What’s So Great about Unity?
by Annie Yorty Seattle Times: Assassination attempt: A call for unity NPR: Biden calls for unity following Trump assassination attempt Daily News: Trump calls for unity in emotional Republican convention speech after shooting Even with a name…
Christmas in July
by Annie Yorty Christmas in July As a lover of all things Christmas, I’ve sometimes allowed the hoopla of holiday symbols and traditions to eclipse Jesus–the star of the season. Can anyone relate? Before we renounce our…
No Condemnation
by Annie Yorty “Shouldn’t I feel condemned when I’ve done something wrong?” My friend asked, not really listening for my answer. “Of course, because He hates sin,” she continued. From a human standpoint, her logic makes sense.…
Use Your Privilege
by Annie Yorty As a parent, I gave special privileges to my children when they proved themselves ready to use them responsibly. As a child of God, you have privilege. He wants you to enjoy and use…
Best Friends Forever
by Annie Yorty Friends add to the quality of our lives, but relationships can sometimes be tricky. Through Jesus Christ, we have the absolute best friend who will never fail us. He makes the way for us…