Be Prepared in 2023
by Annie Yorty
As the calendar turns over to each new year, I tune in to hear from God about a big picture concept He wants me to focus on for the next 365 days. This year, the word is prepare. But what does it mean to be prepared in 2023?
The severe storms in the U.S. in the last few months remind us of the importance of preparation. Judging by my experience as a grocery store clerk back in the day, I’d say that usually means stripping the shelves of bread and milk in record time.
For what should Christians be prepared?
Jesus told us about a much more consequential coming event. Beginning in Matthew 23:4, He described the end of the age in which we presently live. This end culminates in a new beginning for all followers of Jesus as He returns to earth to take them out of this world.
Jesus used a series of parables to tell us how to be ready. From these word pictures we find 7 ways to be prepared in 2023.
Know the Signs—Fig Tree
In the same way, when you see all these things, you can know his return is very near, right at the door. (Matthew 24:33 NLT)
Jesus told this parable immediately after He enumerated “these things” that would signal His imminent return. You can find the entire description in Matthew 24:4-31. A few of the highlights include global wars, rampant betrayal, lawlessness, and a loss of love for one another.
Just as a meteorologist understands weather patterns to track the trajectory of a hurricane, we must first know what the Bible says about Jesus’ return before we can be prepared. Study God’s Word to learn the signs.
Pay Attention to the Signs—Days of Noah
Jesus compared the end to come with an earlier ending found in Genesis.
. . .In those days before the flood, the people were enjoying banquets and parties and weddings right up to the time Noah entered his boat. People didn’t realize what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes. (Matthew 24:37-39 NLT)
In this snippet about the flood, Jesus warned about allowing everyday, temporal activities to distract us from being prepared for more pressing spiritual events. He said His return date is unknown, but we can be certain He will come.
Show Others How to Be Prepared—The Two
Jesus explained that those who do not prepare for His return will miss out.
Two women will be grinding flour at the mill; one will be taken, the other left. (Matthew 24:41 NLT)
Believers in Jesus have a central mission—reflect God and share the good news of Jesus. Pause right now and look at the person next to you. If Jesus returned at this moment, would they be left behind? Let’s be sure that everyone has the opportunity to accept Christ’s salvation.
Persevere in Readiness—Faithful Homeowner
In this parable, Jesus told of a homeowner whose home was invaded because he let his guard down.
You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected. (Matthew 24:44 NLT)
We can’t take spiritual naps if we want to be prepared. Stay on defense against Satan so he cannot break in and steal any part of the abundant life God gives.
Obey God—Wise Servant
Jesus compared a faithful and unfaithful servant. The faithful one carried out his master’s orders exactly as specified.
If the master returns and finds that the servant has done a good job, there will be a reward. (Matthew 24:46 NLT)
If we live our lives running our own errands rather than God’s, we will not be prepared when Jesus returns. In the parable, the servant who ignored his master’s directions and abused his peers came to a horrible end because of his unfaithfulness.
If we live our lives running our own errands rather than God’s, we will not be prepared when Jesus returns. Share on X-
Use Your Assets for Eternity—Talents
A man gave money to three servants to invest during his temporary absence. Two out of the three doubled their money and presented the increase back to the master.
The master was full of praise. “Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” (Matthew 25:21 NLT)
But he wasn’t so pleased with the third man, who hid the money entrusted to him and earned nothing.
God has created you with abilities. He also gives His followers spiritual gifts. Are you wringing every bit of return out of God’s investment in you, or have you buried your gifts? When Jesus returns, let Him find you risking everything you have for Him.
Be Filled with the Holy Spirit—Ten Bridesmaids
In this parable about ten bridesmaids waiting for the groom to arrive, five prepared and five did not. The preparation consisted of having enough oil in their lamps to participate in the wedding. When the groom finally came, everyone scrambled to light their lamps.
All the bridesmaids got up and prepared their lamps. Then the five foolish ones asked the others, “Please give us some of your oil because our lamps are going out.” But the others replied, “We don’t have enough for all of us. Go to a shop and buy some for yourselves.” (Matthew 25:7-9 NLT)
That may seem harsh to you. Why wouldn’t the young women share their resources? To answer that question, we need to understand that throughout the Bible, oil represents the Holy Spirit.
Jesus uses this illustration of oil to explain that each person must receive the Holy Spirit through Him alone.
