Gifts—Symbol of Christmas
by Annie Yorty
Most of us can think back to a special gift we received at Christmas. Maybe its significance sticks not because of the object, but because of the giver. Whatever the reason, we enjoy gifts and cannot deny that they have become a standard symbol of Christmas.
A Memorable Gift
As a preteen, I had learned a certain predictability surrounding Christmas gifts. I usually received the staples of clothing—socks, underwear, and pajamas. Most years there was a stuffed animal, which I happily added to my stable of plushies from previous years lining the headboard of my bed. When I was about eleven or twelve, though, an extra gift appeared with my name on it.
My oldest brother doled out the miniature, wrapped box to me. This year he had earned money of his own, so he spent some of it to buy gifts for his siblings. As soon as it touched my fingertips, I tore through the paper barrier and flipped open the lid of the box. A ceramic mouse with a Santa hat perched between huge ears winked at me. In his paw, he held a red and green stocking. His cheeky grin captured my heart.
Tradition of Giving Gifts as a Symbol of Christmas
Some know of the various legends of St. Nicholas. As the story goes, Nicholas, a rich man, disguised himself and distributed gifts such as food, clothing, and money to needy families under the cover of darkness. Nicholas is remembered for his kindness and generosity to children.
Most believe the custom of Santa Claus derived from this legend of the real St. Nicholas. In our times, parents admonish children to be on their best behavior because an all-seeing Santa Claus watches them to decide who will receive gifts.
A Song About Gifts at Christmas
An English carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” extols the virtue of gifts as a symbol of Christmas. Originally written by Catholic clerics, the gifts in the lyrics represent various elements of the Christian religion. These code words secretly communicated the message of Christ during times of persecution.
Why has the tradition of giving gifts become a universal symbol of Christmas?
The First Christmas Gift
Christmas giving originated with God when He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth as a baby. Emmanuel, God with us, loved us by taking on human form and living among people.
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NLT)
Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God offers another gift. Salvation, the release from the death sentence we deserve for our sins, belongs to those who will humble themselves and receive it.
God sees everything we do. Beyond that, He penetrates deep into the recesses of our hearts where no motive escapes His view. Unlike Santa Claus, God does not base His gift giving on your outward behavior or on what He finds in your heart. There are no heavenly scales that weigh your good deeds against your bad deeds.
We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind. (Isaiah 64:6 NLT)
There is no acceptable payment we can muster to receive the gift of salvation. Only Jesus could pay the price by His death on the cross.
Have you received the gift of Jesus? If you’re not sure, please visit my page, Steps to Peace with God.
If you have received God’s gift of salvation, have you torn off the wrappings and integrated Jesus into your everyday life? Or have you relegated Him to a display shelf?
If you have received God’s gift of salvation, have you torn off the wrappings and integrated Jesus into your everyday life? Share on XRemember that the gift of salvation through Christ deserves first place in our hearts because of both the value of the Gift and the importance of the Giver.
The Giver of Every Good Gift
As you participate in giving gifts as a symbol of Christmas, remember that God is the original gift giver. Our desire to generously give reflects His character.
God is the original gift giver. Share on XWhatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. (James 1:17 NLT)
I pray God fills you with immeasurable joy as you celebrate the birth of Jesus this week.
Merry Christmas!
Join the conversation:
What is the most memorable Christmas gift you’ve received?
I welcome your comments!
Do you know a mom who’s raising a child with special needs? Please help me spread the word about my new podcast with weekly Bible encouragement for moms of special needs kids.
Ordinary Moms of Extraordinary Kids
Bible Encouragement for Special Needs Moms
Parenting a child with special needs requires extraordinary courage, strength, and perseverance. But what if you feel you don’t have all that it takes? What if you’re just . . . ordinary?
Annie Yorty is an ordinary mom who has been mothering an extraordinary daughter with Down syndrome for many years. She is learning to rely on God to supply the “extra” to her ordinary parenting.
God’s Word instills courage within us. That’s why Annie opens the Bible every Monday morning to offer God’s encouragement, support, and hope to other ordinary moms fighting beside her in the trenches of special needs parenting.
Annie always keeps it real about life with extraordinary kids. She never sugarcoats or minimizes the daily struggles. With calm confidence in God, she mines His Word for precious gems of truth to apply to the rough and tumble of parenting children who have special needs. The encouragement you receive will sparkle in your heart all week long.
Copyright ©2022 Annie Yorty

Holly—Symbol of Christmas
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J.D. Wininger
What a blessing to read your post today Ms. Annie. Yes, eternal life will always be the greatest gift I could ever receive, but my most memorable Christmas gift given in my human life will always remain my adoption certificate by my adopting family oh those many years ago now. To know that you finally belong and have a family that will always love you, that’s been the most wonderful gift. Not much different from God’s, except His has no expiration date. 🙂 God’s blessings sweet sister-in-Christ, and Merry CHRISTmas.
Annie Yorty
What a spectacular gift that point you to our adoption into God’s family. I’m glad to be called your sister, J.D. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Nancy E. Head
God is the best gift-giver. Thanks, Annie. God bless and merry Christmas!
Annie Yorty
Christmas blessings to you too, Nancy! Thanks for visiting.
Yvonne Morgan
Beautiful post Annie. Our salvation is the greatest gift of all time.
Annie Yorty
Absolutely the best! Blessings to you, Yvonne.
Jen Knight
Your Christmas posts have taken me back to cherished memories of my childhood. I pray we never forget the amazing gift He has given us.
Annie Yorty
I guess I was feeling a bit nostalgic this Christmas. God has been good to me all my life. Thanks for visiting, Jen, and happy new year!