brace yourself to stand firm
General,  God's Person,  God's Provision

Brace Yourself to Stand Firm

brace yourself to stand firmby Annie Yorty

God wants our faith to become strong and immovable so we won’t falter in times of trouble. In His Word, find strategies to brace yourself to stand firm.

A Monster Storm

A few months ago, a friend received a terrible diagnosis with a dire prognosis. She and her husband, along with their three young children, began a battle against cancer with the human odds stacked against them.

As children of God, however, Matt and Tiffanie know they are not subject to the vagaries of human odds. They believe Tiffanie’s days on earth are numbered by their heavenly Father. While they appreciate doctors, they trust God more than any human wisdom.

The Bible and our experiences tell us God’s purpose and will is always steadfast and good, but the means He uses to accomplish His plan may vary. In one person, He chooses to show His glory by miraculous healing. In another, His light shines as He walks with them through the valley of the shadow of death.

Matt recently wrote that he and Tiffanie are “bracing” themselves for God’s will. When we brace something, we reinforce and strengthen it to stand firm despite buffeting.

In his letter to the Corinthians, Apostle Paul wrote about our need to brace ourselves.

So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (1 Corinthians 15:58 NLT)

The Merriam-Webster definition of brace implies an element of preparation for a difficult circumstance before it arrives. Construction workers insert steel rods into cement highway barriers so they don’t crumble if a vehicle spins out of control. In coastal towns, at the threat of a hurricane, shop owners reinforce windows with wood.

Whether we’re in a lull of life or turbulent times, we can brace our faith by learning and applying God’s Word. #annieyorty #braceyourself #firmfaith Share on X

Training to Stand Firm

How do we brace ourselves for the storms of life so our faith stands strong and immovable? We put the steel into our hearts and minds by studying and applying God’s Word to our lives. Each day’s life experience with Him trains us to stand firm.

4 Verses to Brace Yourself before the Storms of Life Hit

Verse #1

We often apply our limited human reasoning to problems and circumstances. But we have no ability to see the future or fully understand God’s universal and eternal plans. When a situation doesn’t add up by our calculations, we must train ourselves to trust God’s omniscience.

For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9 NLT)

Verse #2

God’s will for us is always “good and pleasing and perfect.” But when gale force winds of a cancer diagnosis wreak havoc on body, mind, and emotions, we can’t imagine anything good coming from the damage.

As we study the Bible, we learn that sin passed down from Adam and Eve corrupts all of nature and causes sickness. We also understand God works through diagnoses and other awful events to advance His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

When we practice gratitude for His work in and through less intense episodes in our lives, we brace ourselves to stand firm during the epic storms that may sweep through in the future.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. (Romans 12:2 NLT)

Verse #3

Our Father God is pure goodness. But because of earthly experiences with less-than-perfect people who have fallen short, we may believe lies about God’s nature. We may add qualifiers to His goodness.

He will be good to me only if I’m not sinning.

Because of my sordid past, God won’t give me a full measure of His goodness.

There’s only so much of God’s goodness to go around.

When we believe these and other lies about God, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the storms of life. But we can brace ourselves now by believing, receiving, and enjoying the goodness God lavishes upon us every day.

How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world. (Psalm 31:19 NLT)

Verse #4

Cancer and the other troubles of this world are formidable. But Almighty God far surpasses the size of our problems. He easily manages the worries we carry. Every bit of His power is available to us.

We can maximize our perception of God’s strength in everyday life by developing a habit of daily transferring worries—small and large—to Him. As we experience His triumph over everyday troubles, our core faith muscles grow. When a severe trial comes along, we’ll be better braced against an onslaught of fear and doubt.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7 NLT)

Embrace God’s Will

Matt and Tiffanie don’t know what their future holds, but they have braced themselves by abandoning their own wills and accepting God’s will for their lives. They know without a doubt God will never abandon them. With a cancer diagnosis shifting the earth beneath their feet, they stand firm with joy and hope on a solid foundation of faith in God.

Whether we’re in a lull of life or turbulent times, we can brace our faith by learning and applying God’s Word.

Join the conversation:

What verses have strengthened you to stand firm through the troubles of life?

I welcome your comments.

Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty

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  • Candyce Carden

    How timely your post is as we brace for Huricane Helene in the southeast. Those life storms just keep coming and we must prepare for them as carefully as for the weather storms. The verses you cite serve as excellent reminders of God’s love and protection during all storms/

    • Annie Yorty

      I happen to be in the south for this storm, Candyce. When I woke up and saw the wind whipping the palm trees, I was reminded of the picture I chose for this post. The hurricane drives home the spiritual truth of our need to prepare better than words. I’m praying for the safety of all in the path of Helene.

  • Katherine Pasour

    Our storms come in many forms–some are weather related as we’ve just experienced. Others are life’s challenges and tragedies that come our way. We are blessed that our Father is with us through those challenges. Thank you, Annie, for sharing scripture to guide us on those painful journeys.

    • Annie Yorty

      We’re guaranteed to have troubles of every kind while living in this world. But Jesus has overcome them all. Thank you, Katherine, for visiting, and I hope you’re experiencing the grace of God in this latest storm.

  • Yvonne Morgan

    We never know what is coming our way in life but our Father knows and He will be with us in any storm. Thank you Annie. I pray for all those recently impacted by the hurricane too.

    • Annie Yorty

      I agree, Yvonne. Our Father is preparing us today for what will happen in our future. His grace in the moment of need is always sufficient. Thank you for adding to the conversation.

  • Katy Kauffman

    I prayed for your friends, Annie. Some verses I remember are Philippians 4:6-7. I used the Online Bible software to look up definitions once in this verse, and here’s my paraphrase: Don’t be anxious about one single thing. Don’t let your mind be divided with worries and distractions. Take them to God in prayer, and receive His peace. Let your heart be joined to His that you trust Him and will wait on Him. See what He’ll do.

    That passage helped me a lot. Thank you for your post!

    • Annie Yorty

      Thank you, Katy. God has answered that prayer, and I trust He will continue. Tiffanie went home to be with her Lord yesterday, so we can continue to pray for her husband and children.

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