every word.
I share God’s work in my writing with you, my dear readers, because you’re an integral part of my ministry. I learn from you. Pray for you. Thank God for you.
If you belong to God, He works in and through your life too.
For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. (Philippians 2:13 NLT)
When was the last time you paused to celebrate God?
I encourage you to look up from whatever captures your attention and celebrate God for how He uses you to accomplish His good purposes.
My Invitation to You
As I close, I invite you to contact me about topics you’d like to hear about in 2023. If you would like me to speak to your podcast audience or organization about disability topics, homeschooling, Bible teaching, or global missions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
I’m also looking for partners to help me tell others about From Ignorance to Bliss. This book offers great encouragement and inspiration. You probably know some who would benefit. Please send me a message, and I’ll tell you more about the opportunities.
When was the last time you paused to celebrate God? Share on XJoin the conversation:
Would you share how God has worked in and through you in the past year? I’d love to hear your “Yay, God!” moments.
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

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J.D. Wininge
Your post found me singing “Count Your Blessings” Ms. Annie. And yes, I agree we need to include those things that God kept us from (rejections, trips, etc.) because we can never know in this life what peril He protected us from by saying “No” or “Not Yet”. Keep the faith my writerly friend, and congratulations.
Annie Yorty
Now I’m singing it too, J.D.! God is in control of our lives, and we should never doubt His goodness. Thanks for your visit and insights.
Nancy E. Head
He’s leading us in these times. May we follow faithfully and with the joy of celebrating Him.
God bless, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Thanks for your visit, Nancy. I pray your new year is off to a good beginning.
Katherine Pasour
Congratulations, Annie! Sounds like it’s been a wonderful and productive year for you. Most especially, thank you for sharing the Good News of Jesus our Lord through all you writing and speaking. Thank you for your love of Jesus and His children. Hoping 2023 is just as awesome.
Annie Yorty
Praise God, Katherine! I pray that whatever we do glorifies God. I’m glad we’re on the journey together.
Nancy Gibson
Giving thanks and singing God’s praises–yes indeed!
I like to TAKE NOTE (blog post) all year long then spend time reviewing all of God’s movements I’ve recorded through the year. Recalling His handiwork is like a double blessing as I relive the moments. Taking time to remember and celebrate is good for the soul. Thanks Annie!
Annie Yorty
I love your intentionality, Nancy. God tells His people to pause to celebrate because we have poor memories. Don’t you love a good party? Thanks for visiting.
Candyce Carden
You have been busy. COngratualtions! I think God intends for us to celebrate when we acheve spiritual victories. And this is a spiritual victory for you, too. Not only do your readers grow from reading your messages, but you grow in Christ when you are delving inward and outward to craft them.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Candyce. I praise God for this ministry of writing. As you say, He gives me opportunities to grow in ways I never imagined as I study and share His Word.
Yvonne Morgan
Amen Annie. What an amazing year. May God continue to use you and bless you.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Yvonne. He is good!
Jen Knight
You have been a busy bee. Your post encouraged me. Thank you for your openness to share the positives and the negatives. It does make us better.
Annie Yorty
Jen, thanks for coming and sharing my celebration. You, too, have much to celebrate with God.