No Condemnation
by Annie Yorty
“Shouldn’t I feel condemned when I’ve done something wrong?” My friend asked, not really listening for my answer. “Of course, because He hates sin,” she continued. From a human standpoint, her logic makes sense. But God’s plan includes His redemption that frees us from condemnation.
The sting of condemnation sometimes lingers for a lifetime. #annieyorty #nocondemnation Share on XThe Sting of Condemnation
My legs dangled as I sat on the exam table at the emergency department in the middle of the night. I slumped over, bent by the double whammy of pain and exhaustion. My head jerked at the rap on the door, and the doctor bustled in.
“What seems to be the problem?”
Severe sunburn was the problem. My story felt lame even as it tumbled out. A couple days earlier, I had stretched out in a chair on the beach to catch some rays. It was only about a half an hour. In mid-May. With piles of snow still lining the New England seashore.
The doctor’s eyes bored into me. “Did you use sunscreen?”
I lowered my gaze. “No,” I muttered. Did I mention it was May? With snow on the ground?
The condemnation stung. I never imagined my skin would redden and blister in such a short amount of time. Later I learned that the antibiotic I was prescribed made me extra sensitive to the sun.
In retrospect, I realized I may have misread the doctor’s condemnation. Perhaps the screech of judgment came from my own inner voice. Either way, to this day, I still cringe at the feeling of condemnation.
Condemn: to pronounce guilty
Did my story prompt you to recall a situation or event when you felt (or still feel) a pointing finger?
We usually associate condemnation with a penalty or punishment, especially in a courtroom setting. When condemnation enters relationships, the penalty might be rejection, a rift, or a feeling of contempt. If condemnation issues from within us, we suffer guilt, hopelessness, and defeat.
Further, when we live with a perpetual feeling of condemnation, we’re inclined to heap similar judgment upon others. Or we may misperceive God to be the source of condemnation.
God’s enemy, Satan, licks his chops when we’re mired in the thick clay of condemnation.
3 Bible Verses about Condemnation
Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord? Memorize and meditate on these three powerful verses from His Word to dispel persistent feelings of condemnation.
So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1 NLT)
But the Lord will redeem those who serve him. No one who takes refuge in him will be condemned. (Psalm 34:22 NLT)
Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. (Mark 16:16 NLT)
As you ponder these biblical truths, revel in unconditional acceptance from God your Father.
- He sympathizes with your struggle with sin.
- In compassion, He draws you into His warm embrace and whispers encouragement to your spirit.
- He reminds you your past is forgiven, redeemed, and separate from your future.
- He promises to always stay near to quell your wayward desires.
Your Choice
The pain of my awful sunburn faded from memory within a couple weeks. But the sting of condemnation sometimes lingers for a lifetime.
Friends, our heavenly Father did not create us to bear condemnation. Will you believe and apply the balm of God’s Word to your heart and mind so you may walk in freedom?
If you have not trusted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, I encourage you to begin to live free from condemnation by receiving Him. You can read more at Steps to Peace with God.
Join the conversation:
How has a sense of false condemnation interfered with your relationship with God or others?
I welcome your comments.
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty

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Barbara Latta
Thanks for this inspiring post, Annie. Condemnation can sting for a lifetime if we let it. I’m thankful for the redeeming love Christ provides that releases us from this enemy.
Annie Yorty
I’m sure we’ve all felt condemnation, but our Father doesn’t want us to live in it. Thanks for your encouragement!
Katherine Pasour
I expect most of us have felt the burden of guilt and condemnation over something we have done–or didn’t do. Often we’re the ones who condemn ourselves. I so thankful that our loving Father is forgiving and merciful. His Word reassures us of his love, mercy, and forgiveness when our feelings of doubt and guilt overwhelm us. Thank you for this message of hope, Annie
Annie Yorty
So true, Katherine. A clean slate gives us power to move forward. Thanks for visiting!
Candyce Carden
I’ve felt condemed by many in the past: teachers, doctors, friends, family. Maybe they didn’t mean it as sondemnation, but I received it that way. I will use the Scripture you shared to help take the sting out of future condemnation. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
Candyce, I can’t think of a single person who hasn’t endured condemnation. I’m so thankful we have a path out of that mire. Thank you for visiting!
Jan C
My condemnation has come mostly from myself over my lifetime. I have a hard time letting go of my mistakes, my missteps, or the times I’ve hurt or offended someone. I feel shame and then find it hard to forgive myself. I’m grateful for a God and Savior who is so far above me with mercy and forgiveness.
Annie Yorty
Jan, I don’t think you’re alone in this boat. Holding on to shame when we’ve been forgiven gives our enemy a foothold. We need to saturate our minds with the truth of the gospel and God’s forgiveness every day to walk in freedom. Thanks for adding your insights to the conversation.
Yvonne Morgan
Great words of encouragement Annie. We must learn to forgive ourselves once we turn it over to God’s cleansing grace.
Annie Yorty
Why is taking God at His Word sometimes so hard? I’m grateful He continues to convince us of His mercy and grace in tangible ways. Thanks for visiting, Yvonne!
Linda Goldfarb
Condemnation shuts down the best of us. Praise the Lord, we walk in the freedom of Yeshua’s righteousness.
Thank you for your post, Annie.
Annie Yorty
So true, Linda. We were created for freedom. I praise Father with you because He opened the door to complete freedom through the gospel of Jesus. May He bless you!