. . .You are controlled by the Spirit if you have the Spirit of God living in you. (And remember that those who do not have the Spirit of Christ living in them do not belong to him at all.) (Romans 8:9 NLT)
We can tell others about how to be filled with the Spirit, but each person must personally claim Jesus as Savior. You can read more about that by clicking Steps to Peace with God.
We can all be challenged by the message of this verse. Do we feed the flame of the Holy Spirit within us? Does God’s light build in intensity day by day?
Be Prepared in 2023
Don’t get hung up on timing. Instead, get focused, like these parables, on being prepared for Jesus’ return.
So be careful how you live. Don’t live like fools, but like those who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do. (Ephesians 5:15-17 NLT)
Join the conversation:
What will you focus on spiritually in 2023?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty
Do you know a mom who’s raising a child with special needs? Please help me spread the word about my new podcast with weekly Bible encouragement for moms of special needs kids.
Ordinary Moms of Extraordinary Kids
Bible Encouragement for Special Needs Moms
Parenting a child with special needs requires extraordinary courage, strength, and perseverance. But what if you feel you don’t have all that it takes? What if you’re just . . . ordinary?
Annie Yorty is an ordinary mom who has been mothering an extraordinary daughter with Down syndrome for many years. She is learning to rely on God to supply the “extra” to her ordinary parenting.
God’s Word instills courage within us. That’s why Annie opens the Bible every Monday morning to offer God’s encouragement, support, and hope to other ordinary moms fighting beside her in the trenches of special needs parenting.
Annie always keeps it real about life with extraordinary kids. She never sugarcoats or minimizes the daily struggles. With calm confidence in God, she mines His Word for precious gems of truth to apply to the rough and tumble of parenting children who have special needs. The encouragement you receive will sparkle in your heart all week long.

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Hello Annie,
Thanks for the reminder!! We all need to remember that Jesus truly can return for His elect at any time.
Annie Yorty
We can be so easily distracted. May God keep us faithful. Thanks for the visit, Teresa!
Nancy E. Head
We need to be ready. Even so, Come soon, Lord Jesus!
Annie Yorty
Amen! And we have the privilege of working together for Him while we wait. Thanks for visiting, Nancy.
J.D. Wininger
King Solomon’s got nothing on you Ms. Annie. Great wisdom and maturity found in your words ma’am. I join you in believing that we are without question in the “end times” and, like you, I say that with a mixed sense of anticipation/excitement and trepidation. My fear is not that I’ve not done enough to “punch my ticket home”, it’s that I’ve left too many things undone where I could have reached that one soul that will perish because I decided to hestitate, or remain quiet, etc. when it came to proclaiming and sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
Annie Yorty
None of that wisdom originates from me, J.D., but thank you for your kind words Yes, Father doesn’t want us to live in fear that He won’t accept us. We are loved and wanted by Him without question. But His love compels us to be reach out with concern for the ones who are lost and hopeless.
Debbie Wilson
Love how you put all of these scriptures together. Come Lord Jesus!!
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Debbie. We wait together with great anticipation!
Katherine Pasour
Wise and timely wisdom for us, Annie. Thank you for this informative and persuasive message to remind us to examine ourselves to see where we may not be ready. I expect most of us also need the nudge to look for those who may not yet know the saving grace of our Lord, jesus.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Katherine. I’m so glad we get to work shoulder-to-shoulder during our time before heaven. Happy new year!
Candyce Carden
Wonderful way to make an argument for being prepared. What better way than using parables all can relate to and understand. Thank you for this thoughtful, well-written post.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Candyce, for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Happy new year!
Jeannie Waters
Annie, this statement opened my eyes to think more strategically about how I spend my time. “If we live our lives running our own errands rather than God’s, we will not be prepared when Jesus returns.” I also appreciate your challenge to “use our assets for eternity.” Your post gives us practical ways to prepare well.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Jeannie, for visiting and adding to the conversation. I appreciate your insight. Blessings!
Yvonne Morgan
I loved how you used the parables to show us how to prepare and your comment about running after our own errands instead of God’s. We need to be about our Father’s business as we prepare. Thanks Annie.
Annie Yorty
It’s good to hear from you, Yvonne. Thank you for visiting. I’m glad we can join our voices together for one eternal purpose.
Jen Knight
This message has been on my heart so much lately as I have studied revelation. I loved reading your insite on it.
Annie Yorty
That makes a lot of sense, Jen. I just reread Revelation about a year ago. Thanks for visiting!