The Kindness of Jesus
by Annie Yorty
We’ve all been let down by someone we trusted. Every human relationship disappoints us sooner or later. How do we know how far we can trust the kindness of Jesus?
Kindness and Oranges
Did you know you can test love and trustworthiness with an orange? Yes, it’s that simple. At least that’s what TikTok influencers claim. According to the viral orange peel theory, you can measure how much you can trust your partner by asking them to do a small task you could easily do yourself, like peeling an orange. If they acquiesce without complaint, they’re a keeper. If they do the task without even being asked, they might even be worth marrying and having ten children together.
But if they refuse and tell you you’re capable of doing the task yourself, it may be time to break up.
A quick search will reveal the power of social media. Some TikTokers bawl with joy because their significant other happily jumps to their request. Others weep in despair when they conclude their request is denied. You can almost hear relationships across the globe falling like dominos when put to the test.
Human Kindness
The silly orange peel theory piques my interest because it reveals the importance of kindness. The level of human kindness varies from person to person. But it can also fluctuate within one person depending on feelings and situations. Like many of the distraught TikTokers, we often think of kindness as a commodity to weigh on a relationship scale.
The Kindness of Jesus
At Christmas, we worship Emmanuel, God with us. What compelled Him to leave His wonderful, heavenly abode and live in the muck of humanity as one of us? His lovingkindness—also translated as kindness, unfailing love, compassion, and mercy—prompted His radical rescue mission.
Jesus saw the need of sinful people and acted out of His innate kindness. Surely that should earn Him some clicks on TikTok. But social media has no gauge to measure the depth of His kindness.
If Jesus followed the wisdom of TikTok, He’d dump us for our unfaithfulness. But in fact, He does just the opposite. #annieyorty #orangepeeltheory #kindnessofjesus Share on XConsider these astonishing facts:
- Jesus intervened on our behalf without being asked.
- No human could ever do what Jesus did.
- None of us can ever repay Jesus’ kindness.
- Many people reject Jesus’ compassion and love.
If Jesus followed the wisdom of TikTok, He’d dump us for our unfaithfulness. But in fact, He does just the opposite.
Now, most people would not be willing to die for an upright person, though someone might perhaps be willing to die for a person who is especially good. But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. (Romans 5:7-8 NLT)
Obviously, Jesus far surpasses the orange peel test of trustworthiness—or any other human test, for that matter. Then why do we struggle to fully trust Him?
Could it be that we’re too distracted by worldly influences? More time in God’s Word and less on our phones would give us a greater awareness of the true character of God. Coming near to Him through His Word teaches us to know and trust Him.
Another way we develop trust in God is to act on what we believe about Him. As we exhibit the courage of obedience, we reinforce our belief that He is a firm foundation for our lives.
The kindness of Jesus rescued us from the pit of sin. What would be a fitting gift to honor Him at Christmas?
Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. (Ephesians 5:1 NLT)
In all our interactions this Christmas, let’s put the kindness of Jesus on full display as an offering to the One who far surpasses any human test of kindness, including those that involve oranges.
Join the conversation:
Who in your life needs to experience the kindness of Jesus through you in this Christmas season?
I welcome your comments!
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From Ignorance to Bliss
What do you do when life comes at you sideways?
Readers receive inspiration and hope through a transparent dive into real life with Alyssa, who has Down syndrome. Annie offers stories of God’s faithfulness from before diagnosis and birth through adulthood.
Filled with humor and poignance, From Ignorance to Bliss demonstrates how God uses the unexpected in life to grow and change those who are willing.

Happy Thanksgiving

Courage to Believe
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Barbara Latta
I’ve never heard the orange peel theory before but this does show the fickleness of social media. A life full of Christ doesn’t need to depend upon silly tests or the opinions of others for validation. Thanks for sharing these Scriptures that show us the faithfulness of our Lord, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Amen, Barbara. We never need to put God to the test. He has already more than proven Himself to be our faithful Father. Blessings to you!
J.D. Wininger
Oh, I may grumble a bit not and again, especially when I super-busy and in the middle of doing a hundred other things, but I always endeavor to please her. She deserves it. I pray I show kindness to everyone, even in those moments when it’s forced.
Annie Yorty
Well, I’m sure you have your moments, J.D., as we all do. But your kindness certainly comes through to me. God bless you!
I agree we should put more time in God’s Word and less time in worldly distractions to experience the kindness and compassion of Jesus.
Annie Yorty
Thanks Candyce, for visiting and adding to the conversation. Jesus has a never-ending reserve of kindness just waiting for us.
Katherine Pasour
I’d not heard about the orange peel test before, but I think we all are blessed if our loved ones are kind to us. And, of course, we bless others when we are kind. As you point out, Jesus is our best role model. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, Annie and family.
Annie Yorty
Thanks for visiting, Katherine. We can always celebrate the kindness of Jesus by sharing it with others. Merry Christmas!