More in 2024
by Annie Yorty
We often quip, “Less is more.” But when it comes to our relationship with God, we don’t need to restrain ourselves. Resolve to ask for more in 2024.
The Dog that Wants More
First thing in the morning, my furry beast labradoodle sidles up to the side of my bed and nudges me with his nose. If I fail to respond, he bumps me more insistently. I finally snake a hand from under the covers and find his curly mop to give a token rub.
When my hand falls limp, his wet nose flips it again. That’s dog speak for “I want more!” His ploy is effective. I dutifully scratch his rump as he wriggles in delight.
The Disciple Who Wanted More
Have you ever known someone who always says out loud what others are thinking? That reminds me of Peter, the audacious disciple who is best known for asking Jesus to make him walk on water.
On another occasion, as Jesus prepared to wash the feet of the disciples, Peter wouldn’t stand for it. “‘No,’ Peter protested, ‘you will never ever wash my feet!’” (John 13:8 NLT).
When Jesus explained that Peter wouldn’t belong to Him unless he was washed, Peter said, “Then wash my hands and head as well, Lord, not just my feet!” (John 13:9 NLT). He wanted more of whatever Jesus offered.
More in 2024
As the new year approached, I asked God to give me focus. He pointed me to desire and receive more—more of Him.
The same brash disciple later wrote to his congregation, “May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord” (2 Peter 1:2 NLT).
Our God is a well with no bottom, and Peter encourages us to luxuriate in His depths.
God will never become more than He already is. But we can perceive and receive more of His essence when we seek Him. Who wouldn’t like to experience more of these attributes from God this year?
- Lovingkindness
- Tenderness
- Mercy
- Righteousness
- Grace
- Compassion
- Forgiveness
- Goodness
- Security
- Care
- Wisdom
- Purpose
- Power
- Satisfaction
The Wrong Source of More
Sometimes we seek more from sources other than God that always disappoint. We may look within our own hearts or expect another person to fulfill our need for more. Sometimes we hope our work will fulfill us.
When we seek other sources, we’re no different than people living in Jesus’ time. Many followed Him for a while but then deserted Him. Jesus asked Peter and the others if they, too, would skip out on Him.
Simon Peter replied, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life.” (John 6:68 NLT)
Peter knew he was desperate without God. For him, there was no other credible source for the “more” he craved.
My Prayer for Us in 2024
For most of our desires, we should restrain our greed for more. But when it comes to our knowledge of God and the rich relationship it produces, more is always better. God tells us to continually seek more of Him.
As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God. I thirst for God, the living God (Psalm 42:1-2a NLT)
I pray we would open our hearts to receive more of God every day of the new year that stretches before us.
Our God is a well with no bottom. Luxuriate in His depths every day of the new year. #annieyorty #morein2024 Share on XJoin the conversation:
What more from God do you hope to receive in 2024?
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2024 Annie Yorty

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Katherine Pasour
The messages I have been reading since 2024 began are reminding me that my focus has been more on tasks and completing items on my long list rather than focusing on a close relationship with my Father. That’s my “More in 2024” goal and I’m grateful for your encouragement and prayers, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Such a worthy plan, Katherine! May God bless and guide your work in the coming year. I always enjoy your messages.
Maggie Wallem Rowe
I always appreciate your writing, Annie. My word for this year is MARGIN – leaving white spaces in my days so I can have more of God and whatever new things or people he might have for me. Blessings!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Maggie. Your point about margin perfectly complements my message. It’s difficult to experience more of God when I’ve filled the page with more of me. Thank you for visiting, and happy new year!
Heidi Vertrees
Beautiful, Annie! I am going to share this. 🤗💕
Annie Yorty
Thanks very much, Heidi. Happy new year!
Candyce Carden
I like this so much. Less is definitely not more when it comes to our Jesus. God is teaching me to rest in Him for restoration and refueling. I’m sure this will help me to receive more of Him. What we expect, we usually get.
Annie Yorty
For sure, Candyce, God never disappoints when we seek more of Him.
Debbie Wilson
So good, Annie. Yes, I want more of Jesus and to let Him have more of me!
Annie Yorty
Absolutely! Thanks for visiting, Debbie.
Yvonne Morgan
I loved you comment, ” God will never be more than He already is but we can perceive Him more.” That is an amazing thing and I love it. He is the same always and it is up to us to move closer to Him. Thank you for sharing Annie.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Yvonne. I appreciate your visit. God bless!
J.D. Wininger
Amen. We all need more of the right, and righteous, things in our lives. Praying you find an overabundance of God’s love and leading in this new year ma’am.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, J.D. We all need to dive into more of our God. Blessings to you!