Righteousness Restores Hope
by Annie Yorty ©2022
As a teenage girl with the weight of the world crushing me, I longed for hope beyond my circumstances. I didn’t yet understand how righteousness restores hope.
My Bible study recently prompted me to delve into the doctrine of righteousness. Before you tune out because I used the word “doctrine,” I want you to know I learned several surprising characteristics of righteousness. You won’t want to miss the connection between God’s righteousness and hope.
When I was sixteen, God met me in my pain and pointed me to faith in Him through Jesus. That day, God covered me in His righteousness, restoring hope to my wounded heart. Since then, I have clung to the promise of eternity spent with God.
Without salvation through Jesus Christ, every individual stands before God condemned because of sin. The result is eternal punishment. Talk about a hopeless situation.
Without salvation through Jesus Christ, every individual stands before God condemned because of sin. Share on XBut righteousness conveyed to those who put their faith in Jesus restores hope to the doomed. When God sees Jesus’ righteousness covering us from head to toe, He unconditionally accepts us in the same way He accepts His holy, beloved Son.
For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile. This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life” (Romans 1:16-17 NLT).
Two Kinds of Righteousness
In the Bible, God mentions two kinds of righteousness—His own and man’s.
God’s Righteousness
In the book of Genesis, we read of a time when God promised Abram that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars. Abram, though old and childless, believed God and a miraculous thing happened.
And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith (Genesis 15:6 NLT).
In the New Testament, Jesus explains the eternal outcome for the righteous.
“And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life” (Matthew 25:46 NLT).
Because Abram trusted God, he received God’s righteousness. As a result, God welcomes him into eternal life in heaven.
Man’s Righteousness
We tend to define righteousness based on what we intrinsically know—human standards. Often, we measure our own good deeds against another person’s deeds to decide if we are righteous or not. Conveniently, we find someone whose actions seem worse than our own to make the comparison. That’s how we fool ourselves into trusting our own definition of righteousness.
But God is not fooled. He sees the wickedness we bury in our hearts. His prophet, Isaiah, laid out the hopeless human state in no uncertain terms.
We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind (Isaiah 64:6 NLT).
In the New Testament, Apostle Paul confirmed Isaiah’s assessment.
As the Scriptures say, “No one is righteous—not even one (Romans 3:10 NLT).
Soon summer will turn to fall. Colorful leaves like Isaiah talked about will crunch beneath our feet and become dirt blowing in the crisp, cool air, reminding us of the fate of those who trust in their own righteous deeds.
Any individual who depends on his own standard of righteousness will one day come before God for judgment. Filthy rags will never measure up to God’s perfection, so the result will be eternal condemnation.
Whose righteousness restores hope?
Which type of righteousness sounds useful and productive, restoring hope to the hopeless?
Maybe you’re like my sixteen-year-old self, slumped at the lowest point of your life and wondering how you can carry on. Look up and perceive God standing next to you. He offers the mantle of Jesus’ righteousness that restores hope.
Look up and perceive God standing next to you. He offers the mantle of Jesus’ righteousness that restores hope. Share on XOr will you continue to wrap yourself in your own filthy rags?
If you have never received righteousness and the hope of eternal life, I encourage you to read Steps to Salvation and receive Jesus’ righteousness to begin a hope-filled relationship with God.
If you already have the covering of God’s righteousness that restores hope, I rejoice with you. I pray you experience the reality of hope for both today and eternal life.
Join the conversation:
How does the God’s righteousness spark hope in you?
I welcome your comments!
Have you been thinking about improving your overall wellness? My friend, Katherine Pasour, has written a book, Honoring God with My Body to help you. True to her gentle and encouraging way, Katherine guides you individually or as a group to examine and improve not only physical health but also emotional, mental, social, vocational, and spiritual health. Preorder your copy today!

Soar High with God

Righteousness Protects
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J.D. Wininger
Enjoyed, as always, ma’am. I try and remember that my “righteousness” is non-existent. The righteousness that I exhibit comes from God and is only mirroed (I hope) by my life.
Annie Yorty
Exactly, J.D. We have none of our own. Thank you for adding to the conversation.
Hi friend, Thank you for sharing!!!!
Annie Yorty
It’s good to hear from you, Toby. Blessings!
Nancy Elizabeth Head
Christ is our only hope. Thanks, Annie. God bless!
Annie Yorty
Amen! Thanks for visiting, Nancy.
Barbara Latta
I am so thankful for Christ’s righteousness that He places in me when I trust in Him. Thanks, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Amen, Barbara!
Thank you for this contrast between God’s righteousness and self-righteousness. It helped me see the word “righteousness” in a different light.
Annie Yorty
Candyce, thank you for visiting and adding to the conversation. God bless you!
Katherine Pasour
Thank you for this inspiring message of hope. Like you, Annie, I had some challenging trials in my teenage years (and since), but our God is always there to rescue us from despair. We have only to reach and grasp His hand of mercy, grace, and forgiveness. Thank you also for highlighting Honoring God with My Body: Journey to Wellness and a Healthy Lifestyle. My hope and prayer is readers will be encouraged on their journey to wellness. A healthier lifestyle is possible and we honor God’s gift to us when we take care of this vessel (our body) in which the Hopy Spirit dwells.
Annie Yorty
I didn’t know we had that in common, Katherine. But God is always faithful, isn’t He? It is my pleasure to advocate for your excellent book. I pray many will take positive steps toward God through it.
You explain righteousness so beautifully. Jesus’ righteousness offers hope and joy. I had a low point at 16 and felt Jesus beside me too. God is so good.
Annie Yorty
Sounds like we have something in common along with the grace of God. I’m glad He brought you into the family!
Yvonne Morgan
Wonderful message of hope. I pray to always seek God’s righteousness and not man’s. Thanks Annie.
Annie Yorty
I pray right beside you, Yvonne. We need Him constantly. Blessings!