Denying Jesus
by Annie Yorty ©2022
After Jesus was arrested, Peter denied Him. More than once. But he may not be the only one. What about us? Do we need a rooster’s crow to signal when we’ve been denying Jesus by not standing up for truth?
There’s something you may not know about me. I stink at bowling. Ironically, though, I coached Special Olympics bowling for years before Covid. But just about every one of my bowlers racked up a better average than I could ever hope for. It’s been said, “Those who can do; those who can’t teach.” Guess which category I fall into?
When I bowl, which isn’t often, I stand, staring down the ten pins, poised to release the ball at just the right time with just the right form. In my mind, I picture the marble-swirled orb barreling down the lane crashing directly into the head pin for a strike. And then . . . Clunk! A gutter ball. As you can imagine, I’ve wished many times for a do-over.
Similarly, I’ve often longed for another chance after I’ve denied Jesus like Peter.
We All Deny Jesus
Denying Jesus is the default human condition. And I’m human. Very human. Peter was human too. Often the mouthpiece for the other disciples, Peter strenuously declared his loyalty to Jesus at their last supper before Jesus’ death. Jesus had just told his disciples they would all desert Him. Yes, all.
“No!” Peter insisted. “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you” (Matthew 26:35 NLT)!
Yet just a short time later, we hear Peter’s vehement denial of Jesus.
Peter swore, “A curse on me if I’m lying—I don’t know the man” (Matthew 26:74 NLT)!
How quickly our hearts falter when our faith is confronted by a hostile world.
Before His death on the cross, Jesus sent out His disciples into the surrounding communities to be His witnesses. He gave the equivalent of a pep talk with specific instructions and encouragement. Then after telling them to be bold and unafraid, Jesus made a chilling statement.
Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven (Matthew 10:32-33 NLT).
Yikes! I surely don’t want to be denied in heaven. Yet, I admit that, at times, I do deny Jesus.
No doubt there’s a lengthy list of ways we deny Jesus in everyday life. But let’s zero in on two significant issues.
Denying Jesus as Your Lord
Jesus offers forgiveness from sins and eternal life to all who will believe He is God’s Son who gave His life in exchange for ours. But some refuse to surrender to His lordship in their lives, incurring serious and eternal consequences. Once our days on earth wrap up, there’s no do-over. If you’re in this camp right now, won’t you make the decision to turn to Jesus and experience His salvation and redemption?
Denying Jesus by Refusing to Speak or Act for Truth
What is truth?
The answer to this question posed by Pilate (John 18:38) at Jesus’ trial seems even more confusing today. Common word definitions change daily. Gender categories expand. Crime is excused. Suddenly, they’re selling children’s books about how natural and normal abortion is. Concepts of civility we all agreed on just yesterday now divide us. All seven billion residents of planet earth may now claim their version of truth as reality. Even some of my Christian friends have succumbed to the twisted thinking of today’s culture and left the truth in the dust.
The mob purporting the lies acts viciously and swiftly against anyone who defends God’s truth.
I know Christians who go out of their way to avoid discussion and possible repercussions on any hot button topics. Now I’m not suggesting we all ride out into battle on social media where very little is accomplished. But God brings us opportunities for face-to-face discussions every day. Just like Jesus’ disciples, we are sent out into the world—our workplaces, clubs, the gym, stores, and even our churches—to be His accurate witnesses of the truth.
Total Truth
Some Christians say, “Just focus on the gospel message. Everything else is incidental.” I agree that the good news of Jesus is the central truth. Of course, Jesus is truth (John 14:6). All truth. Every falsehood slanders Jesus. If we disregard the whole cloth of truth in areas of life outside of religion, in the end, we will find ourselves holding just a useless frayed snippet.
Is your grasp on the truth slipping in today’s rapidly changing culture? Have you, like me, denied Jesus by your silence? Or maybe even given in to pressure and compromised the truth by acquiescing to keep the peace?
There is hope for us who have chosen to follow Jesus. Peter repented and got a do-over. Jesus forgave his denial and established Peter as His church builder. Our calling is no less holy. If we confess our failings to Jesus, He will forgive and embolden us as His truth-bearers in this darkening culture.
