7 Verses to Remember the Lord is our Banner
by Annie Yorty ©2022
What does a flag mean to you? Long ago, Flag Day was established on June 14th to honor the national flag of the United States. To receive such a day of recognition, the flag must truly be an integral part of our nation’s identity. In the same way, The Lord our Banner must define a Christ-follower’s identity.
A flag, also known as a banner, symbolizes an organization. It tells something about its history and shared values. For countries at war, it rallies soldiers in battles.
The various elements of the flag of the United States communicate our national values. Red stripes, the color of blood, represent valor and bravery. White stripes denote purity and innocence. The blue field containing a star for each state portrays vigilance, perseverance, and justice. Though we sometimes fall short of these ideals, they are worthy of national pursuit.
The Lord is our Banner (Flag)
One of the lesser-known names of God is Jehovah-Nissi. In the Old Testament, after God delivered His people, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt, they spent time wandering in a wilderness. That’s when the vicious Amalekites attacked. For as long as Moses held out the staff from God, the Israelites were winning the battle. When Moses’ arms drooped from fatigue, the Amalekites gained the upper hand. Ultimately, Moses’ friends held up his arms, and by the end of the day, the Israelites tasted victory.
That miraculous win brought a new understanding of God’s character and prompted Moses to build an altar to the Lord.
Moses built an altar there and named it Yahweh-Nissi (which means “the Lord is my banner”) (Exodus 17:15 NLT).
Moses recognized God as his banner, or flag. According to Holman Bible Dictionary, the banner “was a sign carried to give a group a rallying point.”
Star-Spangled Banner
Remember the lines penned by Francis Scott Key in the Star-Spangled Banner?
O say, does that star spangled banner yet wave
O’re the land of the free and the home of the brave?
In the War of 1812, those observing the battle of Fort McHenry longed to see the flag of the United States still waving in the first rays of dawn after a night of relentless bombardment. Francis Scott Key huddled with his compatriots on a British frigate as the enemy pummeled Baltimore City. In the blackness of night, he wondered how his beloved fledgling country could possibly survive.
Perhaps you wonder if you will survive the battle you’re now fighting.
God’s banner, His character, defines our victory in Jesus. Share on XWhat does it mean for us to see the Lord as our banner?
It’s true that we all face severe struggles in our life on earth (John 16:33). In the darkness of adversity, we wonder if God, our banner, is still there.
But God’s banner, His character, defines our victory in Jesus. In the light of the Son, we will perceive God—always steadfast and victorious.
Knowing that the Light of the World will reveal the Lord our banner, can you hold on in faith for another day?
7 Verses to Remember the Lord is our Banner
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1 NLT).
This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9 NLT).
But take heart, because I [Jesus] have overcome the world (John 16:33b NLT).
But you have raised a banner for those who fear you—a rallying point in the face of attack. Now rescue your beloved people. Answer and save us by your power (Psalm 60:4-5 NLT).
But you, O Lord, are a shield around me; you are my glory, the one who holds my head high (Psalm 3:3 NLT).
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection (Psalm 18:2 NLT).
But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57 NLT).
Cling to God’s Word in the darkness of uncertainty. Allow it to fortify your faith as you wait for the dawn.
Join the conversation:
Do you have a favorite Bible verse to remind you of God’s victory?
Would you like someone to pray with you through your battle? Email me at Annie@AnnieYorty.com.
I welcome your comments!

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Nancy E. Head
Wonderful encouragement, Annie. Our protection is from God.
Annie Yorty
Thanks for visiting, Nancy!
Debbie Wilson
Inspiring and encouraging. Thank you, Annie.
Annie Yorty
I truly appreciate your visit, Debbie.
Katherine Pasour
Thank you for reminding us about Flag Day and sharing historical information about it. You’ve shared many of my favorite verses as you affirm God as our banner. Your message is one of faith, hope, and assurance. Thank you, Annie.
Annie Yorty
Katherine, thank you for visiting and adding your thoughtful comments to the conversation.
Barbara Latta
Thank you for honoring our banner on Flag Day. Today there is too much disparity regarding our nation’s symbols.
Annie Yorty
I agree, Barbara. As citizens we should honor our symbols and work to make our country better every day. “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people” Proverbs 14:34 ESV.
