7 Qualities of Good Citizens
by Annie Yorty
In my last blog post, we discussed our need to run to God, our best provider, rather than to government, to meet our needs. Today, let’s consider how we can be good citizens of our country.
A Builder That Tears Down
Late one evening a few weeks ago, I pulled my car into my driveway. I got out, and my movement triggered the automatic floodlight. In its blaze glistened a silky web that stretched between two bushes in the landscape.
I shuddered at the thought of the ghastly eight-legged monster that created the exquisitely strong insect trap. Thankfully, she was absent. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t lurking nearby, probably rubbing her furry tentacles in anticipation of a tasty dinner.
The next morning when I left the house, the web was gone. I breathed a sigh of relief. Later that evening, I took out the trash. Much to my dismay, I found the object of my nightmares darting to and fro, spinning a new snare for unsuspecting insects (that I also despise) between the same two bushes.
Perhaps you’ve heard a spider’s silk is stronger than steel when adjusted for weight. But did you know, despite such strength, many spiders tear down their webs and rebuild every day? I wonder why. Seems foolish to me.
A Country That Tears Down
Mrs. Spider made me think about a verse in the Bible about a foolish woman.
A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands. (Psalm 14:1 NLT)
Lately I’ve been thinking about how this verse applies on a larger scale. If we think of our country as our collective home (at least for our time living on earth), haven’t we corporately been undermining and dismantling its structure in recent years?
Knowing God’s reputation as a deliberate designer, the spider probably has a valid reason for tearing down her web each day. But God doesn’t mince words about the ones who would demolish their own home.
Foolish: having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion
How do good citizens reverse this trend of foolishness?
Civic Duties or Virtues?
We’ve all heard about civic duties—voting, serving on jury duty, participating in government, volunteering in your community, paying taxes. This is what JFK referenced in his inaugural address when he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country” (John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961).
But our civic responsibility goes deeper than duty. Civic virtue, adherence to “a particular moral excellence” (Merriam-Webster), refers to inner character qualities which prompt outward behaviors.
I recently read a psalm that some Bible versions label “A Description of a Citizen of Zion.”
Who may worship in your sanctuary, Lord? Who may enter your presence on your holy hill? (Psalm 15:1 NLT)
In the next four verses, David wrote seven characteristics God requires for good citizens of His eternal kingdom.
As citizens of heaven who imitate Jesus, we do our part to build up, rather than tear down, our temporary home here on earth. #annieyorty #goodcitizens Share on X7 Characteristics of Good Citizens
Promote righteousness.
Our standard of righteousness, or morality, comes from God through His Word rather than ourselves. Remember our own standard ranks down there with “filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:6 NLT).
Speak with integrity.
God wants us to love and speak truth from the inside out because Jesus is the Truth.
Demonstrate goodwill.
When we offer goodwill to others, we exemplify God’s benevolence. Goodwill refuses to gossip, believes the best in questionable situations, and builds up others.
Despise sin.
Citizens in God’s kingdom will not excuse sin. In fact, verse four says we should “despise flagrant sinners.” We cannot minimize or participate in sinful behavior, nor can we exalt any person or group who promotes behavior that opposes God. “Sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34b NLT).
Honor reverence for God.
As ambassadors of God’s kingdom, we promote laws, individuals, and activities that honor God. “Godliness makes a nation great” (Proverbs 14:34a NLT).
Keep promises.
God gives us the privilege of representing Him to this world. When we fail to keep our word, we undermine claims of His faithfulness. When we speak intentionally and follow through, we confirm God “never changes or casts a shifting shadow” (James 1:17 NLT).
Avoid corrupt financial practices.
The Bible says our financial affairs indicate our heart’s attitude toward God. Citizens of His kingdom deal fairly with others and will not take advantage of those who are vulnerable.
Good Citizens of Heaven
The criteria for the character of the one who may dwell with God seems impossible. Left to our own devices, we will never attain those civic virtues. But we “can do everything through Christ, who gives [us] strength” (Philippians 4:13 NLT).
If Jesus is your Savior and Lord, then He enables you to exhibit these character qualities. As citizens of heaven who imitate Jesus, we do our part to build up, rather than tear down, our temporary home here on earth.
Join the conversation:
How have you seen civic virtues build up your community?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty
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Barbara Latta
Annie, thanks for pulling these 7 characteristics of citizenship from Scripture. Just imagine what our nation would be like if everyone adopted these actions. We need to reflect these to others as we pray for eyes to be opened to righteousness. I will be happy to participate in your launch team. Congratulations on the new book!
Annie Yorty
Barbara, thank you for adding to the conversation. I know we both long for the time when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is our Lord and King. Meanwhile, we pray for power to reflect God’s righteousness for the good of our temporary home.
Katherine Pasour
Our country needs all of us to put these seven qualities of good citizens into action. And if we are exemplifying Jesus in our actions, we will add kindness and compassion, as well as “loving one another”” (Matthew 22:36-39). Thank you, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Amen, Katherine. The Body of Christ must make these qualities a priority. Of course, we must stay in close proximity to Jesus and His Word to pull it off.
Debbie Wilson
Annie, this is excellent. I’d add, good citizens protect the lives of its children. Of course that can go under promote righteousness and despise sin. I’m heartbroken watching the “foolish dismantleing” of our nation.
Annie Yorty
Oh yes, Debbie. I agree with you about the lives of children. My studies of Scriptures reveal the sin of child sacrifice (which usually stemmed from idol worship) was often the catalyst for His judgment of a nation. Our country’s foundation certainly seems to be crumbling around us, but thankfully, we can stake our lives on the Cornerstone.
Yvonne Morgan
Great list of Biblical definitions of good citizenship. Thank you for pulling them together and sharing them Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks much, Yvonne. God bless!