
  • be bold
    General,  God's Presence,  God's purpose

    Be Bold

    by Annie Yorty I’ve noticed an interesting inverse correlation in today’s culture. Self-promotion—the expression of one’s characteristics, opinions, or activities—has rocketed off the charts while truth-promotion has plummeted. We have grown timid in our role as image-bearers…

  • great exchange
    General,  God's purpose

    The Great Exchange

    by Annie Yorty ©2022 The Bible lists many blessings God gives to those who choose to make Him Lord of their life. Salvation through Jesus has a transactional nature in which there is a great exchange. A…

  • a red flag

    A Red Flag

    by Annie Yorty ©2022 We’re living in a strange time. I never imagined a situation in which workers could persuade their employers to sanction full-time work from home. I must admit, it makes life more convenient. When…