God’s Prescription for the Faint of Heart
I am reminded of the time after Moses died and God chose Joshua as the new leader of Israel. His daunting task—battle the powerful pagans for the promised land. We’re battling too. Only our battle is not against men but against spiritual forces (Ephesians 6:12). So let’s read what God tells us through His words to Joshua.
Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors I would give them. Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do. Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do. This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:6-9 NLT).
God repetitively couples two main ideas in this passage. Be strong and courageous. How? Study and obey God’s word.
Perhaps you’re already consistently standing strong for the truth in our perverted culture. But this message about denying Jesus weighs heavily on me because I am not always courageous. If you too need encouragement in this area, I offer the following four suggestions.
- Study the Bible every day so the truth saturates your mind and heart. As you do this, it becomes easier to spot lies.
- Ask God for wisdom to apply His truth to today’s cultural issues. Hint: Today’s issues are really no different than at any other time in history (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
- Pray for courage.
- Don’t hesitate to share the truth in love.
Let’s support and pray for each other in this spiritual battle for truth. This business of standing for God’s truth demands our unity in Christ.
If you woke up today with breath in your lungs, God gave you a do-over. His mercies are new each morning. And if God is showing you any areas where you may be denying Jesus, fortify yourself in Him to stand up for total truth.
Join the conversation:
What strategies do you employ to be bold in standing for truth?
How can I pray for you in this battle?
I welcome your comments!

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Nancy E. Head
It’s uncomfortable if not difficult to speak up when we know we should. You’re so right, Annie, that there are many ways to deny Jesus. May we always affirm Him and His truth!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Nancy, for visiting and adding to the conversation. I admire how you don’t compromise the truth in your writing.
Yvonne Morgan
Thank you for the reminder about the importance of never denying Christ in our words or actions.
Annie Yorty
Yvonne, thanks so much for visiting and adding your thoughts to our conversation.
Barbara Latta
We are in a batle for truth in our society. And I have to admit I haven’t always spoke up like I should so yes, I have denied Jesus at times too. But I do pray for more boldness to stand for the gospel. (I’m a gutter bowler too, Annie!)
Annie Yorty
My sistah! Is it wrong that I feel good to have someone else in the gutter with me, Barbara? 😊 It’s also good to know God gives us wisdom and boldness to stand together in unity for the truth.
Jeannie Waters
Annie, thank you for this challenge which encourages me to check my stand for Truth. I especially appreciate the two issues you addressed at the end. Jesus is worthy of our trust and our stand for truth.
Annie Yorty
Amen, Jeannie! Jesus is worth everything we have to give. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Katherine Pasour
If we’re honest, we probably can all remember a time we denied Jesus. for me, and perhaps others, too, it involved not speaking up when I should have. Avoiding conflict by remaining silent. Your message pierces right to the heart, Annie. Thank you. I pray we all will have strength and courage.
Annie Yorty
I’d like to become more faithful to pray for brothers and sisters as well as myself to be steadfast. As the Church united under the Truth, we have more impact than we realize. Thank you for adding your thoughts to the conversation, Katherine!
I needed this message. Thank you for not holding back and sharing. It is exactly what I needed today.
Annie Yorty
Jen, thank you for visiting and commenting. Blessings to you!
Sylvia Schroeder
Thank you Annie for the challenge to speak up. God’s Word is an anchor in a world which would deny Him. Lead by the power and wisdom of His Spirit, I need to be bold in my testimony. Thanks for the reminder.
Annie Yorty
You hit on an important point, Sylvia. We need to be led by God’s wisdom about what to say and how to say it rather than just spouting off in our own wisdom. Thank you!
Candyce Carden
Strong and courageous — I’m inspired to be strong and courageous by the many examples of leaders we read about it God’s Word. And I’m convinced that our actions speak louder than words when it comes to truth.
Annie Yorty
So true, Candyce. I, too, am inspired when I read about the faithful ones who have gone before me. They all had their flaws, but God enabled them to stand. He’ll do the same for us.