Thank you. You asked about a favorite verse along these lines and that would have to be the imagery from Psalm 27 for me: “Though a host encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war arise against me, in spite of this, I shall be confident!” Then verses 5 and 6, but really, Psalm 27 is such a beautiful whole that I hate to pull out verses.
I have other studies going on, so I’m unlikely to be a regular, but I shall think of you as a new found friend, whom I get to visit occasionally.
Annie Yorty
Welcome, Marla! Thank you for visiting and adding your insights so others can be encouraged. Anytime you are able to join me here, I would love to hear from you. God bless you!
This is one of my favorite names of God. I often imagine the banner as physical and His love is wrapped around me.
Annie Yorty
I love that word picture!
Janet Ruth
I enjoyed your post about God being our banner – our rallying point. He is our victory no matter what circumstances we face today. That’s so important to remember!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Janet, for your encouragement.
Jeannie Waters
Annie, your discussion of the US flag and Jehovah Nissi, our Banner, is encouraging and interesting. After reading your summary of the War of 1812, this statement was especially meaningful: “But God’s banner, His character, defines our victory in Jesus. In the light of the Son, we will perceive God—always steadfast and victorious.” Excellent post.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Jeannie. I don’t know about you, but I need to be reminded God has already won our spiritual battles.
Yvonne Morgan
I love all the names of God that we find in the Bible. They tell us so much about His character. Thanks for sharing this one with us, Annie.
Annie Yorty
I agree, Yvonne. And I love the stories that go along with each one. God is Wonderful!
Sylvia Schroeder
Annie, I love the thought that God is our rallying point. I have often been encouraged with knowing the Lord is my banner, but your post helped me appreciate better its meaning. Thank you.
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Sylvia, for visiting and adding to the conversation.
Christina Strickland
Christians should know what pledging allegiance is though in legal terms. We can only fly ONE banner. So Jehovah Nissi the LORD is our banner. Banner in Webster is akin to flag.
When people pledge allegiance to the flag if you look up the first 16 words according to legal terms/blacks law it is “Promising to be the surety for the national debt of the U.S. corporation.” I’m not having my children pledge to the surety for the nations evil debt. That’s just bananas.
The Bible warns us to not pledge but to let our yes be yes and our no be no. To not swear an oath but to let our yes be yes and our no be no. So we should never put our hands up to pledge to any flag. We pledge allegiance to th LORD only, and we should never swear in court on our Bible bc it goes against what our Bible says to do. It truly in a legal sense is a trap and we have to serve only One God, One Banner, not both. We are called to be in this world not of it. So no national or state flag is ours, the LORD alone is our banner whom we pledge our service too ❤️
Annie Yorty
Christina, thank you for adding your insights to the conversation. As citizens of heaven, we are, indeed, foreigners in this world, longing for our true home. God has placed each of us within a geographical country to be an ambassador of His light and life.
Kimberly G.
Wow, Thank-you so much, your words have encouraged me sister, I thank-you from the Bottom of my heart. The historical information is AWESOME, I love history for lots of reasons, one of the them being; History teaches us MUCH!!! I think we as humans forget about that!!!
God Bless you
P.S. I sure am Longing for My True Home!!! It will be soon, I can feel, see it!!!!
Annie Yorty
Praise God for His Word that brings us hope. And His promises that never fail. Thank you for visiting, Kimberly. God bless you!
Deborah Robinson
I really needed this today. I have confessed the Lord is my banner for years, more than I can remember. Today the Lord prompted to study Jehovah Nissi. This article is such a encouragement to me and I am sure it will be an encouragement to other so I have already began to share it. Thank you and may God bless you and continue to strengthen and empower you for every endeavor He has placed in your heart.
Annie Yorty
Deborah, thank you for your encouraging words and blessing today. I pray God continues to bless you with an increasing knowledge and experience of His unfailing love in your life.
Michelle M.
Thank you so much for this awesome teaching. I loved the comparison to the battle and flag of America as a visual. This morning, while spending time with God, I heard the words “let me be your banner”. I wasn’t quite sure what that meant and immediately went to explore. It was confirmation to my prayers of thanksgiving and a reminder of a God’s faithfulness. Never has He left me nor forsaken me. If He did it then, why wouldn’t He now. A true testament to His love for us.
Annie Yorty
Michelle, your comments made my day. I always hope to point hearts to God’s unfailing goodness, so I’m glad to hear how He used the message He’s given me to confirm your awareness of Him. Beautiful!