God's purpose
Perceiving God's purpose
Celebrate God
by Annie Yorty “What did you do this week?” Have you ever made it all the way to Friday before someone asked you this question? When you opened your mouth to reply, you discovered you’ve been so…
Be Prepared in 2023
by Annie Yorty As the calendar turns over to each new year, I tune in to hear from God about a big picture concept He wants me to focus on for the next 365 days. This year,…
Bells—Symbol of Christmas
by Annie Yorty Doorbells announce. Warning bells alarm. School bells remind. Chimes of all kinds serve an important purpose. One of my favorites, church bells, call people to worship. At Christmas, they proclaim the birth of Jesus.…
Gifts—Symbol of Christmas
by Annie Yorty Most of us can think back to a special gift we received at Christmas. Maybe its significance sticks not because of the object, but because of the giver. Whatever the reason, we enjoy gifts…
Holly—Symbol of Christmas
by Annie Yorty Holly—we use its boughs to deck the halls in preparation for Christmas festivities. At least that’s what the song says. Fa la la la la, la la la la. The glossy evergreen leaves complement…