God Sings Over You
by Annie Yorty
How do you view birthdays? Do you look forward to the attention and gifts? Or do you feel slightly awkward at the fuss made over you? Have you ever wondered what God sings over you for your special day?
My Birthday
Call me corny, but I look forward to waiters singing happy birthday to me. This week, I celebrated another year on this earth. As soon as we made it through the front door of the restaurant, my daughter announced the happy occasion.
When we finished the spicy Mexican fare, the staff exited the kitchen en masse, hands clapping a lively rhythm. After depositing a tasty treat topped with a flickering candle on the table, they sang over me.
Do you know your heavenly Father God sings over you?
The Bible says He does–and not just on your birthday.
“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” (Zephaniah 3:17 NLT)
I wonder what God sings over us. I believe this verse gives some clues. Savor the words God said. Marvel at the way He thinks and feels about you.
Delight. Gladness. Love. Joy.
Perhaps you find it hard to believe God has these thoughts toward you. Maybe you feel you don’t deserve them. You’re right—none of us deserve such a lavish display of love. Nevertheless, God has a special place in His heart for you. He created you to come and receive from Him.
But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. (Isaiah 43:1 NLT)
Both Zephaniah and Isaiah speak of God calming our fears. God’s love and delight remain constant, so we may rest safe and secure. Nothing we do–or don’t do–can budge His love. No outside force can snatch us from His care.
If you are a follower of Jesus, God lives “among you.” Specifically, His Spirit makes His home within you. You may sometimes keep a distance from the Spirit by wanting your own way, but God delights when you draw near to Him. His presence is where you receive His personal care.
God sings His delight, love, gladness and joy over you. Share on XGod’s Personal Care for You
When we study the Bible, we find many ways God cares for us according to our specific needs. Take time to meditate on how you have experienced God’s care. I list several verses below to get you started.
- Rejoices over you on your birthday and every day (Zephaniah 3:17)
- Listens and answers when you talk to Him about your concerns (Isaiah 65:24)
- Lavishes mercy and grace upon you exactly when you need it (Hebrews 4:16)
- Calls you by name into a place of belonging in His family (Romans 8:15)
- Comforts you by His Spirit when you experience rejection (John 14:26)
- Sympathizes with your pain (Psalm 56:8)
- Helps you resist temptation when you are weak (1 Corinthians 10:13)
- Equips you for divine assignments He planned for you before you were born (Ephesians 2:10)
God’s Song
On my birthday, I like to believe Father sings over me with words of affirmation as any good father would sing over a beloved daughter.
“I created Annie.”
“She’s My special girl.”
“Look how she shines for Me.”
“I love her.”
In the restaurant on my birthday, I enjoyed the momentary fuss and well-wishes from strangers.
But my Father’s song and love resound in my heart all year long.
God Sings Over You
Can you perceive Father singing over you? If you need more encouragement and a prayer to help you know God’s delight in you, read my article at Crosswalk.
I pray you hear the strains of God’s song in your heart every day.
Join the conversation:
What do you enjoy best about your birthday? Do you have a special tradition?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

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J.D. WIninger
What great comfort comes from knowing that I am in I Am’s thoughts. Wonderfully inspiring post ma’am.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, J.D. Like the psalmist, I often wonder, “Who am I that God is mindful of me?” Yet, amazingly, He is.
Joanne Viola
It is amazing to think of how God delights and sings over our lives. I was struck by the very same verse earlier this week as well. I think He speaks over us to remind us of not only who we are in Him, but also that we are His. Beautiful post!
Annie Yorty
For whatever reason, we seem to need many reminders of God’s love. I’m so thankful He pursues us. Thanks for visiting, Joanne.
Debbie Wilson
Zephaniah verse is one of my favorites. I celebrated a birthday in El Salvador. The wait staff came out singing like you described. It really was fun!
Annie Yorty
Happy birthday, Debbie! God sings His love over you too. Your birthday in El Salvador sounds very special.
Katherine Pasour
Zephaniah 3:17 is one of my favorite verses. It’s wonderful to know that our loving Father delights in us and rejoices over us with singing. When I feel alone, that’s a verse I greatly appreciate. We are all special in God’s sight. Thank you, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Katherine, for visiting and adding your insights. I’m so thankful for God’s lavish love.
Barbara Latta
I love Zephaniah 3:17 also. What an amazing Father we have!
Annie Yorty
Indeed! Thanks for visiting, Barbara.
Jen Knight
It’s so comforting to know there is nothing we can do to diminish His love for us. He is amazing. I had a friend that bought me scripture cards with my name placed in the scriptures. To personalize it like that make it touch my heart in a new way.
Annie Yorty
It’s funny how putting your name in the Scripture makes such a difference. I don’t know how, but Father can think of us all that personally. Thanks for visiting, Jen!
Jeannie Waters
Your beautiful post made me smile, Annie. I think it’s great to celebrate birthdays and remember the God who sings over us.
Annie Yorty
Praise God, Jeannie! Thank you so much for your visit.
Yvonne Morgan
I love the thought of God singing over me and that He has a special song for each of us. Your post made me smile. Thanks Annie
Annie Yorty
I’m glad that thought brought joy to you, Yvonne. Thanks for visiting.