A Taste of Heaven
by Annie Yorty
Jesus warned His disciples—and us—this world will be full of troubles. I’m sure you’ve experienced enough of life to know this truth firsthand. In the middle of chaos, we long for a taste of heaven.
A Taste of Heaven
I spent last weekend on the top of a mountain in Mesquite, Texas. If you know Texas topography, you may be wondering if I somehow lost my way. A 360-degree scan of the Dallas region shows a landscape devoid of heights.
Stick with me and keep reading. You won’t want to miss the heavenly view from my lofty mountain reunion.
I first met Peggy in Siberia over fifteen years ago. We, along with others from around the United States, traveled there together on a mission to share the gospel message with orphans, elders, and addicted people in rehabs. Every year for about six years, Peggy and I served the Lord together in a frozen tundra on the other side of the world.
A spunky widow with a southern drawl, Peggy handed a business card to everyone she met. The photo of a slight, silver-haired grandma decked out in motorcycle leathers sitting astride a Harley Davidson always produced a look of surprise and a laugh. Her summation of our work together still rings in my ears today. “This is the abundant life, y’all!”
The Bond of Love
One year, Peggy knew she was too old to travel to Siberia. From afar, through prayer and financial support, she continued to support our efforts to spread the hope of salvation through Jesus.
Peggy now lives in the waning time of her life. The word “lives” is important because Peggy has not shut down, even though God has given her an awareness of the brevity of her days. She continues to serve Him each morning she draws breath.
To honor our sister in Christ, some friends from the Siberia teams traveled to Texas. Others joined the reunion through Zoom. Most of us have not seen one another in five years because of restrictions on travel to Russia. For some, the absence spanned more than a decade.
Nevertheless, the physical separation melted away in the presence of this family united by the Holy Spirit of Jesus. The bond of our eternal love, one that time cannot break, remains strong. We reminisced about the goodness of God. About His faithfulness through trials. His comfort in sorrow. And the joy of serving Him with wholehearted devotion. We reminded Peggy that she made a difference not only for eternity but also in each of our lives individually.
Isn’t the spiritual scenery of heaven on earth even more breathtaking than the view from the highest mountaintop?
4 Practices to Experience a Taste of Heaven on Earth
Before He sacrificed Himself on a cross for the sins of the world, Jesus gave a command to His followers.
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (John 13:34-35 NLT)
In our human strength, we cannot love in the same way Jesus loves us. But we have a power boost that enables us. God’s Holy Spirit guides us to the mountaintop of agape—unconditional—love for one another that gives a taste of heaven on earth.
Yielding to the Spirit, choose to engage in these four practices to taste heaven on earth.
1. Spend time doing life with people in God’s family.
We need to get up close and personal, into the inner circle beyond the façade we often present. Life gets messy in that zone. Cry, rejoice, and laugh together. You may argue or offend, but then forgive and restore. Love that supports and overcomes offers a taste of heaven to a hungry world.
2. Pray for one another.
We share our struggles with sin so the family of God can love and support us with prayer and accountability (James 5:16). As we pray, we join the spiritual battle waged in the heavenly realm.
3. Learn from one another as we imitate Jesus.
James wrote, “Dear brothers and sisters, pattern your lives after mine, and learn from those who follow our example” (Philippians 3:17 NLT). The godly choices we make help others to experience a taste of heaven.
4. Participate in the mission of Jesus.
Jesus came to redeem humankind through His death and resurrection so people may experience a satisfying, abundant life. He passed on that mission to His followers. “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone” (Mark 16:15 NLT).
God created us to unite with Christ to share the gospel message. He instituted His Church, a body of believers, to work together to accomplish this labor of love. I’ve discovered this shared mission bonds our hearts like nothing else.
“This is the abundant life, y’all!” #atasteofheaven #annieyorty #perceivegod Share on XThe Unity of Love
These four practices delight our palette with a taste of heaven on earth. God’s Spirit grows unconditional love that unifies our hearts not only with God but also with one another. This unity is a hallmark of heaven that we can enjoy here on earth.
On my return home from the mountaintop reunion in Texas, I soared above the clouds—both literally and figuratively. I don’t know if I’ll see Peggy again on this side of heaven. I don’t know if God will open the doors to serve Him and the people I love in Siberia. But the sweet taste of heaven on earth lingers with me today.
Join the conversation:
How is God inviting you to taste heaven today?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty
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Katherine Pasour
Your message brought sunshine to my day, Annie. Such love an inspiration shared through your words. So glad you had this reunion to honor your friend Peggy and her work to serve Jesus. Thank you for sharing love and light on this beautiful spring day.
Annie Yorty
Katherine, Peggy always says, “Shine on!” I’m thankful her love for God shines through my words to you. Blessings to you!
Love you sweet friend!!!
Annie Yorty
Toby, spending time with you and Steve was another special highlight from my time in Texas. Love you too!
Barbara Latta
This is such a great reminder of why we are still on this earth. Expanding God’s kingdom with His love brings more people to know Him. Blessings, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Absolutely! When we join in God’s work, our lives here grow richer and our lives in eternity more joyful. Thank you, Barbara.
Candyce Carden
. How special for you all to re-connect with Peggy. We learn so much from the mentors God places in our lives. It’s a bond that lasts forever, I’m sure. I know what it feels like to “soar above the clouds figuritively,” and you post encourages me to recapture that feeling more consistently.
Thanks, Annie.
Annie Yorty
God definitely uses our spiritual family to build us up. I wonder sometimes what joy we miss when we neglect to invest in these eternal relationships here on earth. Thanks for adding to the conversation, Candyce.
J.D. Wininger
Had I known, I would’ve gladly driven the hour to come see you while you were visiting Texas my friend. Sounds like you and Ms. Peggy both experienced “mountaintop moments” here in “Flatland.” So very glad you were able to visit. Isn’t it amazing how spending time with loved ones (they’re all family, aren’t they?) can recharge our souls? I’ll be brief with my comments as I need to call a couple of folks myself. God’s blessings sweet sister-in-Christ.
Annie Yorty
Oh my goodness, J.D.! For some reason, I thought you were clear on the other side of Texas. I would have loved to invite you to join us. I’m always amazed at the bond I have with my brothers and sisters in Christ as we unite in His purposes. So sweet! I’m glad to count you among my family.
J.D. Wininger
And next time you come to Texas, bring my pal Miss Alyssa so we can go rope us a calf or two. I’ll even let her brand one.
Annie Yorty
Alyssa couldn’t come on this trip, but she’s usually hanging with me. If you come to Georgia this fall, you’ll meet her there. I suppose the logistics of getting a calf there would be tricky though. LOL
Wendy Dellinger
What a neat story and inspiration, Annie! Thanks for sharing. Truly, doing life with God’s people is a taste of heaven on earth.
Annie Yorty
That’s right, Wendy. So many think we need to wait until heaven for the goodness God offers. But He wants us to enjoy an abundant life right here on earth, and our relationships should make us eager for what lies ahead. Thank you for visiting!
Yvonne Morgan
What an amazing woman, friendship and glimpse into heaven. I laughed when I first read this was Mesquite TX. We lived in the DFW area so knew there were no mountains. But with God, we can find mountain tops anywhere. Thanks for sharing Annie.
Annie Yorty
I’m laughing with you, Yvonne. God is with us in the heights, the valleys, and in the flatlands. Thanks for visiting!