Grace and Peace Multiplied
by Annie Yorty ©2022
I recently read that a huge majority of Americans feel overwhelmed by stress. The multiplication of troubles—chaos spreading across the world, economic pressure, political vitriol, social upheavals, and personal crises—subtracts grace and peace from our lives.
These math words hearken back to my homeschooling days. Remember the distributive property of multiplication? Okay, you may not remember that tidbit of knowledge from algebra, so I’ll refresh your memory.
Consider this math problem: 2 ( 3 + 4 )
You can arrive at the answer of 14 in two ways.
- Add three plus four to equal seven. Multiply seven times two.
- Multiply two times three to equal six, and then two times four to equal eight. Add eight plus six.
Simple, right? Sorry to torture those of you whose eyes roll at the thought of algebra, but I have a point.
In the Bible, God gives us some math to consider.
To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; in pain you shall bring forth children; your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16 NKJV)
Talk about some nasty multiplication! God pronounced a consequence of sorrow upon Eve and every woman who descended from her. We often focus on the physical pangs of childbirth that stem from the Fall of mankind into sin. But the sorrow mingled with the joy of a new child is far more painful.
Sin multiplied sorrow in the world. It reproduces into the DNA of every human conception. Parents burst with delight on the birthday of their child, but before long, they realize sorrow as their precious child bears the brunt of sin.
Yet we are not without hope as sin multiplies sorrow.
God sent His own Son, Jesus, to introduce some new math that overcomes the sorrow of sin.
Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. (2 Peter 1:2 NKJV)
Consider this new math expression:
Knowledge of God (Grace x Peace)
According to Apostle Peter, the knowledge of God multiplies both grace and peace.
Knowledge of God is far more than knowing facts about God. Mere fact acquisition will never multiply grace and peace. Instead, we must internalize God—submit to Him as Lord and Savior—to truly know Him.
Knowledge of God is far more than knowing facts about God. Share on XWe continue to grow in knowledge of God by daily stepping into His presence. The nearness of God reveals His character, His plans, and His will. Reading the Bible, communicating with Him in prayer, and obedience bring us closer to God.
The closer you come to God, the more you will know Him. The more you know Him, the more grace and peace you experience.
So how does multiplication of grace and peace work?
God generously distributes grace—His unearned favor—to those who know Jesus as Savior. Apostle Paul asks the question, “Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?” (Romans 6:1 NKJV) Apparently, some think that the way to multiply grace is to sin more so that God gives more grace.
“No way!” That’s the obvious answer to Paul’s question. The Spirit of God would never lead us into more sin. Instead, He leads us under the shadow of the Almighty, a place of safety from sin. Within this shadow filled with marvelous light, God exposes sin’s wounds to apply grace upon grace for true and lasting healing.
Do you sense a need for more grace to apply to a situation in your life? Perhaps there’s a sin you can’t seem to shake. Maybe an important relationship hit a wall. You’ve tried everything and can’t move forward. Press into God and know Him better. Seek His face in prayer. Unearth a new facet of His character from His Word.
God also blankets us in layers of peace through the knowledge of Him. The first layer of peace is with God Himself. Prior to knowing Jesus as Savior, we were enemies of God. Jesus’ shed blood and forgiveness creates a bridge to eternal friendship and peace with God (John 15:13).
Another layer of peace comes from the new perspective we develop as we increase our knowledge of God. Coming close to His side, we more clearly recognize the ugliness of the sinful world. While that would seem to promote anxiety, the presence of God also instills peace that passes human understanding. The clear view of God’s power and goodness settles our agitated hearts in His peace.
Have you grown exhausted striving with the world? Or are you still contending with God? Jesus invites you to come near and be still. Know that He has already overcome the world.
Jesus invites you to come near and be still. Know that He has already overcome the world. Share on XSpread Grace and Peace
Thinking back to the multiplication properties, I’m reminded that God gives us the privilege of distributing His grace and peace using our words and deeds. May the difference others see in us create a thirst for true knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord, leading to multiplied grace and peace.
Join the Conversation:
What evidence do you see of grace and peace multiplying within you? Can you identify how a specific knowledge of God led to this increase?
I welcome your comments!
Guest Blog: Living by Design
Moving from Commitment to Completion
by Annie Yorty
All relationships flourish on trustworthiness.
Without it, friendships explode or just peter out with the inconsistency of broken promises. Employees lose jobs. Business deals fall apart.
Aren’t you glad our Father in heaven keeps every promise?
Click to read the rest of Moving from Commitment to Completion at Living by Design.

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J.D. WIninger
So enjoyed this Ms. Annie, although I needed my TI SR-50 calculator. 🙂 We are meant to pass along/multiple the grace and peace God gives us as we carryout His great comission and great commandment in our lives. Well said author!
Annie Yorty
You make me laugh, J.D.! I bet you use math all the time out there on the ranch. Thanks for visiting.
Nancy E. Head
And kids think they’ll never use math. I’m not a math person, but I do wish I’d worked harder to grasp the reality of it. As you explain, we can see truth about God through it. May we grow in our knowledge of God and shine His light into the lives of others. God bless, Annie. Thanks!
Annie Yorty
Well said, Nancy. The infinite knowledge of God always takes us deeper into God’s grace and peace.
Katherine Pasour
Math was never my favorite subject, but your analogy makes sense–we mulitply grace, peace, and love when we spread them to others. As God’s children, we have the obligation and privilege to spread His love to others. Just think how we can make a difference–each one of us–if we strive to spread preace, grace, and love everywhere we go.
Annie Yorty
I didn’t even get into the exponential multiplication God does when His people come together in unity. Isn’t it amazing that He uses cracked jars to shine His light? Thanks for visiting, Katherine!
Debbie Wilson
Annie, I love Romans 5 which says what Jesus, the second Adam accomplished is much more than what the first Adam caused! I like that math. 🙂
Annie Yorty
Absolutely, Debbie! Thank you for visiting.
Barbara Latta
Now that is the kind of math I like. What an ingenious way to share insights about God’s Word. Blessings, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Barbara. Yes, even the non-math people among us can appreciate this math. I appreciate your visit!
Krystal Weeks
Your insight on how to multiply the Word into peoples’ lives touched my heart. God has multiplied His peace in my life, because I stopped trying to teach others to know His love. I have learned to be still, listen to His voice, and step back and watch Him do the impossible in His awe inspiring ways. It’s been more than I could ever imagine, brought restoration in my family, God has given me the privilege of leading others to Him.
Annie Yorty
That’s a beautiful testimony, Krystal. I can learn from your experience to trust God to do His work rather than thinking it all depends on me. God bless!
Candyce Carden
Love this — especially the idea of multiplying Grace and Peace. It reminds me of something I know to be true for which I have no formula for: “the more love you give away, the more love you have.”
Annie Yorty
That’s really good, Candyce. That match is beyond my comprehension, but I’m so grateful.
Jen Knight
Grace upon grace is one of my favorite phrases from the Bible. I have experienced peace in abundance with my battle with Lyme disease. Many days I am ready to stop fighting or I get frustrated because I have not seen healing and then peace surrounds me. I can move forward again.
Beautiful post.
Annie Yorty
Jen, it sounds like God is currently using your physical brokenness to bring you into a spiritual wholeness that few will understand. Blessings to you as you endure.
Yvonne Morgan
I know I sometimes get overwhelmed by the stresses of this world. So you wonderful message helps me to refocus on God’s grace and peace. Thanks Annie
Annie Yorty
Praise God for and abundance of grace and peace. Thanks for visiting, Yvonne!