Give Thanks for God’s Provision
by Annie Yorty ©2021
Karla, an old friend, recently told me something she heard that really stuck. Her pastor said we should have just one day of the year for being ungrateful and 364 days of thanksgiving rather than the other way around. What a great idea! This Thanksgiving season let’s resolve to give thanks for God’s provision every day of the year.
When God’s Provision Seems Scarce
Some years ago, my dear hard-working hubby was laid off from his job. To say it was a difficult time would be an understatement. But through that year of uncertainty, God dispelled any doubts I harbored about His provision.
After the initial shock of losing the job, we launched into austerity mode. We cut back everywhere possible—restaurants, entertainment, activities, etc. And Jeff worked odd jobs to earn a fraction of his income. But still, had I committed the budget to paper, I knew the red ink would flood over the dam of unemployment.
Each month the bills for essentials loomed. With much fretting and praying (the former being totally unnecessary), I sent each payment. After a couple months, I noticed a pattern. God provided.
Not only did God provide, but He also blessed us above and beyond the necessities. A local restaurant had a free pancake night for kids once a week. We won some McD’s coupons for French fries. We found many free activities for learning and fun. Someone anonymously gifted our family money to cover some expenses. Through this, we learned to better perceive and give thanks for God’s provision.
God promises His provision to those who put their trust in Him
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Now all glory to God our Father forever and ever! Amen. (Philippians 4:19-20 NLT)
Every year around Thanksgiving, a memory picture pops up on my Facebook account. It’s from 2004 when Alyssa, Stuart, and a friend collaborated on a Thanksgiving poem and created a gratitude poster. It was one of many traditions we developed while homeschooling for sixteen years.
Thanksgiving traditions help us to give thanks for God’s provisions. Below are some of my favorite ideas to help individuals and families focus on gratitude to God. Perhaps you’ll pick up an idea or two for new traditions in your family!
Ideas to Help Give Thanks for God’s Provision
Underline in your Bible.
In your daily Bible reading, underline or highlight what you see there to thank God for.
Create a thanksgiving journal.
Take a minute to reflect and write what provision you thank God for each day. Some folks I know give thanks for God’s provision each day on social media.
Memorize a Bible verse each week.
Choose verses that thank God for His provision. A good place to start is the psalms, especially Psalm 136 and Psalm 65.
Focus on a song of thanksgiving each week.
Choose some of your favorites or click the link above for a handy list with lyrics and music videos.
Write a thank you note to God.
Ask each person in the family to write a thank you note to God and read them aloud at Thanksgiving dinner.
Create a family thanksgiving pumpkin.
Choose a large pumpkin to be the centerpiece on your table for the month. At mealtimes, each family member writes or draws with a permanent marker what they’re thankful for. Include everything from the minutia to the monumental.
Write a collaborative poem.
Ask your children to work together to write a poem to give thanks for God’s provision. Have them read and/or act it out at Thanksgiving dinner. If you’re not especially poetic, try using Psalm 136 and inserting what God has specifically provided for your family.
Ask each person in the family to write and send a letter of thanks to an individual who positively impacted them.
As you put the letters in the mail, pray and thank God for that person.
Make a collage of pictures either digitally or on poster board to represent God’s provision to your family.
Save them from year to year and pull them out to remember to give thanks for God’s provision.
Anonymous appreciation.
Decorate a box or envelope for each family member. Throughout the month of Thanksgiving, each person writes notes for other family members saying something they appreciate about them. To make it more fun, try not to be noticed putting the notes in the box. Open the boxes on Thanksgiving and read the appreciation. Guess who might have written the note.
Thankful jar.
Make slips of paper for people to write things they thank God for. At the dinner table on Thanksgiving, go around the table allowing each person to pull a slip from the jar and offer a prayer of thanks to God.
Thanksgiving charades.
Using the same slips of paper, play family charades.
Annual Thanksgiving book.
Give an index card to each person on Thanksgiving. Each writes their name, the date, and three provisions of God for which they give thanks. After reading them aloud, put the cards on a ring and collect them from year to year for review.
Gratitude walk.
Take a hike together to look for things you’re grateful for. Take pictures and make a photo album of thanksgiving.
Thankful handprint turkey.
Trace your hand to make a handprint turkey. Write things you thank God for on the feathers.
Family discussion.
Choose one night each week to discuss and give thanks for God’s intangible provisions such as grace, mercy, freedom, hope, forgiveness, love, and justice. Talk about how God defines those words, how we have personally received them, and how we can exemplify them.
Make place cards for Thanksgiving dinner.
Write a different thanksgiving verse on blank index cards. At dinner, each person reads their verse.
These are but a few ideas to help us give thanks for God’s provision. For other Thanksgiving ideas, visit my other blog posts, Give Thanks for Who God Is and Give Thanks for God’s Presence.
Always Give Thanks for God’s Provision
I’m not sure what kind of year you have experienced, but this verse from Psalm 65 applies to any circumstances:
You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance (Psalm 65:11 NLT).
This verse promises that even during difficult times of life, God will provide.
Perhaps you’re struggling through a hard season as we were during unemployment. Do not fear. If you don’t yet see God at work, pray and give thanks in advance for God’s provision.
Then prepare to be wowed!
Join the conversation:
Would you share a time when you experienced God’s unexpected provision?
What is your favorite tradition to give thanks for God’s provision?
I welcome your comments!
Ann, Love you sweet lady. You have so many wonderful ideas. May God bless you and your family through this Thanksgiving season. We need to call each other. Love and miss you.
Annie Yorty
I love and miss you too, Toby! Thank you for visiting and reading.
Debbie Shreve
Ilove all the ideas to do to help be thankful.
Annie Yorty
I’m glad you enjoyed them, Debbie. Thanks for visiting!
I’ve always liked the idea of writing things you’re thankful for and collecting them in a jar. But I LOVE the idea of then using them to play a game of charades with the family! A great new twist on a traditional idea.
Annie Yorty
Thanks, Joy!
Cari Lewis
I LOVE the thanksgiving jar idea. This is another fun idea to save and read the slips from the jar through difficult times.
Annie Yorty
I like the jar of remembrance idea, Cari. It’s biblical to encourage ourselves in this way. Thanks!
Katherine Pasour
I love the suggestion, 364 days of Thanksgiving and 1 day to be ungrateful. What a great thought to live by. Your suggestions as to how we can express our thankfulness for our blessings and our gratitude to others are wonderful, Annie. Happy Thanksgiving!
Annie Yorty
Thank you, Katherine. Happy Thanksgiving to you!
I just finished a book with the second to last chapter on this. She had us write ten times we have seen God provide to hold onto in the hard moments when we doubt. I live all of your ideas you have.
Annie Yorty
So true–thank you!
Barbara Latta
God never disappoints and always provides. When fear attacks, our minds doubt but His Word is always true. I remember a similar time when my husband was out of work. We received a cashier’s check in the mail from an anonymous benefactor. Soon afterward, he found another job. There are many more examples of His provision in our lives. Thanks for sharing and I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!
Annie Yorty
Same to you, Barbara! Thank you for sharing your testimony of God’s faithfulness.