Looking for Love
by Annie Yorty
I recently read that over 100 million songs have been recorded about looking for love. Wow! So many have poured out their hearts on every facet of the subject, yet the spigot of sentiment continues full force. Could they be looking in the wrong places?
Humans Looking for Love
A survey of lyrics of various secular love songs reveals universal longings of the human heart.
Everlasting love: It’s nice to know that there’s someone I can turn to // Who will always care, you’re always there (The Carpenters—I Won’t Last a Day Without You)
To be fully known and loved: You saw the best there was in me // Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach (Céline Dion—Because You Loved Me)
Purpose and beauty: Life has new meaning to me // There’s beauty up above // And things we never take notice of (Billy Ocean—Suddenly)
Shelter from life: You’re the light in my deepest, darkest hour // You’re my saviour when I fall (Bee Gees—How Deep Is Your Love)
Faithfulness: Oh girl, you stand by me // I’m forever yours // Faithfully (Journey—Faithfully)
Identity: I’m everything I am, because you loved me (Céline Dion—Because You Loved Me)
Each line of lyrics grasps for qualities of love that no human can reliably provide.
Created for Perfect Love
God created humans for perfect love that comes from only one Source.
Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NLT)
Our hearts long for eternal love found in the Eternal One—God.
Instead of running to God, whose essence is true love, our stubborn hearts often go “Lookin’ for love in all the wrong places; Lookin’ for love in too many faces” (Johnny Lee—Lookin’ for Love). We seek from human relationships the perfect and faithful love only God can provide.
We’ve all looked for human love and tasted disappointment when it lacked perfection.
A frustrated parent tosses out critical words that internally replay and accuse every time we make a mistake. A spouse runs roughshod over the feelings of his or her beloved. A best friend abandons a long-standing relationship for a new confidante. These and many other failures of love create deep wounds that can fester and infect every part of our lives with bitterness.
[God] heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. (Psalm 147:3 NLT)
Sin—a failure to love—breaks our hearts. The source may be our own sin or that of others. But we have a Great Physician. Jesus died to save us from the penalty for our sins, and He lives to help us forgive others and recover from the heartache of this troubled world.
God created humans for perfect love that comes from only one Source. #annieyorty #lookingforlove Share on XLooking First for God’s Love
Can we truly love others?
If all human love is flawed, why does Jesus command us to love other people (Mark 12:31)? And how in the world are we supposed to accomplish this unhuman feat?
When we look to God to fulfill our need for love, He will fully satisfy our longings. His love never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). In the foundation of His unrelenting love, we find a constant wellspring of love for love others.
Have you ever run a relay with a full cup of water? The water sloshes and splashes out of the cup as you race. Think of our lives as a cup into which God continually pours His love. As we go about our daily activities, His love spills over into the lives of others. Any true love we show comes from God.
Our Everything
In 1971, The Stylistics crooned, “Oh, you are everything, and everything is you” (The Stylistics—You Are Everything). Sadly, they pinned their affection on an unreliable human target. When we follow their example, we will be disappointed and stunted in our ability to properly love others.
So you also are complete through your union with Christ, who is the head over every ruler and authority. (Colossians 2:10 NLT)
Friends, in this month of Valentine’s Day, let’s not seek perfect love from imperfect people. Instead, let’s elevate Jesus Christ to His rightful place as the true lover of our souls.
Join the conversation:
How has Jesus’ unfailing love helped you to love others?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2025 Annie Yorty

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Ann, Thank you for your deep relationship with the Lord. Thank you for sharing His Word with us.
Annie Yorty
Toby, to God be all the glory! Thank you for your encouragement.
Thank you for sharing Annie. Your words are encouraging and lead us in the right direction. I enjoyed your use of song lyrics. Happy Valentines Day.
Annie Yorty
Janice, thank you for taking the time to share this encouragement. I pray you know the lavish love of our God every day.