new beginning
God's Presence,  God's purpose

A New Beginning

new beginning

by Annie Yorty

The first day of January feels like opening a new book. A story will unfold little by little over the next 365 days. A new year represents a new beginning.

Some books begin with a cataclysmic event that throws us into the action and leaves us holding on for dear life. Others start out slowly. We yawn and might be tempted to set the book aside. But we press on, hoping for the promise of the back cover to be fulfilled.

A New Beginning for Peter

Luke describes a new beginning for Peter in his gospel. In this moment, his entire life focus changed.

As a commercial fisherman, Peter bobbed through the feasts and famines of his profession much like his boat bobbed up and down on the Sea of Galilee. On this particular day, he pulled onto shore with an empty boat.

Even an empty net needed to be washed. As Peter bent to his task, a voice interrupted him. Jesus asked Peter to put his vessel out on the water. He wanted to sit in the hull and teach a multitude that had gathered. Peter agreed and probably sat in the boat near Jesus to listen to His eye-opening spiritual truths.

After Jesus concluded His teaching, He “said to Simon [Peter], ‘Now go out where it is deeper, and let down your nets to catch some fish’” (Luke 5:4 NLT).

Peter didn’t hide his skepticism, but he obeyed Jesus. This was Peter’s third encounter with the One who spoke with authority and healed with power. Peter believed Jesus deserved respect.

A few minutes later, Peter knew Jesus deserved much more. When Peter’s nets miraculously filled to overflowing and threatened to break, he had no doubt Jesus is God. “Oh, Lord, please leave me—I’m such a sinful man” (Luke 5:8 NLT). A clear view of Jesus opened Peter’s eyes to his own depraved spiritual state.

Jesus reassured Peter with a promise and a calling. “Don’t be afraid! From now on you’ll be fishing for people” (Luke 5:10 NLT)! A new beginning shimmered on the horizon for Peter.

Immediately Peter and several others who had rowed out onto the lake with him returned to shore with their catch. When they touched land, “they left everything and followed Jesus” (Luke 5:11 NLT).

God has already written your story for 2025 in His book. #newbeginning #annieyorty #perceivegod Share on X

Your New Beginning: Three Perspectives

Do you look forward to a new beginning with the new year? Perhaps you’ve written your resolutions and mapped out a plan to succeed.

But maybe you’re feeling apathetic about the annual turning of the calendar. You flow through your days, allowing the current of life to push or pull you along from one year to the next.

And some, like my friend Matt, dread the new year. A few months ago, I wrote how Matt and his wife Tiffanie braced themselves for God’s will on a journey through cancer. Tiffanie now rejoices in the presence of Jesus, but Matt and his kids face a scary, unknown year of firsts they never wanted.

However you consider the beginning of a new year, God has already written your story for 2025 in His book (Psalm 139:16). Nothing that comes your way will surprise Him. He has a good purpose for each event He’s placed on your timeline. He will use even the most difficult circumstance for your benefit.

God’s Eternal Story

God’s eternal story of redemption began before He laid the foundations of the earth. He knew the people He loved would be captured by sin and would need to be purchased from its slavery and death. From cover to cover, the Bible reveals God’s plan to send a Messiah—Jesus—to rescue us from the penalty we deserve for our sins. In Revelation, the last book of the Bible, God tells us to expect Jesus to return to earth again and restore His people and the world to perfect condition.

Clues from the Bible, history, and current events suggest this prophesied end time is near. Our individual stories for 2025 dovetail with God’s overarching story of redemption. Ultimately, God will deliver on every promise in the Bible.

Each Day Begins Anew

Peter’s new beginning came in the presence of Jesus. In response, he laid aside his old life and wholeheartedly devoted himself to Jesus.

Perhaps you’re not sure how to begin anew this year. Or maybe you can’t imagine a new beginning because someone you love remains in the past. As Peter experienced, our new beginnings come in the presence of our Savior. We start by casting ourselves on the mercy of our gracious Lord each morning. His fresh mercy revives flagging spirits and carries us through each day.

The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. (Lamentations 3:22-23 NLT)

Like books, our lives may include ho-hum narrative, eye-popping excitement, and harrowing tragedy. We don’t know what will come in 2025, but our God-given purpose in all these events remains the same. We devote ourselves to Jesus and “make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” (Ephesians 5:16 NLT).

Let’s share the good news of Jesus with people in our home, school, work, and community so we’re ready for the imminent return of our Savior.

Join the conversation:

How can I pray for you as we begin the new year?

I welcome your comments.

P.S. As the Lord brings Matt and others who are grieving to your mind this year, please pray for them.

Copyright ©2025 Annie Yorty


  • Maggie Wallem Rowe

    As I set goals and try to make my plans for 2025, it’s comforting to know that God already has it written in his book!

    • Annie Yorty

      Agreed, Maggie. You remind me of Proverbs 16:9. “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” We shouldn’t want it any other way. Happy new year!

  • Katherine Pasour

    It’s comforting to know that our loving Father has already written our story for 2025. Even though we don’t always appreciate the challenges we will face, we can be assured that our Father is with us on the journey. Thanks for your focus on Peter. Like us, He faltered in His faith, but Jesus never gave up on Peter and shaped Him into one who shows us how to be a witness for Jesus and how to spread the Good News. Wishing yu a healthy and happy 2025, Annie.

    • Annie Yorty

      Thanks for the great reminder about the rest of Peter’s story, Katherine. I’m grateful God extends the same grace to us that Peter received. Happy new year!

    • Annie Yorty

      Candyce, your plan is a great way to position yourself to receive all God has for you. I pray we both keep that resolution. Happy new year!

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