How God Advocates for You (Part 1)
by Annie Yorty ©2021
Advocacy is not a topic we think about often, especially when talking about God. But God advocates for you in distinct, yet unified ways.
Advocate has been the title printed on my business card for many years. It was assigned to me by Unto, a ministry where I volunteer.
I’m pretty sure I never would have chosen this label for myself. After all, what exactly does an advocate do?
Recently, I realized advocacy has been close to my heart for a long time. It’s been a natural part of who I am for far longer and for many more interests than Unto, a Cru humanitarian aid organization. It’s what God created me to do. That’s why I dug into the Bible to learn more about how God advocates for us.
Three Definitions of Advocate
There are several definitions noted for advocate by Merriam Webster. The Bible illustrates how God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit demonstrate all distinctions of Advocate.
- Advocate: one who pleads the cause of another
This definition refers primarily to the concept of a courtroom proceeding. An advocate, or attorney, represents the accused before the judge and jury. He or she brings the right evidence, witnesses, and questions to defend a client against charges.
My dear children, I am writing this to you so that you will not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous. He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world. (1 John 2:1-2 NLT)
In this scene written by John, we can visualize a courtroom presided over by the Holiest of all judges—God the Father. His standard is perfection. The accused has no hope of measuring up. But the client relies on a star attorney. His advocate is none other than Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son. Jesus is the truly righteous One. So He willingly exchanged places with His client and received the death sentence. That’s how Jesus advocated for us in an unparalleled and unprecedented way.
- Advocate: one who defends or maintains a cause
As an advocate for Unto for more than fifteen years, I wholeheartedly support their work. I promote their mission to anyone who will listen. Likewise, God’s Spirit promotes the cause of Christ:
“But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me. (John 15:26 NLT)
Jesus said these words to His disciples just before He allowed Himself to be executed on a cross. Just when they thirsted for more of Jesus, He said He was leaving. But then Jesus promised an Advocate, the Holy Spirit, would lead them into even greater truth. The hope of this promise sliced like a beacon through the fog of confusion the disciples must have felt.
Jesus made good on His promise. The Holy Spirit lives within each follower of Christ to testify, or tell the truth, about Jesus. In other words, God the Spirit advocates the character of Christ to us. One function of the Spirit is to promote the supremacy and glory of God to and through each individual believer. Because the Spirit is one with God the Father and Jesus the Son, we have access to all we need to accurately represent the glory of God through our lives.
- Advocate: one who supports or promotes the interests of a group
It is said there is power in numbers. A group identity sometimes multiplies power exponentially over an individual’s power.
But what if you are a helpless person settled squarely in the midst of a vulnerable group?
Often such a group lacks access to be heard, to make needs known, to effect change.
But in fact, it is best for you that I go away, because if I don’t, the Advocate won’t come. If I do go away, then I will send him to you. (John 16:7 NLT)
Some versions of the Bible translate the word Advocate as Helper. According to Strong’s Greek, the word stems from the Greek word parakletos. The first part, para, suggests staying side-by-side. The second part, kletos, means to make a judgment call. Together they indicate the idea of intimately knowing exactly what is needed because of close proximity.
Pride often makes it hard to admit we are utterly helpless. We have no natural defenses against Satan. And we claim no right to demand anything from God. We desperately need a Helper. God’s Spirit is the One who sees our deepest needs and advocates for us with God the Father to meet them.
Within these three definitions, you will be able to perceive that God the Father, Son, and Spirit, perfectly united, advocate for you in the best possible way.
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us (Romans 8:31 NLT)?
Join the conversation:
How have you experienced God’s advocacy for you?
How can you respond to God’s gracious advocacy?
I welcome your comments!

Looking Upward
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