Happy New Year Giveaway
by Annie Yorty
I pray you had a wonderful celebration of Christ’s birth. Now as we look ahead to the new year to come, I want to tell you about two wonderful resources for the moms in the audience and any mom in your life. Keep reading until the end to learn about my happy new year giveaway.
Growing a Mother’s Heart Bible Study by Karen Whiting
Motherhood is a lofty calling, but moms often get weighed down by the everyday cares of raising children. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time for a mom to bolster her spiritual strength. Karen Whiting’s Bible study nourishes the hearts of busy moms so they know God better day by day.
Each week’s manageable lessons include Scripture and insights, prayers, and practical tips and ideas any mom can put into practice. As they study God’s Word, moms gain wisdom and confidence to apply His principles to their family life.
As moms work through the Bible readings and application each week, God expands their love for Him and for their children. Moms will be encouraged to persevere in their calling with grace and truth.
You can learn more about the ministry of Karen Whiting at her website, and you can order her book at Amazon by clicking the links.
From Ignorance to Bliss by Annie Yorty
Recently this inspirational book about motherhood won a second place Angel Award from Faith and Fellowship Book Festival. One of the judges commented that its message is relevant and encouraging to any mom, not just those who have children with disabilities.
I’m a mom of a grown child with Down syndrome as well as a couple who have developed typically. I’ve learned that parenting a child with an intellectual disability has many similarities to typical parenting.
From Ignorance to Bliss is a scrapbook of mothering stories that transparently shares the twists and turns of parenting along with hope and encouragement from God. It covers topics such as parenting expectations, education, stress, medical issues, recreation, siblings and friends, rejection and disappointment, and triumphs and joys. Moms will enjoy the transparency, humor, poignancy, and practical insights found in this book.
You can order From Ignorance to Bliss from Amazon by clicking the link.
A Happy New Year Giveaway
I would like to bless a lucky mom who needs encouragement from God in the year 2024 with a free copy of Karen Whiting’s book, Growing a Mother’s Heart Bible Study. If you are a mom or know a mom who would benefit from this book, please comment below to enter the happy new year giveaway. Tell how you think either of these books would inspire you in your motherhood calling.
On Friday, January 4th, I will select a name at random from the comments to this blog post. If you’ve won, I’ll send you an email to get your mailing address (must be within the continental U.S.).
A New Year Giveaway for Moms #annieyorty #happynewyear2024 Share on XA New Year Prayer for You
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9 NLT)
Dear Father, as we turn the page to a new year, we ask You to expand our understanding of Your majesty and greatness so we may glimpse Your amazing plans for our good. Though we cannot fully grasp all that You have prepared for us, we can live in faith that You will be actively working to carry out Your purposes in our lives throughout the coming year. We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Join the conversation:
Tell about yourself or a mom in your life who needs encouragement in her calling to enter the book giveaway.
I welcome your comments!
Copyright ©2023 Annie Yorty

Courage to Believe

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Brenda W
Growing a Mother’s Heart sounds like a great Bible study.
Annie Yorty
It truly is. Thanks for visiting!
Annie Yorty
I think you would enjoy it. Karen Whiting presents great insights born of experience in a very practical way.
Barbara Latta
As moms we need the Word of God. I don’t know how those who don’t have a relationship with our heavenly Father get through life. Thanks for sharing this book with your readers. Karen Whiting is a great author and encourager. Happy New Year, Annie!
Annie Yorty
God’s Word is the best teacher. Thanks for visiting, Barbara!
Katherine Pasour
As all mothers learn sooner or later, babies don’t come with an instruction manual. We learn by trial and error, guidance from others, and lots of prayer. Karen’s book sounds wonderful (and I already know that From Ignorance to Bliss is also an awesome, inspiring, and informative book). Praying for all mothers–our children bring us love, joy, and worry opportunities for a lifetime. Happy New Year, Annie!
Annie Yorty
Katherine, I had to chuckle at your term, “worry opportunities.” Indeed, children give us lots of worry opportunities, but we can always turn them into opportunities to trust God. I guess that’s what From Ignorance to Bliss is all about–the twists and turns of parenting and how God uses them to teach us to rely on Him. Bless you, my friend!
Yvonne Morgan
Sounds like a wonderful Bible study Annie. Thank you for your commitment to serving God. Happy New Year
Annie Yorty
Happy new year to you too, Yvonne!
Jeannie Waters
Annie, thank you for sharing wonderful resources. I love your book, and I’m sure Karen’s is a blessing to readers. Happy 2024!
Annie Yorty
Thanks for visiting, Jeannie. Happy New Year to you and your family!
Annie Yorty
Congratulations, Barbara Latta! You have won Karen Whiting’s book, Growing a Mother’s Heart Bible Study. I will be in touch ASAP. Happy new year!