God’s Strength
by Annie Yorty
If I really believed God created the entire universe—and I do, I shouldn’t be able to fool myself into thinking He might not be able to handle any problem I’ll ever encounter. Yet my behavior sometimes demonstrates I don’t fully fathom His power. I often need a “prompt” to reveal God’s strength to my doubting heart.
One such prompt came over fifteen years ago when a strange perception occurred to me.
I need to concentrate my thoughts to keep my hands gripping the steering wheel.
Every day, when I would drive my car, my arms felt heavier and heavier as my physical strength dwindled. Over time, the rest of my body followed suit. After a lengthy process of medical tests and procedures, doctors diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis.
In the months and years that followed, God used the “prompt” of my physical weakness to increase my perception and trust in His mighty power.
God’s Strength Revealed in a New Bible Study
With good reason, God filled the pages of the Bible with stories of people who had little strength.
Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. (Romans 15:4 NLT)
I recently had the opportunity to read about some of these characters in an advanced copy of a new Bible study guide written by my friend and fellow author, Debbie W. Wilson. Little Strength, Big God reminds us we can follow the examples found in the Word to increase our trust in God’s strength.
Each chapter in Little Strength, Big God focuses on a one biblical person or group. Through five daily lessons, the characters come alive, and the Holy Spirit leads us to discover for ourselves how God intervened and saved. Debbie introduces a variety of tools to help us engage in the Scripture, including reading, thought questions, meditations, and relevant application. She leaves plenty of space for journaling as we find tidbits of wisdom to savor.
Here’s an example of an important truth I highlighted from studying the life of one of the mightiest warriors in the Bible:
It’s easy to chew on regrets, insults, defeats, and worries. But the Lord told Joshua to ruminate on his Word. The Bible refreshes us, makes us wise, and imparts joy and understanding. (Little Strength, Big God, 84)
Where do you need to see God’s strength revealed?
Maybe you, like me, have received a prompt from God to rely on His strength. He whispers He’s with you through your everyday struggles. You can trust Him when the car runs out of gas. When flu disrupts your week. And when the kitchen sink backs up. You’ll learn His strength continues to carry you through terrifying battles with serious illness, sin, broken relationships, and even death.
Might God be leading you to search His Word to find and rely on His strength? If so, I encourage you to consider Little Strength, Big God as part of your quest. You can preorder this wonderful balance of biblical information, insight, and inspiration today at Amazon. The release date is September 5th.
Might God be leading you to search His Word to find and rely on His strength? #debbiewwilson #littlestrengthbiggod #newrelease #annieyorty #perceivegod Share on XI pray we all can hear and respond to the “prompts” that cause us to thirst for God’s Word every day. We’ll find God’s strength is always sufficient to cover our needs.
Join the conversation:
How has God overcome your weakness with His strength?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

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J.D. Wininger
Amen ladies. It is the nourishment we gain from our intake of God’s daily bread that helps grow our faith. Great wisdom found here.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, J.D. God’s Word has everything we need!
Katherine Pasour
We are so blessed that God is with us through our times of trial and challenge. When we are weak He is strong. Thank you for sharing about Debbie’s new book, Annie. I look forward to getting it. I know it will be a blessing.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Katherine, for visiting. I think you’ll really like this book. Blessings to you!
Debbie Wilson
Annie, I appreciate how you shared your personal journey. Weakness from mold exposure and Epstein Barr virus have pressed me to trust His strength when I feel weak. Thank you so much for sharing this. Many blessings!
Annie Yorty
It has been my pleasure to partner with you in this small way, Debbie. I know God will use your book in a mighty way. That’s just how He rolls. Blessings!
Stephanie Sudano
Love your comments on this atidy and your personal story♥️🙏🏻
Annie Yorty
Stephanie, thanks for visiting and adding your thoughts to the conversation. I appreciate your encouragement and hope to see you again soon!
Barbara Latta
I have also read this powerful book and I agree with your perception, Annie. Debbie does an amazing job of relating these biblcial characters to the struggles they went through and the strength of God that delivered them. These examples show us how we can win these same battles in our lives. Thanks for sharing with us!
Annie Yorty
Thanks for adding your endorsement, Barbara. The book truly is anointed by God.
Thanks for sharing about this new release. The title is intriguing and now I want to read it more than ever . Praying it blesses many.
Annie Yorty
I’m certain you’ll enjoy it, Candyce. Thanks for stopping by!
Jeannie Waters
Annie, your first sentence caught my attention, and I identified with the need for “prompts” to focus my attention on and put my trust back in God instead of circumstances. Reading Scripture, prayer, and the wise counsel of friends often serve as my prompts. Debbie’s book sounds wonderful. I can’t wait to get a copy.
Annie Yorty
I think you’ll really like her book, Jeannie. Thanks very much for visiting and adding your insights to the conversation.
Martin Johnson
Great post, we all doubt God at times, some more than others. Maybe that is why my middle name is Thomas,
Annie Yorty
Martin, thanks for visiting. Thankfully, God carries us through our doubts and develops our confidence in Him.
Sylvia Schroeder
Thank you Annie. I always enjoy your posts, and this was an encouragement to me. I am in love with Debbie’s Wilson’s title, Little Strength Big God. Can’t wait to read it!
Annie Yorty
I think you’ll love it, Sylvia. Thanks so much!