Abortion–America’s National Sin
by Annie Yorty ©2022
Problems without possibility of solution simply frustrate. And America has a deeply entrenched problem with abortion. But God offers a lasting and life-giving solution for abortion, America’s national sin.
When Does Life Begin?
When I was a teen, I wrote articles for the high school newspaper. I once contributed an editorial in which I said something like, “If an unborn child is a human life, then the laws we have on the books about murder should apply to abortion. If not, then why shouldn’t abortion be permissible?” In my immaturity, I hadn’t done much research or deep thinking about the subject and did not attempt to answer my own question.
But there really wasn’t a question back then about whether a preborn child is a human being. And with today’s modern medical technology, we can be even more sure. Of course, the Bible has always affirmed the value and humanity of a child from the moment of conception (Psalm 139: 13-16).
Abortion and the Supreme Court
Recent news about a leak from the Supreme Court deliberations over abortion has sparked an outpouring of disbelief and rage from those who think a woman should be able to kill her unborn child at any time during pregnancy, and, in some cases, beyond birth.
The loudest are flaunting and celebrating their numerous abortions, declaring abortion to be one of many ways to “build a family.” Talk about a euphemism! One blogger I read insisted her aborting her baby (yes, she called it her baby) was “life-affirming” and “holy.” How ironic.
God also speaks about children.
Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him (Psalm 127:3 NLT).
Throwing away God’s gifts is nothing new for the human race. In Old Testament times, God’s own people, though they knew better, offered their children on altars to idols, or false gods. In those days, the altars were physical stands built by people to kill and display their sacrifices in the hope of appeasing these gods and attracting favor for whatever outcome they desired in their lives.
They even sacrificed their sons and their daughters to the demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters. By sacrificing them to the idols of Canaan, they polluted the land with murder (Psalm 106:37-38 NLT).
Abortion, America’s national sin, is the most blatant child sacrifice of our time. Just like the Israelites in Bible times, we have polluted not only ourselves, but also our land, with murder. Their blood cries out to God from the ground (Genesis 4:10).
How long will God withhold judgment?
God will judge America for shedding blood, just as He judged His own people in the time of Ezekiel. But He tempers His judgment with a promise we can cling to.
And I will reaffirm my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord. You will remember your sins and cover your mouth in silent shame when I forgive you of all that you have done. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken (Ezekiel 16:62-63 NLT)!
God’s heart aches for His children sacrificed on altars. His heart also aches for those trapped in the sin of abortion. Certainly, He wants to receive anyone whose desperation drove them to choose abortion over life. He also cares for the one protesting by proudly reenacting her abortions with a red-stained baby doll on a busy street corner. And those screaming epithets at truth that threatens their self-justification. And even the doctors betraying their oath to do no harm. God longs for all to return to Him and know that He is Lord.
If you have been lured by the gods of this world, take heart. Turn away from them. Cast yourself upon God’s mercy and be forgiven and free. Share on XReturn to God
From where does our nation return?
We must return from the gods of idols that demand the sacrificial blood of our children: Science, Economy, Convenience, Freedom, Deception, Power, Arrogance, Self.
The book of Ezekiel warns about God’s wrath and judgment against those who shed blood. But He sprinkles the certainty of judgment with the availability of mercy toward those who respond to His judgment with repentance.
In Ezekiel sixteen, God promised to “reaffirm” His covenant with anyone who repents, or feels sorrow, for sin. His covenant is His promise to be our God and make us His people (Jeremiah 24:7). It is fulfilled through the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross and His resurrection by the power of God.
Our True Choice
The gods of this world require the sacrifice of our children. The true God of the Bible allowed His own Son to be sacrificed so we could enjoy eternal life in relationship with Him. Which has proved worthy of trust and worship?
If you have been lured by the gods of this world, take heart. Turn away from them. Cast yourself upon God’s mercy and be forgiven and free.
For I will be merciful toward their wrongdoings, and their sins I will no longer remember (Hebrews 8:12 NASB).
Prayer for Abortion, America’s National Sin
Brothers and sisters, will you join me in a prayer of repentance for abortion? Like Nehemiah confessed and repented for his nation’s sins, we can pray for our country. You can find my article with more on praying for our country at Crosswalk.
Join the conversation:
Do you have a favorite Bible verse that you pray over America, specifically about our national sin?
Have you witnessed the power of God’s healing forgiveness after abortion?
I welcome your comments!
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Nancy E. Head
I love this post! Our national sin! May we humble ourselves and ask forgiveness. Thank you, Annie, for speaking up for the voiceless! God bless!
Annie Yorty
Praise God, Nancy, that God made a way back to Him from this awful stain. We all need to take responsibility and repent.
Well written and very thought provoking. Sadly abortion isn’t limited to the United States. In fact, as you know, many countries so widely accept it, it’s not even under discussion. Although the pro-abortion rhetoric is fraught with illogical and hypocritical arguments, I’m somewhat hopeful that there is any any kind of dialog. So often the loudest one squeaking, is the one that gets heard, and pre-born babies need a very loud advocate.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Scotta. From what I read, some other countries seem to be putting some limitations on abortion while our leadership is resisting any restrictions. But you’re right. The latest news is prompting conversations. Thanks for visiting!
Katherine Pasour
A powerful message, Annie, and presented so effectively that even the hardest of hearts should recognize the enormity of this tragedy. Thanks for your courage in writing about this painful issue. Much prayer needed!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Katherine. I pray God breaks our hearts over abortion. We’ve lost so much!
Barbara Latta
It is unbelievable how people can call murder a right. Now some states even legalize killing a baby up to 28 days after birth. This has happened because for too long believers were silent about issues like this thinking they weren’t supposed to get involved in politics. But even though some have made this a political issue, it is not–this is about right and wrong. Funny how those who support this didn’t have parents who supported abortion, isn’t it?
Annie Yorty
There are so many lies circulating about abortion. Often, when people understand the truth, they change their mind. Sadly, some don’t.
Debbie Wilson
Annie, I’ve been struck by how a nation’s sin pollutes the land. Thank you for speaking out on this with honesty and compassion.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Debbie, for visiting. That surprised me too, but it makes sense because the earth itself suffers the effects of sin.
Candyce Carden
How very powerful, Annie. I like how you point out that Science, Economy, Convenience, Freedom, Deception, Power, Arrogance, and Self are idols. To seek these idols over a precious little one’s life is horrendous and hard to understand. Those who do suffer scars of shame and guilt, and my prayer is they turn to God for forgiveness and healing.
Annie Yorty
I pray with you, Candyce. I have known many who have these scars, and God is faithful to heal and redeem. Praise Him!
My heart breaks reading this. I do join you in praying.
Annie Yorty
Thank you so much, Jen.
Yvonne Morgan
Very powerful post Annie. I appreciate you sharing it. I feel so awful about seeing so many people stand up for this practice. God heal us and heal our lands.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Yvonne. God is our hope.
Connie Wohlford
A national sin, indeed!
Yes, we certainly have a lot of repenting to do along with continued prayer.
I’m grateful to be hearing that more and more, young people are becoming pro-life.
Thank you for this post. I shared it on Twitter.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Connie. We need to keep speaking up with hope and help.
Joanna Eccles
I do pray for our country. I pray that as Christians we find ways to share the love of God to a hurting world in winsome ways that don’t deny the truth yet still point people to the freedom and forgiveness found in Christ.
Annie Yorty
Agreed, Joanna. It’s difficult when we don’t exactly know who’s in our audience and what their needs are, but I trust God to direct our words to the ones who need to hear the message in that particular way. Thank you so much for visiting and adding your insights!